Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Fourteen - Crack in the Wall

Kern appeared in the science lab, smiling, he had already had a few more uneventful kills since Amelia and he was ready for another one. He saw a woman working at a desk, brown hair thrown in a scraggly bun, a wrinkled lab coat adding to her disheveled look.

Kern walked towards her, unnoticed, due to her being so absorbed in her work. He cleared his throat and she turned around with a start of surprise.

He kept his predatory smile planted firmly on his face as he asked, "Excuse me, but are you Ashley Morton by any chance?"

"Why yes I am why do you ask?" Ashley asked and gave him a once over, assessing him. Kern just kept on smiling at her and began to raise his hands. The woman's face went from curiosity, to faint comprehension, to doubt and then to determination all in the span of a few seconds.

"I have to go..." she said quietly and tried to push past him, but Kern grabbed onto her arm.
"I'm not done with you yet." Kern said, a manic, excited quiver in his voice; as he pulled her towards him and put a materializing knife to her throat. Then the unthinkable happened. Kern's arm stopped midway to Ashley's throat.

"No! Not now!" He screamed, with an all consuming anger.

Ashley pulled away as he fell to his knees, face changing.

"I’m not going to let you kill her." Carson said to himself.

Then his face changed again, "You have no choice." Kern snarled and pushed himself back to his feet and chased after Ashley.

Kern focused for a moment, sensing, then knew where the scientist had fled. He ran through the building in her direction. As he ran he gained more and more speed until he was running so fast it could only be described as supernatural. He caught up to her in a matter of seconds, then ran past her and seemed to appear in front of her.

"Let's try this again." Kern said and lifted his hand to cut her throat. Realization flooded through him, an image of the knife lying on the lab floor flashed through his mind. Kern cursed Carson with every fiber of his being, but then smiled, a dark smile.

He grabbed Ashley and began to choke life out of her. She tried to struggle but his strength far surpassed hers. Just before he passed the point of no return, he felt a flood of guilt and pain at what he was doing, feelings he hadn't had before. He savagely shoved the thoughts aside and killed her. Panting, he stood up and grinned. The air began to swirl around him, and he was gone.
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Here is the next update! Enjoy! Also my friend who wrote on the perspective of Kate (THe woman Carson was hunting) has now joined mibba. I'll be posting a link to her story on the front page. She has a different writing style but its interesting to view the same story, same world, through two different eyes.