Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter One - Dangerous Seduction

Carson walked down a long, white hall, holding a blue folder that held the answer to his problems. He allowed himself a self satisfied smirk, then turned and opened a door to his right and walked into his office.

The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't alone, someone was seated at his desk facing the opposite, cream colored wall. He cleared his throat not so subtly and waited for the person to turn. When she did, he cursed silently while plastering a thin lipped smile on his face.

"Hello Carson, have a seat." She said and gestured to the chair she had just vacated.
He remained standing and she shrugged.

Wanting to cut the chase, he asked with an obvious edge in his voice, "Melena what are you doing here?"

Melena smiled seductively at him and said playfully "Why to have fun of course; come here lover, pucker up."

When he made no move towards her she sighed and continued her voice changing from playful to serious. "No? Well I thought not. I'm actually here to deliver a warning. You need to speed things up a bit, you've shown very little progress. Need I remind you that there are dozens who would kill to take you place?"

Carson didn't like being threatened, especially by this woman. He threw the folder on his desk, beside her. She glanced at the folder then looked back at him, one brow raised questioningly.

Carson gestured towards it with annoyance and said "The first of many are here, I can commence the beginning of the project once a few preparations are ready."

Melena didn't touch the folder and just got up and walked over to Carson and leaned in until her face was only inches away from his.

She had a strange glint in her eyes when she whispered to him, "Just remember the price of failure Carson. I don’t want you in a body bag just yet. We need results, get them."

She was so close her breath tickled his lips, he could smell her perfume, but he was ready when she leaned in and he leaned back, out of the way, just as quickly. She smiled hungrily at him and laughed a throaty laugh, then left the room.

Carson sat back down at the table, glad that ordeal was over. He then went over to a filing cabinet and pulled out another folder identical to the one he just brought with him, he flipped it open and was staring at a profile of Melena.

At first he couldn't stop staring at her photo. What he couldn't allow himself to focus on in person, he could now allow himself to indulge in was the fact that she was stunningly gorgeous. But it was a dangerous kind of beauty, the kind that gave you the feel that the one adorned with it would turn on you the second she had the chance.

She had long black hair that flowed down her back, colour changing eyes that captured in this moment were blue and green. She held an air of mystery and danger around her that only added to her alluring beauty.

Of course, he knew better than to trust looks, he flipped the page and it showed a picture of her back, where you could see the faint outline of a strange purple vein that traveled all the way up her otherwise normal back.

Yes, he knew much better. He put the folder back into the filing cabinet and turned his attention to the one on his desk. He knew he had no time for the previous moments indulgences, even possessing the other file was enough to get him killed. He shook his head then opened it revealing three profiles, two woman and one man. He scanned the names and where they were, these most promising first targets. Tyra, Marcus and Kate.
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Okay I'm looking forward to all of your feedback. Though keep in mind this was a story I wrote a couple of years ago that I decided to post, after sprucing it up a little bit :)
Though it does get better as you go in so I do hope you read a couple of chapters in before giving up. <--- Though I'd prefer it if you didn't give up ^.^