Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Girls Night Failure

So I’ve worked my four days straight and now have a day off and me and several girls I’ve met at work are going out for dinner and drinks tonight. This is going to be my first socialization with the girls outside of work so I’m pretty nervous about how it’s going to go over. I’m currently staring at myself in the mirror wondering if what I’m wearing will be acceptable to the other girls for dinner and drinks.

After staring at myself for several minutes I decide that red cheetah print corset, dark skinny jeans and black lace heels should be fine. I quickly do a somewhat dramatic makeup look then grab my purse and throw on my trench coat before heading outside to hail a cab.
Several minutes later I find myself in front of the pub that I agreed to meet the girls at and walk inside and, somewhat awkwardly, look around for my co-works; a task that proved to be more difficult that I had anticipated since I had only ever seen them in scrubs before. After several minutes I see Paige, well who I assume is Paige, flagging me down from a table in the middle of the pub. “Thank god,” I mumble to myself before I make my way over to the table. “Hey girls,” I say with a smile as I slip my coat off and sit down.

“I always assumed you were a rocker chick,” Kelsey says. Kelsey is a girl a few months younger with me that rocks a pixie cut with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Tonight she’s in a purple, off the shoulder, tunic and black leggings with a bit too much make up on; something I assume was done to make up for the lack of femininity in the hair department.

“Do you have enough tight clothes on?” Paige nearly sneers looking at me. Paige is a stick of a woman who weighs 110 when soaking wet and holding a ten pound bag of flour. She’s wearing a flowing blue/green tunic with shorts that are so short I’m amazed that her bottom is hanging out of them.

“Leave the girl alone Paige; we can’t all be as thin as you so that everything looks baggie on us. By the way cute coat but if you think it’s cold now god help you when winter comes around,” Rachel a girl a few years my senior says with a sweet smile. Rachel is in-between chubby and skinny; I guess you would say curvy. She has on an orange top that hugs in the correct places and jeans. If I connect with either of these three girls I have a feeling it will be this one.

“Well, shall we order dinner?” I ask as a girl in the waitress outfit asks if we’re ready to order.

“If everyone’s ready,” Paige says looking at me.

This is going to be a very long night. After ordering a veggie wrap I ask if I can get a double Jack and Coke with that along with a glass of water.

Three hours and far too much painful small talk Paige and Kelsey both leave so that it’s only Rachel and I left; much to my pleasure. “Don’t let them get to you. Paige is as mean as a snake and Kelsey is a naïve and clueless as they come,” Rachel reassures me as she orders another glass of wine and I order another beer.

“Thanks. Ya know this is the worst part about leaving my old job. I was miserable with that job but I was back with my childhood friends; so for me it’s hard to go from being surrounded by the people who know me best to being thrown into the lion’s den to fiend for myself,” I say taking the last sip of my beer.

“I can relate to that. I moved from Virginia to Germany to here so I’ve dealt with a few of those in my day,” Rachel says with a kind smile.

“Thanks again for sticking around with the new kid,” I say with a warm smile as we get our next drinks.

“No problem Chris; everyone deserves at least one chance. On that note though after this drink I should probably get home to the kids and husband,” she says as our waitress brings us our drinks.

“You have kids; how many?” I ask with a slight smile; I adore children and want at least two of my own at some point in my, hopefully, near future.

“I have three; boy girl boy,” she says with an instant smile.

“That must be nice. Well, I’ll let you get back to them and I’ll see you tomorrow right?” I ask as I get up to go pay my tab.

“Sure will; see you,” Rachel says with a friendly smile and wave as we part ways after paying our bills.

After I catch a cab home I make my way up the stairs to my apartment and bump into my neighbor and smile at him before slipping into my place. Once I get my coat off and place my purse on the coat rack I lock my door and head to my bathroom where I wash my face making sure I get all of the makeup off.

So that was an interesting night to say the least. I still can’t believe out of the three of them Rachel is the only one that I can stand to be around for more than twenty minutes outside of work. I miss my friends, family, and Zacky. Getting accustomed to a new setting blows when you’re doing It all on your own; this shit sucks.

After my mini-whine-a-ton I quickly slip into a pair of pjs and brush my hair before crawling into bed before texting Zacky goodnight even though he’s two hours behind me and it’s not even that late. Just as I’m starting to drift off to sleep I hear my phone ringing and smile to myself as I pick up, “Hey baby.”

“Hey babe; I just wanted to call you and tell you goodnight and that I miss you,” Zacky says making the smile on my face widen.

“I miss you too baby. But I’ll see you in four days and that’s how long I’ll be there,” I say biting my lower lip.

“I know. Love you and good night,” he says the smile on his face evident.

“Love you too; night,” I say before hanging up and falling asleep with a smile fixed firmly in place.
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pub outfit