Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Eighteen - Victim

Kern finally turned around sensing the power being unleashed. He knew this was going to be fun. He would take his time with this one...

Kate's eyes were completely black and he could feel the force of power and evil pouring into the entire atmosphere, with her as the focal point. Kern cocked his head as he heard her begin to speak.

"You really shouldn't have done that, boy." She said in a dark voice not completely her own.
Kern smiled at her and dared her for the next move. Kate spread her arms wide, almost in a gesture of surrender but after a moment flung her hands towards him. He lifted a brow at her, knowing the limitations of her powers. However, then he saw something that made him pause.

Out of the allies behind her came six humans of varying ages, races and genders. There eyes were also black from the darkness of Kate’s power. Each of them had some kind of weapon in their hands, a knife, crowbar, wrench, etc.

He grinned at them, happy to be a little surprised, it didn’t happen often. The six people surrounded him and came after him while Kate watched; a dark smile on her face as she waited for his demise.

He snapped both his fingers and in a blur two swords appeared in his hands. Kern swung one at a woman with a knife, thrusting towards him. He parried and swung his other sword above his head to block an attack with a wrench. He felt a stab in his stomach and looked down. A little boy had put a knife between his ribs. He spun away from the trio, knifing tearing through him.

Before he could grasp his bearings, three other men came at him with various weapons. Kern's swords disappeared and a mini concussion was emitted from him. The three men shot backwards smashing onto the ground. However they soon got up. He glared at the six people then started to rise upwards. Kern eventually floated to about eight feet above them. Blood from his wound dripped down, splashing on a woman's face.

They tried to jump and smack him down but none succeeded, though it was only a matter of time. He quickly glanced at Kate, who was giggling to herself, obviously expecting the end to come. He shifted his eyes and stared down at the group of humans below him. With an intense gaze they all turned to stone, even the little boy. The petrifaction process wasn't instantaneous. It worked slowly from their feet up to their heads so that Kern could hear their mutters of surprise turn to moans of pain. Before they had fully turned into statues all six tried to turn their faces towards Kate in looks of apology, seeking forgiveness.

He lowered himself to the ground, by the time he was there the wound in his stomach and all sign of blood was gone. He looked at Kate and all the statues exploded. She was blown back by the blast but soon Kern saw her shape emerging from the dust clouds and the fight continued...

Kern looked at Kate as she emerged from the dust. He was surprised to find how much fun he was having. Sure he was toying with her but she was strong, smart and dark enough to use as a temporary play thing. He almost lamented that he had to kill her. He almost wanted to keep her as a toy. He decided against it, there would be plenty of those later.
He put his thoughts to the side as he noticed Kate was saying something to him.

“You think you’re so smart don’t you? I can see you know my powers. Let’s see what you really know about me.” She said then her coal black eyes took on even more of a focus than before.

He smiled, so the tables had turned.

He felt an overwhelming barrage assault his mind. Trying to take over, trying to kill. He fought against it with his normal, average, strength but realized her side was slowly gaining the advantage. She was gaining entry. He would have raised his eyebrows in an expression of shock, if he wasn't so focused on the mental battle going on between them.
He fought for awhile more, and then a thought struck him. He smiled, a slight twitch of the lips. Then he let his defenses drop in their entirety. Kate's mental power swam into his mind. Kern could almost hear her crowing her victory. Then Kern summoned all his strength before she recovered and trapped her in a barrage of memories. Kern showed her every kill, every torture every experiment he had ever done. To animals, babies, men, woman, everyone you could ever imagine. Even for the dark being Kate had now become with the increase in her powers, she couldn't stand seeing the horror of the pure evil that was Kern's mind. She struggled to escape; the atrocity that was raping her mind. But he wouldn't let her. Kern looked at her through his physical eyes and slammed her telekinetically against the far wall. Kern smiled at her, a vicious smirk.

"You want to kill me? Then you have to become me," he said, then laughed maliciously and raised his hands towards her. Kate writhed on the wall, tears streaming down her face; eyes no longer black, but that made Kern just torture her all the more. He had won, victory in his grasp.

Then an explosion of pure power rocked him, throwing him violently against the ground. He looked up hurriedly; such power could not have come to him unawares... What Kern saw made his face blanch. A tall man with long black hair stood before him, the atmosphere around him radiating pure, untempered, power. Kern tried to open his mouth but it was sealed shut. Kern tried to cast a spell but his power was cut off. He wanted to scream, he felt powerless, he felt weak, he felt like... A victim.
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Finally a chapter where something good happens! Not just a psycho serial killer on the loose. Though who knows... maybe the person who is fighting Kern is more evil than him? Anyways thank you my readers for reading this far :)