Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Four - Partner

Three months later, Carson had visited multiple people with special abilities. Most were successful like Tyra, though others took a bit more “persuading” and their were a few failures ending in the targets escape or demise. No losses that Carson couldn't handle however.

The higher ups were very excited with the way these operations were going and Carson heard their was talk of promoting him to director of special projects. Carson didn't mind either way, as long as he was able to convince them of his good intentions, he was happy. Whether or not he actually had good intentions, was another story.


Carson sat in his office admiring himself in a mirror he had placed on his desk, something he hadn't done for a long time. He was around 5'8 with short brown hair and green eyes. He wasn't good looking naturally but it was amazing what a bit of sprucing up from various stylists could do. He wasn’t vain, he didn’t really care about his looks, but keeping up his looks did help him with his job, however subtly.

He looked up from the mirror and decided to put it away, waiting for his special visitor. The first of the new agents they had created was about to walk in his room and he couldn't wait to see the results of her training.

As Carson was tucking the mirror into a drawer, the door opened and in walked Tyra. She looked similar to what she looked like before but more fit and a few plastic surgery touch ups on her face to make it easier to blend in. Normally you might think it strange that you would plastic surgery to tone down your looks, but it was a common procedure in this business.

One look at her and Carson knew she was ready. It wasn't so much how she looked or acted, since she was trained to not be noticed and blend in, but their was a power about her that only a few people could recognize.

Before he had finished his last thought, Tyra stood in front of his desk waiting to be addressed. She was a professional now, no more nervousness or looking away, unless the job demanded it.

Carson looked at her and asked "Are you ready for me to fulfill my promise to you?"

At his words, a hungry light filled Tyra's eyes and Carson needed no verbal affirmation that she was ready and willing; the last few months hadn’t gotten her to change her mind.

Carson looked at her appraisingly, and ,after a few moments said, "Good. I've read your file and know how you've developed. Now I will fulfill my promise and make you my junior partner who will help me in any matters I may require. Your abilities will be useful and I believe we will make a good team, or else I never would have extended this offer to you.”

Carson paused, “Now the first thing I need is a ticket for both of us to Brazil."

Carson got up from his desk, opening a filing cabinet, and pulled out a folder and handed it to her.

He let her flip through it and get a jist of the details of this assignment, then started to speak again. "We are going after a woman named Kate Lunaer, her powers make her extremely dangerous, but i'm sure with your new developed abilities we can handle her. The rest of the details are contained in that folder, memorize it. Do you have any other questions?"

Tyra just looked at him a smile playing on her lips, saying simply, "This will be fun," then walked out of the room.

Carson looked at the door thoughtfully, wondering if their was a double meaning in her words. After a few minutes ticked by he shrugged and lost himself in paperwork involving his assignment in Brazil.


Carson was almost finished and with his preparations, when Melena swept into the room. He looked up and glared at her, she smiled seductively in return, then said in a soft, dangerous tone.

"Don't think that with your recent success we aren't still watching, I for one, know it's just a matter of time before you turn against us. It might take years, but it will happen and I can't wait for the day when i'm finally allowed to drain the life out of you."

Melena paused, obviously to let the threat shed its full effect, when she saw that he was listening, she continued in a more playful and slightly more audible tone.
"Don't worry lover, our chance to play is coming." With that and a fresh enticing smile dancing on her lips, she swept gracefully out of the room, just as quickly and suddenly as her arrival.

Carson analyzed the conversation and cursed silently. Obviously they had discovered something was a miss in Carson's recent successes, he just hoped they didn't find the files he had stolen before it was too late. He walked quickly out of the room hurrying down the familiar white halls, with new worries to daunt him.
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Sorry the chapters are so short O.o For some strange reason it just make sense to me how their placed but i'm still sorry for the shortness.
Thanks for the great comments and for reading :)