Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Day From Hell with a Movie and Beer

I wake up to an obnoxious beep and slam my hand down onto my alarm clock wondering how six hours had already gone by since I feel like I just fell asleep. “Fuck my life,” I mumble before climbing out of bed realizing I’ve overslept and have 35 minutes before my shift when it takes 30 minutes to get to work. “Fuck!” I yell before throwing on the closest pair of scrubs I can find, along with my glasses since I don’t have time for my contacts and throwing things into my purse before sprinting off to my car silently cursing myself for agreeing to the double I worked last night and my inability to wake up.

“You look a little ruff,” my 5”2 brown hair and eyed slender coworker Heather tells me with a slight laugh as I walk onto the unit.

“Yeah, I overslept,” I explain throwing my dinner in the fridge.

“I hate it when that happens,” she says with the smile that seems to be a permanent fixture on her face.

“So how is everyone?” I ask logging onto the charting system on the computer.

“As good as can be expected; we have a new preemie named Sammy,” Heather explains.

“Boy or girl?” I ask checking on the others that were here last night.

“Boy,” she explains before walking over to an incubator as a little girl starts crying.

“How is he?” I ask glancing up to see who she’s attending too.

“OK, his scores are a lower than what they should be and we have him on oxygen,” she explains before the crying seems to radiate throughout the whole unit.

“It’s going to be one of those nights huh?” I ask before quickly walking to the incubator closest to me.

“Seems like it,” Heather says sighing.

Four hours later when I finally get a moment to set down for my lunch break in the small room we have adjacent to the ward that has a small table and chairs in it I grab my phone while my food is warming up to see I have a new text message. “Who is this?” I ask out loud as I look down to see the number isn’t saved in my phone. I shrug to myself before opening the message to see that it reads, “It’s been really good hanging out with you again.”

“Who is this?” I text back as the microwave dings signaling that my plate of stir-fry is ready.

“It’s Zacky,” my phone reads mere seconds later.

“So that’s who it is,” I say quietly to myself before sitting down to eat. “Sorry, I didn’t have you’re number. And right back at ya,” I send back with a smile on my face. Wait why am I smiling?

“Christina? Can you come back? I’m sorry to interrupt your dinner but we have one coding,” Heather says over the intercom in the room.

“Coming,” I scream back as I throw my food into the fridge again. So much for dinner.
Four and a half hours and a baby we couldn’t save later I slowly make my way out to my car. I should have known my emotions couldn’t handle this job. I quickly wipe a tear off of my check before climbing into my car and checking my phone to see that I have two new messages from Zacky that make me smile.

“So what are you doing?” the first read while the second was, “Are you still alive?”

“Sorry, I was at work,” I text back turning my car on before making my way home.

“How was that?” the new message reads.

“Hell, are you busy?” I text back making my way up to my house.

“No, what’s up?” he text back causing me to thank some higher power.

“I just had the worse day at work and don’t wanna be an alcoholic wanna come to my place and drink some beer?” I text back as I enter my house and lock the door before heading up to my room.

“Sure, be there in 20?” Zack texts back.

“Sounds amazing,” I text back before climbing into my shower where I stand under the shower head and try to wash everything that happened at work off of me before climbing out. I quickly comb my wet hair before throwing it up into a clip and throwing on some clothes as my doorbell rings. I run downstairs and answer the door to see Zacky standing there with a twelve pack. “Hey, come on in and sorry I look like a bum,” I say moving to the side so he can come in.

“No problem you had a shitty day; beer?” he asks handing me one.

“Sounds amazing,” I say taking it and opening it before nearly chugging half of it.

“That bad?” Zacky asks eyeing me as he heads towards my kitchen.

“I don’t want to talk about it. Want to watch a movie?” I ask pulling at the hem of my shirt.

“Sure would you happen to have Rosemary’s Baby?” he asks walking back into the living room.

“Well, I do,” I say hesitating biting my bottom lip.

“But?” he asks looking at me funny.

“That movie freaks me out,” I admit looking at the floor continuing to gnaw on my lip.

“Come on its not that bad; besides I’ll be here,” Zacky says with a slight smile.

“Fine,” I say sighing pointing out the movie. “You get it set up I’m going to grab another beer. You want anything?” I ask as I walk to the short distance to my kitchen.

“I’m good,” Zacky yells back.

“Can I sit really close to you?” I ask Zacky with a slight laugh as I reenter the room to see the DVD menu playing.

“Sure,” Zacky says with a smile as he sits down on the couch and I sit down so close to him I’m nearly sitting in his lap. “You ready for this?” he asks with a smile.

“No,” I say shaking my head as he hits play. “So I’m officially freaked the fuck out again,” I say after the movie laying my head on his shoulder.

“Want me to hang out for a little while?” he asks placing his head on top of mine.

“Please?” I ask before we end up talking about the good old days for several hours.

“So it’s now five o’ clock and you’re falling asleep on me,” Zacky says laughing a couple of hours later.

“Yep,” I murmur trying to get comfortable.

“So I’m going to leave,” he says laughing.

“Fine make me get up and lock my door,” I say smiling. “I’ll see you later,” I say walking him to the door.

“Hopefully sooner rather than later,” he says smiling hugging me making it feel like a cage of butterflies had just been released in my stomach.

“Yeah,” I say smiling biting my lip watching him leave before I close my door, locking it, and wonder up to my room where I fall onto my bed and wonder about why I feel like this until I fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Christina's work clothes
Christina's knock around clothes

note italics means thinking it.