Status: Active

Others Have Excuses, but I Have My Reasons Why


I hop out of my shower after returning home from work to get a text from Megan that reads, “You have two more days before I tell him.”

“God sometimes I really do hate her,” I mumble to myself before texing her back, “Give me like ten minutes then I’ll call you and tell you how it goes.

“Good!” she texts back making me smile.

I quickly drag a comb through my hair before drying off and throwing on some random clothes as I pick up my phone and stare at it for a few minutes. “I guess nine isn’t too early to call,” I say shrugging before hitting the send button.

“Hey,” I hear Zacky says with a little too much happiness in his voice for me considering how tired I am.

“Hey what are you up too?” I ask with a slight yawn.

“Nothing much; you?” Zacky asks the smile on his face evident.

“I just got out of the shower and home from work. I want to ask you something,” I say biting my lower lip that now has a perm-a-scab where I’ve been doing this a lot in the past five days.

“Really; I have something I want to ask you too,” Zacky says making the tired gears in my head start to turn.

“You go first,” I say hoping it will give me some time to think about how I want to word what I have to say.

“OK, mines a two part question. Part one: What are you doing tonight?” he asks making me snap my attention back to the conversation.

“Nothing, I have the day off; why?” I ask as those tired gears in my head go into overdrive.

“OK, so for part two: Would you want to go on a date tonight?” he asks making me sigh in relief. “Is that a no?”

“No, I mean it’s not a no; I mean yes,” I stammer out with some difficulty.

“Oh, OK awesome. So what was your question?” he asks making me smile.

“The same one you just asked. Want to get dinner tonight? I’m beyond exhausted right now,” I explain lying down in bed.

“Sure; I’ll pick you up around seven if that’s OK,” he says.

“Sounds good; I’m going to get some sleep now so bye,” I say smiling.

“Bye,” he says before hanging up,

Since I lack the energy to call Megan I quickly send her a text saying, “So he asked me out first, we’ll talk about it later,” as I crawl into my bed,

I hear my phone going off and read her text of, “I told you so,” before going to sleep.

I end up waking up around five before catapulting myself out of bed and running downstairs where I quickly inhale a cig. Once I get back inside I look at my hair, to make sure it still looks clean, after deeming it presentable I quickly text Zacky, “How dressy should I be?”

“Whatever you want,” is what he texts back making me sigh to myself.

“Well, that was super helpful,” I say out loud to myself before rummaging through my closet where I end up picking out a white with red polka-dots dress and a pair of red ballerina flats along with a set of red bangles and a red mushroom necklace. I move into the bathroom and decide to leave my hair down before throwing on some foundation and mascara calling it quits. I quickly glance at my clock to see it’s now 6:00. I sigh to myself before deciding to pain my nails red; which takes about thirty minutes after applying the second coat and waiting for it to dry. As I test my nails one final time to make sure they’re dry I make my way outside and light up as my phone goes off.

“You ready?” the text from Zacky reads making me smile as my stomach does flips.

“Whenever you are,” I text back with a smile on my face finking with my necklace.

“Alright, on my way,” he text back making me smile as I walk back into the house to do any last minute touch ups.

About ten minutes later there’s a knock on my door making me bite my lip before grabbing my purse and running to answer it. “Hey,” I say smiling as I open the door taking in his appearance. He’s wearing jeans with a Misfits top, typical Zacky.

“Wow, you look great,” he says as he takes in my appearance.

“Thanks. So where are we going?” I ask stepping outside, after turning on my front light, and locking my door behind me.

“I was thinking sushi if that’s OK with you,” Zacky says with a nervous smile as we walk towards his car.

“Sounds amazing,” I say smiling climbing in. Around ten minutes later we pull up to the restaurant and I smile to myself. “I haven’t been here in ages!” I say with a broad smile as I look up at the sushi place we all used to hang out at.

“I figured this would be a good place to go,” Zacky says smiling as we both exit the car and go inside to get a table. “I think we already know what we want,” Zacky informs the lady looking at me for conformation.

“Yes, can I please get a cucumber avocado roll?” I ask smiling as Zacky rambles off his order as well.

“So, what made you want to go on a date?” Zacky asks smiling.

“Honestly?” I ask getting a nod as an answer. “Megan told me I had a week to do it or she was gonna do it for me,” I admit looking down at the table fidgeting with my hands.

“You didn’t have the balls to do something?” Zacky asks skeptically.

“Shut up jerk,” I say smiling as our waitress brings us our rolls.

“So what do you want to do after dinner?” Zacky asks right as I shove a section of my roll into my mouth.

I hold my finger up while chewing the large amount of food in my mouth before answering, “I would rather just hang out at one of our places.”

“Sounds good to me,” Zacky says as we continue talking about random things throughout the meal.

“Really I can pay for myself,” I say nearly lunging across the table after the check once our waitress had brought it to our table.

“I would be a shity date if I let you pay for your dinner since I asked you out,” Zacky says sticking his tongue out before handing the waitress the bill with his card.

“You suck,” I say sticking my tongue out while smiling.

“Yeah, yeah, come on,” Zacky says laughing once he had signed the bill and we head back to the car. “Your place since I drove?”

“Sounds good to me,” I say shrugging before getting into the car.

“So you just want to watch a movie or something?” I ask slipping my shoes off. “Hey, I’ll be right back I’m going to slip something else on,” I say quickly running upstairs where I change into: a purple tank top, star pants and grab my Monster hoody.

“Yeah… how about Seven?” he asks holding it up.

“I love that movie,” I say smiling as I sit down on the couch. Once Zacky had figured out my system and popped in the movie he comes over and sits down beside me wrapping his arm around me making me smile to myself as I scoot closer to him.

“Another movie?” Zacky asks once Seven is over.

“Yeah wanna throw in Clockwork Orange?” I ask stretching.

“OK,” Zacky says before getting off of the couch to put the movie in.

“Hey Chris wake up,” someone says lightly shaking me.

I open my eyes to see two very vibrant green ones looking back at me to realize I fell asleep on Zacky during the movie. “Sorry, I didn’t drool did I?” I ask embarrassed.

“No you didn’t,” Zacky says laughing. “I’m going to head out though,” he says standing up.

“OK, I’ll talk to you later,” I say smiling as I follow him to the door.

“Yep, night,” he says engulfing me in a hug before walking over to his car.

I shut and lock my door leaning against it smiling while biting my lip before I nearly skip up to my room and throw myself into bed where I fall asleep.