Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Two - The Assignment

A week and a half later:

Carson walked towards his car holding a gray folder, the contents of which had an extensive profile of only one specific person. He got in the car and took one moment to pause and really think about what he was doing. After a moment, he shrugged, their was nothing else he could do, his path was set.

He drove towards the airport while going through a check list of everything he might possibly need to make this trip a success. He checked everything off, but something felt like it was missing, then remembered his ace in the hole. Carson smiled a dark smile, then it was gone as quickly as it had come, he then remained intent on his drive until he reached the airport.

He brought his one suitcase out of his car, he only needed one since his employers and the organization set up everything he needed, then strolled into the airport. Carson got his tickets and went through the V.I.P line into security. He stood, waiting patiently for the guard to check out his passport.

The guard looked up at him, verifying the picture, then said "So..." The guard glances down at the passport "Luke Simmons, what is the purpose of your trip to New York?"

Carson smiled at him politely and replied "I'm going to meet a very special friend of mine. She's quite something really, in fact you could even say one of a kind."

The guard smiled, at what he thought was a love struck young idiot, asked him a few more questions, thanked him and allowed him through. He went through the rest with no more trouble and headed towards his gate.


Carson's plane ride was as uneventful as his taxi ride to his hotel, just the way he liked and expected it. He got his room key, checked in quickly and headed up to his room, preparing for what he knew would await him there.

He went on the elevator and pressed the button to go to the third floor. While he waited he opened his suitcase and took out the gray folder. As soon as he had zipped up his suit case and was standing again the elevator beeped and the door opened. Carson walked down the hall to his room, entered his key card and entered the room.

He admired his suite and could see he had a nice view of the city, though it didn’t really matter, he had come for a job. He then looked away from the view, walked to his bed, sat and waited.

A few minutes passed by until the door to his room opened and a man and a woman entered. They walked in front of the bed and stared at him, you could practically see the wheels churning in their heads, weighing and sizing him up. Of course he was trained to see this and even he only noticed for a few seconds. Carson put a smile on his face to hide his unease and distaste with working with these professionals.

He decided to cut to the chase and end this distasteful encounter, "I'm the man heading this operation and will be debriefing you but first I need to know who the reader is."

The man smiled at him, a smile that showed too much teeth. Carson nodded, more to himself than them and muttered "So that makes her the..."

Carson trailed off, straightened himself and stood up. "Well now that that’s out of the way, I will start the debriefing."

He opened his file and pulled out copies of the information from it and handed them to the pair. "This woman is your target, her name is Tyra Newman. She shows signs of memory related powers. She can remember anything shown to her and also can control and blot the memories of others. Upon investigation she holds no significant threat due to lack of control. What should, however, be made clear immediately is that this is a capture assignment. In no way are you cleared to permanently injure or harm her in any capacity that goes over the limits of necessary. I will first have a scheduled meeting with her and try to gain control of her without need of either of you’re... talents. Of course we have taken precautions that if this should fail… thus your presence here on this assignment. While i'm in meeting with her I would like you the reader..."

At this Carson pointed at the tall man, who was flipping through the file, then continued. "To remain outside and try to get a read on her and make her powers even harder to control, thus she won't be able to lock on to who I am too early in the confrontation. I also want the one in charge of subduing her."

With this he gestured towards the woman." To be on stand by and be prepared to rush in and knock her out if things go sour. You both know the drill afterwords about handling and her destination. Until the plan commences the reader is assigned day time recon and the subduer is assigned night recon. Any questions?" With a slight shake of the head from both of them, they turned and left the room. Carson shook his head at them once he heard the comforting click of his door shutting once again, he hated working with people like them. Yet he knew it wouldn’t be long before he was partnered up with one. He turned and looked at his copy of the file. Carson sighed then got down to work. He stayed up the rest of the night getting as far into Tyra’s brain as he could.
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Okay I'm looking forward to all of your feedback. Though keep in mind this was a story I wrote a couple of years ago that I decided to post, after sprucing it up a little bit :)
The story also gets better as it progresses, so don't give up hope!