Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Sixteen - Change of Sides

Kern walked into the hotel room and wrinkled his nose in disgust. To think that someone of such power would lower themselves to live in such filth... He thought as he stared at the black stains on the walls, the smell of smoke in the air and the tacky decorations in the room.

He looked over on the bed where a young girl lay, sleeping. He stared for a few moments then turned around and said to the woman standing behind him, a gun aimed at his back, "Hello Alicia."

Alicia stared at him, mouth gaping open, then let the gun vanish.

"So it was you..." Alicia said in quite surprise.

Kern opened his arms in a gesture as if saying, 'what can I say?'

Alicia started to pace back and forth, "Do you know what kind of hell I’ve been through? When you left us, no ditched us! Thomas and I went after the target, Kate. Well Thomas is dead now. I went back later and found his body mutilated, most likely by his own hand. Then I heard about the organization being wiped out. I tried contacting the others but they treated me like a pariah! Me! I HATE YOU!" Alicia screamed.

Kern just stood there smiling. "Do you know why i'm here?" he asked.

Alicia stopped pacing and stared at him warily.

"No, why...?" Alicia then stopped, realization flooding her, his eyes said it all.
She started to back up. Kern looked at her questioningly, and slammed her into the opposite wall with a thought. Alicia grimaced in pain and tried to appear elsewhere.

"Not going to work with me." Kern said in a low voice.

"Now your going to tell me what I want to know. I know you've been keeping tabs on Kate since you left Evan’s Head. Now… where. Is. She?" With each punctuation of the last few words Kern put pressure on Alicia's wind pipe with his telekinetic power.

He kept her like that until Alicia started going fish faced, trying to get oxygen. He relinquished his mystical grip on her throat, and she rapidly sucked in air.

Alicia started to get the hiccups. Kern smiled and gave her a moment of intermission.

She looked at him and said, after finally gaining her breath, "Still in Evan's head. She wasn't forced to leave. Now please... Let me go..."

Alicia finished in a desperate plea. Kern's face softened. Then he snapped her neck with a thought. He loved it when they pleaded.

The body vanished before it hit the floor. Kern looked at the bed and saw the girl’s eyelids fluttering rapidly. Almost as if she were having a seizure, but without the rest of her body responding. Kern smirked; malice painted on his features, then he faded and disappeared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Anyways, i've updated quite a few things on here for the better, such as the layout, i've done some editing, made the story easier to read, etc. Hope you guys are happy with the changes and enjoy the fast approaching conclusion to this story :)