Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

It's a Bitch Being so Clumsy

I wake up and look around my room to realize it’s eleven o’ clock and its Thursday and smile. I get up and go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and throw in my contacts deciding it would be stupid to take a shower before going to the beach. After I had washed my face as well I wonder downstairs to enjoy a breakfast of Cocoa Puffs since it’s vegan friendly before finding my phone and calling Megan.

“Hello?” she asks as I step out onto my small back patio and light up a cig.

“Hey love; what time are we mobilizing for the beach?” I ask quickly throwing on my sunglasses.

“In about thirty minutes; you can come on over here if you want. We’re all meeting here so that we can carpool,” she explains as I look at my sliding glass door to discover how much of a hot mess my hair is.

“Alright sounds good; I just need to get ready,” I explain putting my cig out.

“OK see you in a bit hooker. Byez,” she says with a slight laugh to her voice.

“Byez,” I say smiling before hanging up and heading back into my bedroom where I go through my dresser drawer for a bathing suit. After a few minutes I decide on my funky print bikini and throw on a pair of black shorts before throwing everything I’ll need for the day (sunscreen, towel, some snacks and bottles of water) in my blue striped bag. Next I rake my brush through my hair before throwing it up into a messy bun and slip on my gray flip flops before heading downstairs were I grab my surf board and lock my door before heading over to Megan’s. “I’m here,” I yell through the house as I walk into the kitchen to find everyone waiting for me.

“It’s about time you showed up,” Brian says throwing an orange at me.

“It’s takes some time to look this quickly thrown together,” I say laughing as I begin to peel the orange.

“That’s mine,” Brian says before quickly taking it away before eating it.

“Sadface! OK who’s driving what because I want to bring my board,” I explain looking around.

“Matt and I are driving since we have SUVs,” Johnny explains.

“Sounds good to me just tell me which one to put my board in,” I say tracing a pattern on the counter.

“OK so Bri and Zacky go with Matt while me and CD go with Johnny because I miss my Lurch,” Megan commands.

“Sounds good to me,” I say before going out to my car to get my board and place it in Johnny’s car once I figure out which one it is. Once we get to the beach we all unload our stuff and I look like a pinball knocking everyone at some point with my board.

“Jesus Chris,” Matt says rubbing his shoulder.

“Sorry; my bag keeps slipping off of my shoulder,” I say going to readjust it just to hit Megan upside the head again.

“For the love of Christ will someone take that away from her?” Megan asks rubbing her head as Zacky gently takes my board.

“Sorry Sissy and thanks Zacky,” I say sheepishly smiling feeling like a total idiot.

“No problem,” Zacky says smiling.

“So while y’all set up base camp I’m going in see ya,” I say after lathering myself down in sunscreen and taking off my shorts before strapping my ankle strap from my board to me and launching myself into the water. About thirty minutes later I nearly collide with someone not paying attention which sends me flying off of my board at an odd angle and in attempt to stay on my board I bend my knee at an odd angle causing it to pop out of socket. Once I regain my breath from the large amount of salt water I had just inhaled due to the pain I get myself back onto my board to pop it back into place before slowly paddling in then limp over to our little powwow area where Zacky’s sitting eating a sandwich.

“You OK?” he asks as I throw myself down on my towel on of the girls had laid out.

“Not really my knee dislocated; it’s a bitch being so clumsy” I explain rubbing it.

“That blows; sandwich?” Zacky asks holding out a zip lock bag.

“Can I eat that?” I ask laughing.

“It says CD on it so I’m assuming,” Zacky says shrugging pointed to my name scribbled in Megan’s handwriting.

“Aw, she does like me. OK, thanks,” I say before taking the sandwich, to see it’s: lettuce, tomato and hummus, and grab a bottle of water.

“You wanna go swim?” Zacky asks a little while later.

“Huh? Oh, no I’m good beside I don’t think my knee could take it and sorry I was zoned out,” I say laughing once I realized I had been staring off into space.

“I can help you if you want,” Zacky offers with a slight smile.

“No thanks; I’m good but you go have fun,” I say smiling as I get my sunscreen out and put a little more on my shoulders since they’re feeling warm.

“But that would mean leaving you here all by your lonesome,” Zacky says with a slight pout.

“Look Zacky really I’m… oh my god what are you doing?”I nearly scream as he picks me up.

“We’re getting in the water,” he says smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck.

“Zack you know I hate it when people pick me up,” I whine as I begin to get a death grip on his neck.

“I’m not going to drop you unless you make it impossible for me to breathe,” he says making me loosen my hold around his neck.

“I kind of hate you right now,” I say slightly glaring as he puts me down in water that’s up to my waist.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he says splashing me which ended up being the beginning of a long water fight.

“Hey you two coming?” Matt yells from the beach.

“Yeah,” Zacky yells back before turning to me, “You need help?”

“I think I’m good now,” I say wading through the water only to be proven wrong.

“Well, since I can’t pick you up wanna use me as a crutch?” Zacky asks wrapping his arm around my waist.

“Sure,” I say before putting my arm around his shoulders as he helps me limp back to the group.

“Did you break her?” Megan asks looking at me oddly.

“No, my knee dislocated. Once we get back to your place I’m going to head home and prop it up,” I explain looking down to see it’s now three times its normal size.

“Can you drive?” Megan asks concern written on her face.

“I’ll be fine,” I reassure her before Zacky helps me get my things together and helps me limp to Johnny’s car while Brian throws my board in the back of it.

“Thanks,” I say smiling as I ease myself into the car.

“No problem,” Zacky says smiling back as he slips in on the other side of me. “Are you sure you can drive?” he asks me once we get back to Megan and Brian’s.

“Promise, however; it would be awesome if you should throw my board in my trunk,” I say smiling as I begin to limp away from Johnny’s car.

“No problem,” he says with a quick smile before doing it for me.

“See ya later, bye guys,” I call out.

“See you,” Zacky says looking down at me with those brilliantly bright green eyes making me smile to myself before everyone says some form or another of goodbye.

I hobble into my car and drive back to my place where I decide to leave my board in the car for the night and limp up to my door and upstairs before taking a long relaxing bath. After my bath I throw on some old clothes before climbing into bed while icing and propping up my leg watching Futurama where I slowly drift off to sleep.