Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Best Turn Around Ever

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I nearly scream as the backup power comes on yet again.

“Christina calm down sweetie,” my co-worker Heather says lightly tapping my shoulder.

“I’m sorry but this job is stressful enough without having to deal with this fucking bullshit with this back up power,” I rant looking at the clock to see we only have fifteen more minutes before we can leave.

“Well, here come the girls for the next shift now. All we have to do is give them report and wait for the clock to strike eleven,” Heather reassures me.

“OK, sorry I’ve been such a bitch tonight but this has been the day from hell,” I say sighing as the girls walk into the NIC unit and we quickly give them the report. “Good luck,” I say as Heather and I make our way out to our cars.

“See you later hun,” Heather says as we begin to part ways towards our cars.

“See you,” I say with a slight wave before crawling into my car and quickly speeding off the hospital grounds so I can light up a cig on my way home. When I pull into my driveway there’s several other cars there making me sigh,” Fan-fucking-tastic,” as I put my head on my steering wheel. “Hey,” I mumble at everyone as I walk through the living room and make my way upstairs before hoping in the shower.

“What’s up with you?” Zacky asks, scaring the hell out of me, as I step out of the shower.

“I just had a super shitty day at work and didn’t want to do anything but veg out when I got home bit now I can’t,” I explain as I slip into a tank top, pj pants and a hoodie.

“Oh,” he says looking at me funny.

“But everyone’s here so I’ll play nice and try to be social,” I say with a slight sigh as I put my wet hair up in a clip.

“That would be nice,” Zacky says with a slight laugh as he gives me a quick kiss before we head downstairs.

“So what was up with the half ass greeting hooker?” Megan asks as we sit down on the couch beside her and Brian.

“It was the day from hell at work. Do you have any idea how fucking sketchy a hospital is when only backup power is on and in between the two hot seconds that it takes the backup power to kick on its pitch ass black,” I complain as I rub my face.

“From the sounds of it you need this more than I do so I’ll go get another one,” Matt says handing me a beer.

“You have no clue how much I love you right now for this,” I explain with a smile. “Thanks love.”

“No problem,” Matt says smiling as he goes back into the kitchen to replace the beer he just handed me.

“That does sound like a super shitty day a work,” Megan says with a slight nod of her head.

“Yeah, you don’t know the half of it. I just really wish I had gotten the ER job instead of the NICU job; I feel like it couldn’t be as bad if I had that one,” I explain rubbing my temples.

“Why would that be easier?” Megan asks looking confused.

“Because then I wouldn’t have to deal with very sick babies when I’m at work it would be easier than that with just normal people I feel like; well, based on my experience it would be,” I explain with a slight sigh.

“Your job sounds like it blows,” Brian says looking at me oddly.

“It does… so much you have no fucking clue,” I explain cuddling into Zacky even more; if that’s really possible at this point.

“You guys just want to watch a movie since I don’t think Chris can take much more than that?” Zacky asks looking down at me.

“No; I don’t want to watch a movie. I want to watch Invader Zim,” Megan says with a slight smile.

“That’s the best thing I’ve heard all freaking night,” I say with a smile. “But someone has to put it in because I refuse to let Zacky get up because I’m way to comfy right now,” I say with a slight smile before Zacky quickly gives me a peck on the lips.

“Got ya covered,” Johnny says before getting up and popping in the first disc of the series.

“So this night has defiantly taken the best turn ever,” I say smiling several hours later.

“However; I’m tired as hell so if he wants to stay up with you guys that’s cool but I’m going to bed because I don’t think I can keep my eyes open for one more second,” I say suppressing a yawn.

“I’m with her so, love you guys, but get out of our house,” Zacky says laughing as he yawns too.

“I feel the love guys. Bye hooker,” Megan says quickly giving me a hug.

“Bye. See you guys later,” I call out to everyone else as I make my way outside and quickly light up.

“So I’m glad by the end of the night you’re day wasn’t total shit,” Zacky says kissing my head as he joins me outside.

“Me too babe,” I say with a slight smile as I cuddle up to him and we finish our cigs before heading upstairs where I nearly pour myself into bed.
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Work Outfit