Status: COMPLETED :) You decide if you want a sequel and let me know :)


Think of Me When You're Out There.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing;here he was, standing right in front of me.Honestly I can't help but be giddy;but in the back of my mind all i can think about is the reason I left home.Jacky.I examined him carefully;God he's even more handsome than I remember. "What are you doing here Izzie?"Jacky questioned. "I just couldn't take it at home anymore;"I sighed."I needed to start my own life. So I came here." I felt a light touch on my shoulder,"Wait Iz,how do you know Vincent here?"I turned to face Ronnie,"We knew eachother from back home. I thought I was never gonna see him again."I answered bluntly.I looked to Jacky,astonishment still written all over his face."Is this the girl you told me about bro?"Ronnie asked."Yeah man, that's her,"he looked at me,"Izabelle, can we go somewhere and talk?"I couldn't find the words;so I simply nodded. Before I knew it we were out the door; driving down the street.My heart ached,everything I ran from, was sitting right next to me.
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So i've decided to start writing this again:) i want readers !! And feedback! ! This is just a filler chapter; next one will be bomb i promise:) give me feedback!