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I Can't Believe You're with Me after Dark


It’s x-games and you are in the hotel laughing as Tobias is rolling on the floor. Jacko comes in and pick him up.

“Say bye Mum,” Jacko told Tobias.
“Bye Mum,” Tobias said.
“bye baby,” you said.

You go and kiss his face. Ashleigh come and takes him away after you make sure she got everything. You hug Jacko and kiss his lips.

“Be safe,” You told Jacko.
“I will,” Jacko said.

He goes and kiss Jacoby’s forehead before kissing your lips.

“I’m doing the double back flip,” Jacko said.
“Just be safe out there,” you said.
“Will do.”

You kiss his lips once more before saying by and wishing him luck. He leaves and you plug your Ipad in to the TV to watch it from the web and they are playing BMX stuff. You grab Jacoby and start feeding him knowing he’s hungry. It gets threw the FMX and Jacko is third place behind Cam who did the triple back flip in his last Run. You change the channel and get Jacoby to go to sleep before lay down and start going to sleep. You wake up to talking going on. You open your eyes and see Jacko with Tobias in one of his arms and Jacoby in the other.

“Need help?” You ask.
“No they both are asleep right now lucky for me or they be awake all the time,” Jacko said.
“I didn’t hear him.”
“I got him in before he made to much noise.”

You grab him and set him down. He set Tobias in the bed and picks you up. You giggle quite to not wake up the kids. Jacko kiss your lips and smiles at you.

“Good job baby you come walking back to me,” you said.
“Thank you and you know what?” Jacko ask.
“You look so good Love.”

You laugh at him and kiss his lips. He smiles and kisses yours. You guys talk a little before Tobias wakes up and start running around the room.

“One more day then we can go back home,” Jacko said.
“Yep One more day,” you said.

Jacoby lean over the bed. Jacko get up and grab him. Tobias came and point to him.

“Joey,” Tobias said.
“Yeah this is a joey. His name is Jacoby. He is your brother,” Jacko said.
Tobias looks at him a little before coming to you and start plaiyng with your hair. You make him do some turns on the bed. He laughs and get away from you before going back to the toys out for him. You guys played with the kids till it’s dinner time and Jacko called the food in since you weren’t feeling up to leaving the hotel.
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