Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Thirteen - Face of the Invincible

Kern walked leisurely up the rock bluff. When he reached the top he stopped to observe a young woman crying, wind whipping through her jet black hair, tears streaming behind her. She seemed as if she was on the precipice of the cliff and, if the wind reversed, she would fall off. Lightning flashed across the stormy sky and the sea raged in sync with the wind, yet none of this seemed to bother her.

He looked at her intently, then walked towards her and yelled over the storm, "Amelia? Amelia Lockwell?"

The woman whipped around and stared at him tears streaks running down her face, "Leave... Leave now..." She asked in a barely audible mumble, somehow still coherent through the howl of the gale.

He ignored her and stepped closer. Amelia glared at him and the wind rose into even more of a howling tempest.

He smiled and said with a nonchalant shrug, "Fine if that's how you want it."

Kern moved to turn away, but not before he made a pushing gesture towards her. He barely heard the surprised yelp emitted from her as she tumbled off the cliff. His smile turned into a smirk that covered his entire face.

It dissolved, when Amelia rose back into view, the wind apparently carrying her.
"So you've got it in you after all." Kern said unsurprised.

The woman landed back on the cliff, an angry scowl set upon her face, then looked towards the heavens. A chain of lightning bolts rained down and struck Kern one after the other; after dozens had struck him repeatedly she stopped so she could see the damage she had created. When the gravel shower cleared, Amelia’s face turned from anger to mild surprise.

He stood in the center of the charred rock, unharmed. He turned again to leave and Amelia let him, though still on her guard. Just as he was about to descend Amelia heard two final words, "I'm bored."

She didn't feel a thing as she exploded to bits. He smirked at the carnage he could envision in his minds eye as he descended from the bluff. When he reached the bottom he took a moment to look at the sea again, a raging squall, then he was gone.
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Here is the next chapter! Sorry they're so violent... I swear i'm not uberly messed in the head (maybe only slightly?). Anyways no need to worry since Kern doesn't go on a rampage forever... Lol that would be a horrible story! These parts are actually kind of essential because if you really pick this apart you can kind of notice what Kern's doing and why, based on figuring out who he's targeting and whatnot. I'll stop here before I go on an all out ramble but continue reading and enjoy!