Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Three - Target

Two days later:

Carson walked into the cafe feeling elated; now he could prove to them all that he could do this and he was ready to be promoted to the next level.

He looked across the cafe and spotted Tyra immediately. She was a plain Jane, short, with shoulder length brown hair and no other distinguishing features. But her looks weren't what made her so easy to pick out, it was just the simple fact that Carson had studied her file inside and out, so much so that he almost knew her better than she knew herself.

He walked across the bustling restaurant, dodging swerving waitresses and waiter, and sat down across the table from her. Tyra looked at him nervously, then looked down at the table then seemed to steel herself and looked back up at him. He could still see the nervousness lingering in the background of her faded green eyes but he respected the determination to put that nervousness aside.

Tyra started the conversation when she realized he wasn't about to. "So why did you call me down here? You said it was a matter of urgency and I wouldn't have come if you didn't know about my... financial problems."

He stared at her a few moments longer than necessary, a technique to unnerve her, then answered in a cool, calm voice. "Tyra the real reason why I called you down here is simple, I have a proposition to make you."

He waited for a moment to let that sink in, yet not long enough to allow her the time to really think about what was being asked of her.

"I can help you reach all the goals that you have ever wanted to complete in life, money, security, love, power. All you have to do is come with me. You see I know about your, unique, abilities and wish for you to go through a special program to help you control your powers and unlock your potential. And if patriotism is your thing, this is for your country," he stopped to let Tyra actually process the information this time.

Carson knew that the way this operation would be handled and not to mention what position Tyra might obtain, was based on this, critical, point of the conversation. The amusing thing was that it was all up to Tyra to decide her inevitable fate. Carson knew he would get her, it was just up to how and all he had to do was wait.

Tyra waited for a few minutes to digest this, then looked up and Carson could see her pupils were dilating slightly but then quickly returned to normal. Tyra looked a bit confused and frustrated; and he knew if he were any other less prepared position, she would be running the conversation right now, trained or not. Carson filed the information away for latter use.

Carson then realized that Tyra was beginning to speak. "Alright I'll do this but with one request."

He raised a brow, interested in her preposition.

Tyra continued, "My request is that I will be working with you, I can see that you will be going places, and I want to be there when you take off."

He smiled an almost feral smile, leaned across the table, inches from Tyra, and said "I think that can be arranged."
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Okay I'm looking forward to all of your feedback. Though keep in mind this was a story I wrote a couple of years ago that I decided to post, after sprucing it up a little bit :)