Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Seventeen - Predator

Kern appeared smack dab in the center of Evan's Head. This happened to be on the sidewalk in front of some miscellaneous stores. Kern looked at his surroundings and grinned, and then lifted his foot. He lowered it again in a light stomp. The moment the first part of his shoe touched the surface of the cement, a concussion centering around Kern shot out. The concussion knocked out windows and sent cars flying and continued to go until it reached exactly two point five kilometers outside the town, in a perfect circle.

He smiled, he liked to be dramatic once in awhile. People started to appear out of the wreckage and instinctively ran screaming from him. Of course, this might be due to the fact that Kern had cast a spell, bringing the illusion of their worst fears and nightmares to life. He laughed a laugh that expressed both dark glee and disgust as he saw a man look upon him and immediately soil himself. Kern tossed a hand at him. The man didn't even clutch his throat when it started spurting blood, due to his terror.

"Come on Kate... Where are you?" He whispered to himself as he killed a few more random civilians.

Kern started to torture a woman but let her go when something caught his eye. A child struggling to escape. Kern smiled and turned towards it. A sudden throb in his forehead stopped him. Kern took a few minutes to mutter a few phrases in an unknown language and the throbbing stopped. When Kern looked up the child was gone.

"Damn you Carson!" Kern muttered angrily.

Kern smoothed out imaginary wrinkles in his clothes, in an almost calming fashion. When Kern was done he straightened himself up, then said "No matter, I’ve sealed you away for long enough this time. You won't be able to interfere."

Kern giggled at nothing in particular, almost madly, then froze and caught himself and then in a business like fashion, turned back to the slaughter.


Kern wandered the streets enjoying the pandemonium. He made them scream, he made them run and Kern was about to start thinking nothing interesting was going to happen.
Kern turned the corner onto another street and stopped, interested. A young woman in a wheel chair was being wheeled up by a man around the same age. Kern smiled as he recognized the two.

When they got close enough to notice him, they stopped. Kern stared at the man and flicked his eyes down the street. The man went flying and continued to do so until he crashed into an overturned car in the middle of the roadway. Kern smirked and flicked his eyes towards the woman.

As she was wheeling herself towards him, he said in a frigid greeting, "Hello Lily."

Kern paused until Lily was in reaching distance.

She quickly snatched his wrist once she was within reach and said, "I don't care who you are or how you know me. However, today is the last day you will be using your abilities. Nobody messes with this town, nobody."

With that Lily closed her eyes in concentration. Kern just smiled at her then froze, and screamed.

The scream was suddenly cut short by the fact that Kern couldn't hold back his laughter any longer.

"Gotcha," he said, then flicked his free wrist sideways.

Lily went flying from her wheel chair and into a heap on the ground to Kern's left. He savored the look of confusion that had gone across her face before getting a taste of pavement. Kern then gave her a few moments to collect herself, when she did, she tried to crawl away. Kern walked over to her and kicked her so that she was lying face up. He wanted to see her face and the hopelessness that would take it over. That... And pain.

Kern put an out stretched hand over her. Then from that hand blue electricity shot out from it straight into her. Lily screamed and writhed in pain, contorting into nearly impossible twists and formations. Kern kept on pouring the electricity out but soon got bored of her tortured screams. The electricity suddenly turned red and Lily's screams stopped as suddenly as they had begun. Kern stared at the charcoaled body. Then he inhaled deeply, the smell of burnt flesh.

Then said over his shoulder, "Good afternoon Kate. Want some meat?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun dun! Its the beginning of the end! You finally get to meet Kate (unless you've been reading her story, Nothing and Everything).
Kern's pretty messed up, isn't he? Well the final show down between him and Kate is about to commence, who will win!? What happens?! Subscribe and find out!!!
Sorry... a bit hyper, I just love this chapter, even though it's a tad messed up. Hopefully you guys enjoy it as well.