Learning to Fall Again

A normal day

As we got in the car she texted me saying "you dumbass need to pick up Jamie". "we gotta pick up Jamie" i said turning to Alec. "coulda guessed that" she always makes us pick him because she leaves before he'd get off the bus. But when she gets home & Jamie is asleep she'll start on Alec & I. Just more to cover up tomorrow. Joy. Note the sarcasm. It's always been like this though since me & Alec were 10, but oh well.

"come on Jamie" I yelled up the stairs. "Its time for dinner". "Okay, okay I'm coming" he came bounding down the stairs. It seems like I'm the mother in this house even though she is. "Alec get you butt in here now" Jamie said walking into the living room where Alec was playing video games. "I have to leave for work soon" I looked at the boys knowing they'd be up when I got home, if I didn't have Alec put Jamie down. "We know" Alec said sitting down at the table. "We know no video games the whole time your at work" Jamie smiled. Gotta love Jamie, he's so sweet.

"Alex will you help me stock the shelves" Emma asked. "Yeah sure just give me a minute" I replied. I finished texting Alec to send Jamie to bed. "So how's it going at home?" Emma asked. "It could be better but at least it's not getting worse". "I hear ya" it was quite as we finished stocking the shelves. "Finally, I can't believe it took us most most of our shift to stock the store". I looked at Emma and laughed. "I can". "You got a point but it's time for us get outta here". "Alright I'll see you tomorrow Em". "Later Alex" and back to hell.

"I'm home" I knew the witch wasn't home yet but Alec was still up I could here the music coming from his room. I dropped my bag in my room, and walked across to Alec's. "Jamie asleep yet?" I asked sitting at his desk. "Yeah he's passed out" he sat up looking at me. "Alex we have to get out of here,and get Jamie out of here before she starts on him, it's getting worse Alex and we both know it" I looked at him knowing he was right, we did need out. "I know but we haven't got enough money yet, or a place to go nor are we old enough go get a place yet" we have $1,243 hidden in my room but its not enough.
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It's been awhile. But here's the next chapter:)