Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Fifteen - Dark Future

Carson was in a cabin he didn't know where; only that it was in a forest in the middle of nowhere, a hermit’s refuge. He knew that he had gotten there, then cast a spell to forget. He also couldn't exit the cabin; he had placed numerous spells and enchantments around the place, not to stop things from coming in but to stop him from going out. Carson muttered a chant for a few minutes and immediately forgot what he had just done; all he could recall was of what he could and couldn't do in the cabin.

Carson looked around. The cabin was made of wood and was completely bare, he felt out of place in the empty room. He knew he had only one thing to do, he sat and waited.
He was dozing when he was awakened by a loud crash. He looked up and the door had smashed against the opposite wall. Stepping into the room was Melena and Marcus. Carson knew his time had come as he saw multi coloured sparks flare and vanish around the doorway. He also knew he had to warn them.

"Stop! You don't understand! You need to run! I can kill you!" Carson screamed at them while backing up to the far wall. Marcus was as stone faced as usual while Melena just smiled. Next thing he knew, he was flying across the room and crashed against the far wall. By the time Carson got his breath back and could look up, Melena and Marcus were in the same positions they were before, the only difference was Melena had a one of her delicate eyebrows raised at him.

"We aren't here for you Carson. We want Kern." The last sentence Melena said in a husky voice, full of greed and longing.

He felt his nose, it was bleeding, falling in slow drips onto the ground. He stood up shakily.
"I won't let you bring him out again. I'm going to stop him." Carson said quietly. Carson was thrown back onto the ground. When he looked up he saw the purple veins had emerged on Melena.

"Don't make me laugh. You’re nothing next to him." Melena said with a derisive chuckle.

He lay there for a few moments in silent defeat, then his head whipped up. "Careful, who you’re addressing, might not be as benevolent as Carson." Kern said in a low tone.

Melena gazed at him with a wistful, lustful look, and took a step towards him. "Kern." She said in a pleasurable sigh.

Marcus held out a hand and stopped her. "Think about who your addressing," said Marcus, in the dead voice he always used.

Kern smiled and stood up, injuries healing as he moved. "All I see right now, is my target and a powerless wench," Kern said and sent out a magical blast strong enough to send the pair across the room.

They stood their ground, planted in place, but Melena had obvious difficulty. Kern waved a hand at her and with an exclamation of surprise, Melena vanished.

"I think this should be between the two of us, don't you?" Kern said with a provocative look.
Marcus thinned his lips in preparation. He clenched his hands into fists then opened his left one and ray of blue electricity went flying towards Kern. Kern didn't move a muscle and before the bolt reached him it disappeared. Marcus opened his right hand quickly and a blast of power shot from it, one that couldn’t be seen, only felt. Kern knew it was coming and only raised an eyebrow and let the wave of power wash over him.

Marcus began to scowl then swiftly whipped his hands in front of him one hand over the other. Marcus got himself into a solid stance and then a ball of gray energy began to form in the hand closest to Kern. Kern merely slid his feet into a firmer position, then the light seemed to shimmer in front of him. A blast of overwhelming power shot from Marcus's hand towards Kern and seemed to slam into an invisible wall in front of him. Marcus kept the blast up and just before he gave up the strange shimmer in front of Kern seemed to shatter. Marcus allowed himself a small smile of victory as he forced the beam of gray light into Kern.

Marcus closed his eyes due to the light becoming too strong to look at. When the light had cleared, Marcus opened his eyes to see Kern standing in the same spot as before, unharmed. Marcus's face tightened slightly in surprise and annoyance. Then he noticed that Kern seemed to be tossing something in the air. As soon as Marcus noticed, it was gray and seemed to be made of light, Kern caught it and whipped his hand towards Marcus with supernatural speed. With one arm Kern sent the same gray beam Marcus had created back at him, so fast full comprehension of what was happening hadn't come to Marcus yet.

Marcus, half the cabin and five miles behind them were obliterated, incinerated and completely destroyed in and instant. Kern sighed and took a step off from the smooth ledge of the cabin outside.

"I kind of expected more... All well." Kern said, somewhat dejected. He looked over at the forest to his right as he heard a rustle in the bushes. He paused as Melena stumbled out of the woods.

She quickly glanced around at the destruction and smiled. "So you took care of him after all..." She whispered to herself quietly.

Then she turned to Kern and said "Let's go. We'll bring the world to its knees."
Melena turned to leave and paused when she didn't hear him following. Kern appeared in front of Melena.

"I don't need you Melena, your nothing. I killed Marcus because he was somebody, he had power, he was special. You... I won't do a thing to you. You’re nothing but a useless shell who knows power and lusts for it. You will never have power, ever. You are just a worm who yearns to fly."

Melena started quivering half way through what Kern was saying. He had struck her core, he took her very case of existence, smashed it and then kept on poking at the ashes. Melena started to sob and fell to the ground.

"Do you want to know why I’ve been killing specific people? I'm killing them to exact my revenge. Anybody with power, in any form to affect earth's future I’m destroying. This world will be left without the people they need to step up and change it. I will cause the world to fall into chaos. You however are not necessary to kill." When Kern finished speaking he let his words sink in.

Kern then projected images of Melena's uselessness into her mind. Then with one last look at the pitiful hopeless wretch on the ground Kern smirked and disappeared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is the latest chapter. And hopefully you've noticed the new layout. I would like to thank formaldehyde for creating it :)
Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and I am now warning you that this story is soon going to draw to a close. Don't worry though, if you enjoyed this story, I have a sequel to it that I can put up. I only have it finished up to a certain point and i'm working on other stories right now (check them out!) so I will be a bit slower putting up those chapters once I hit a certain point.