Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why

Goo-Goo Eyes and Classics

It’s been a little over two weeks since I last saw Megan which is why I’ll be seeing her later on today when we all hang out at Zacky’s. Now Zacky on the other hand, I’ve been talking to like every day when I’m not at work but haven’t seen him since he last came over to my place expect for a quick cup of coffee one morning. I’m still trying to wrap my brain around why I feel funny, a good kind not bad kind, whenever I’m around him or when I get the first text from him for the day. I can’t like him right? My phone ringing makes me shake those thoughts out of my head as I look down to see its Zacky calling me. “Hey,” I say smiling.

“Hey, when are you coming over?” Zacky asks sounding like a little kid.

“Once I’m ready.” I more ask than say.

“Then hurry up and get ready; I want to see you,” he says making my stomach do cartwheels.

“OK, I’ll be over in a bit,” I say smiling before saying bye and hanging up. I stretch before getting off of my couch, where I’ve been watching TV and run upstairs and hop in the shower. After my shower I comb my hair leaving it down for the day and do a very natural looking makeup with purple eyeliner so my eyes pop before heading into my room. I go through my drawers and end up throwing on a bra and panties with a pair of denim shorts and a tank top that shows a small amount of belly with it before slipping on my brown wedges, grabbing one of my numerous purses and putting the essentials in it before heading out the door.

Once I get to Zacky’s I ring the doorbell and smile when he opens it as he talks in my appearance until I notice the pout on his face. “What’s wrong?” I ask putting my sunglasses on the top of my head.

“You’re taller than me,” he says with the pout still in place making me laugh.

“I can’t help that I love my wedges,” I say smiling.

“Yeah, whatever come on in,” he says standing to the side so I can walk into his house.

“Where is everyone else at?” I ask looking around once I realize I’m the only one here yet.

“They’ll be over eventually,” Zacky says shrugging as I follow him to the kitchen.

“Then why did you ask me to come over now?” I ask sitting on a bar stool in front of the island in his kitchen.

“Because I wanted to see you; like I said earlier. Want a beer?” he asks holding one up.

“Sure,” I say before grabbing it and doing my compulsions as I mull over what he just said in my head.

“Why are you being so quiet? It’s not like you,” Zacky says looking at me oddly a few minutes later.

“Just thinking,” I shrug as the doorbell rings and he continues to stare at me funny. “Are you going to get that?” I ask looking at him oddly.

“No need to get the door or anything,” I hear Brian yell throughout the house.

“Where’s CD? I saw her car,” I hear Megan call out afterwards making me smile.

“I’m in here,” I call back happy to have something to distract my thoughts of what just happened.

“Hey,” I say smiling as they enter the room.

“I feel like you’ve been under a rock,” Megan pouts looking at me.

“Under a rock filled with sick babies,” I say shrugging as I mess with the ends of my hair.

“Well, I’m glad we could round your ass up for the day,” Megan says smiling as she sits down beside me.

“Me too love,” I say laughing as someone else walks into the kitchen right behind me. “Johnny Christ! Where the fuck did you come from?” I ask nearly falling off of my stool in shock.

“Well when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much,” he begins laughing.

“Shut up,” I pout throwing my beer cap at him.

“So what are we doing?” Megan asks leaning back into Brian nearly falling off of her stool making me laugh. “Shut up ho.”

“Well us guys are going to go do manly things while you two catch up,” Zacky explains smiling at me.

“Sounds good to me; we don’t need stupid boys,” I say smiling looking at Megan who looks at me oddly then cuts her eyes at Zacky. “Later,” I mouth.

“OK you go do your thing I think CD is looking for some nicotine,” Megan says before grabbing my hand and nearly drags me out of the house as the boys go to do their thing.

“Thanks for nearly dislocating my shoulder,” I whine rubbing my arm once Megan had finally let it go.

“What’s with the goo-goo eyed shit?” Megan asks getting right to the point.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I say shrugging as I light up my cig.

“And I’m the jolly green giant,” she says looking at me making me break into a fit of giggling.

“I’m sorry but that was hilarious. OK, serious time I’m pretty sure Zacky likes me and I know I like him,” I say biting my lip after taking a hit.

“Zacky?” Megan asks looking at me funny. “The Zacky we used to make fun of?”

“Yes and yes,” I say biting my lip to the point I taste a small amount of blood.

“I can’t believe it,” Megan says somewhat laughing.

“No need to be mean about it,” I pout quickly changing the subject as we spend the day sitting around outside talking.

Around ten that night Johnny had already left and Brian and Megan were getting ready too. “We’re continuing that conversation later,” Megan says in front of the boys making me cringe.

“OK love,” I say with a forced smile making her laugh as they leave.

“What was that about?” Zacky asks looking at me funny.

“Nothing,” I say smiling. “Wanna watch a movie?”

“Sure; what you wanna watch?” he asks leading me over to a massive collection of DVDs and Blu-Rays.

“Nightmare before Christmas?” I ask holding the case up.

“You still love that movie?” Zacky asks with a slight laugh.

“Shut up! It’s a classic,” I whine throwing the case at him before going to sit down on the couch.

“I’ll give you that,” he says putting in the movie before sitting down right beside me on the couch making me smile.

This whole liking him thing is killing me; but, at the same time I’m loving feeling like this.

“What time is it?” I ask stretching after the movie.

“Around 11:30,” Zacky answers looking down at his watch.

“Well¸ I think I’m going to head home then,” I say standing up grabbing my bag as Zacky smiles. “What?” I ask laughing.

“Without your shoes on I’m taller,” he says smiling at me.

“And bam I’m taller again.” I say laughing as I slip my shoes on making him pout again. “I’ll see you later,” I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Yep,” he says wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him as he places a quick kiss in my hair making me blush.

“Bye,” I say with my cheeks still holding on to a slight red color as the smile on my face increases in size. I hear him call out bye as I climb into my car before I head home for the night wondering what that simple peck meant.
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Chris's outfit