Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Going To Miss This

So it’s been three weeks since Zacky and I had our conversation about me taking the job in Chicago and today he’s helping me move over 2,000 miles there. I’ve leased a small two bedroom apartment about two blocks from the hospital I’ll be working at. It’s in an adorably old looking building with only three floors. The only downside to this place is it’s so close to a college so going out to the bar should be fun.

“I’m so glad we’re finally here,” I whine as I climb out of the U-Haul; glad that the two and a half day drive is finally over and we’re staring up at the beautiful building I’m going to be living in.

“I’m not,” Zacky pouts making me frown.

“Come on we said we weren’t going to do that,” I pout back as I open the back door to the truck and stare at all the shit we have to move up.

“I know; sorry,” he says grabbing a box.

“OK so I’m going to go run into the office and get stuff straight baby; just chill for a while,” I say with a quick smile before I run into the office. Twenty minutes later I come back up to the truck with the key to my new apartment and a big smile on my face. “OK babe you ready to move all of this shit up stairs?” I ask tucking my key into my pocket before grabbing my purse and two boxes.

“What is it with you and going places there’s only stairs and no elevator?” Zacky asks as we climb the staircase and go up to my new apartment door.

“Well, my place was a town house so naturally the bedrooms were on the second floor and I had nothing to do with the design of your place,” I say as I battle the old wooden door to open.

“I think that’s the first time since you moved it you called it my place,” Zacky says before dropping his boxes off in the kitchen and heading back to the truck to get more.

“God, this is going to be a long ass day,” I mumble to myself before throwing my hair up on my way back out to the truck.

Three hours, fifteen trips back and forth from the truck to the apartment and two small arguments later everything is finally in my new apartment. “Baby do you want to take a shower while I unpack stuff?” I ask Zacky as I open my kitchen boxes.

“No; I’ll help you unpack. I want to spend as much time with you as I can before I leave tomorrow,” he says kissing the top of my head before he grabs a box and starts to unpack it.

“So now that we’ve unpacked the kitchen, living room, and bathroom and put my bed up I’m starving. Want to order something for dinner?” I ask Zacky as I quickly crack my back and look outside to see the millions of lights sprawling across the city view outside my building.

“Yeah; what do you want to order?” Zacky asks standing behind me before wrapping his arms around me so we could both see his phone.

“I’m down for Chinese or pizza you pick babe,” I say watching him punch something into a search engine on his phone.

“I’m Italian so obviously I’m going to pick pizza,” Zacky says with a slight laugh kissing the top of my head.

“You know we have to get a cheese with black olives deep dish pizza right?” I ask leaning back into him.

“Yeah; I’m going to go call them. Why don’t you start unpacking your room,” Zacky suggests before walking into the kitchen.

I sigh looking at all of the boxes in my room and finally decide to sit down in the middle of my floor and grab the first box I can and started unpacking it.

“Pizza will be here in twenty minutes,” Zacky says walking into my room going to grab a box.

“Babe, why don’t we just go chill on the couch and watch a movie or something; I’m so done unpacking,” I say rubbing my hands over my face.

“Sounds good to me babe,” Zacky says helping me up off of my floor.

“So I feel like a fat ass and I’m totally ready to go to bed,” I tell Zacky after finishing my third piece of pizza.

“You don’t think you can make it till the end of the movie?” he asks looking at me oddly since we’re watching Snatch and I love this movie.

“No I don’t. I’m going to shower then go to bed but you can do what you want,” I say before getting up and heading to the bathroom where Zacky quickly joins me. After showering I slip into some pjs then crawl into bed with Zacky. “I’m going to miss this,” I mumble into his chest.

“Me too babe; me too,” he says rubbing my back until I drift off to sleep.
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moving outfit