Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Twelve - Forgotten Oaths

Kern stood outside the mansion staring at it. He knew he was at the right place and it was the right time, it made him smile. He could finally begin...

--------Flash Back--------

The cold wind whipped around him as he walked to the center of the field. A young man and middle aged woman, stood waiting. So only two were sent to meet him head on.

He chuckled as he stood before them, "Are you all the elders could muster up to stop me? They must do better than that, especially sending you Finn. Mandragora I can understand, but you...?" Kern trailed off in a low laugh.

The couple stared at him seriously. They cut to the chase with a textbook answer, "Kern you are in violation of all the orders the council has issued, your lust for magic has cost many their lives and your lust for power has controlled you. Many warnings have been sent but you refused all of them, what say you to these offenses?"

He stopped laughing but a grin stuck to his face, "What say you? You've really grown up Finn I think I’ve underestimated you. Well how about..." Kern took his time with his next few words words, "Go to hell. That clear enough for you?"

Finn and Mandragora glanced at each other after, determination flooding their faces. They turned to him as one, eyes glowing and voices ancient, "Then you leave us no choice."

Then they began a chant. He listened for a moment, then dismissed it with a laugh but then, with shock turning to dawning horror, he realized the meaning of the words.

"You can't seriously mean... It's not possible!" Kern said angrily then muttered a few words of his own and flung his hands towards the pair. A flash of blue light surrounded the two but they continued to chant, unperturbed.

Kern glared at them. "I've had enough of this foolish game, die!" Kern roared and a fireball the size of a house blasted in front of him towards the pair at the end of his words.

After the smoke cleared, he saw that the two were unfazed. He tried to take a step towards them but noticed he couldn't move anymore, they were binding him! Kern screamed curses at them as their chant rose to a crescendo.

A light flashed, but not of hiscalling, and before it enveloped him he glared at them and made a final vow, "I don't care how long it takes but I will bring this world to its knees; I will destroy its hope and your descendants won't have the pleasure of dying but will fall into the darkness with it!" With that he was gone.

----------Flash Back Ended------------

Kern smiled a bitter smile, then his surroundings changed and he was inside. He was in a library, filled with too many books to count. He noticed that he was behind a man, as he searched a lower book shelf. After a few moments, the man seemed to sense something was a miss and turned around.

"Can I help you...?" The man asked brows, furrowed in contemplation.

"Are you Maurice Du Fleur? Running for the presidency of France?" he asked.

The mans brows seemed to furrow even more, "I am Maurice Du Fleur and am a politician but the election won't be held untiltwo yearsfromnow..." Maurice ended his remark perplexed, words confusedly bumping together.

He smiled at the man, "That's all I needed to know."
He turned his back and strolled towards the door at the end of the room. He had only taken a step before he heard a loud thump on the floor behind him. When he reached for the door knob he turned back to see Maurice lying on the floor, eyes looking beyond what anyone in the mortal coil could see. He vanished.
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Here's the next chapter! Hope you guys enjoy it!