Sequel: Unwanted Inheritance
Status: Completed

A Two Sided Coin

Chapter Five - Lost Time

Mr. and Mrs.Fauner, also known as, Carson and Tyra's flight to Brazil was uneventful. Carson had prepped Tyra on the plane down but realized there was no such need; Tyra already understood how he operated. The rest of the plane ride was spent in silence.

They stayed the night in a run down hotel, to help avoid any detection. Kate had apparently had some negative encounters with the organization before, so she would be taking precautions.

When they awoke in the morning, Carson decided that they were as ready as they were going to be to try and take down this girl.

A few hours later:

Carson swept into the apartment to discover that it was empty. Carson stared at it in surprise then let a shiver of anger take him for a moment then shut the emotion down.
He walked back out of the room to see Tyra, who was waiting for him.

"She's gone." He said quickly while scanning the hall for any observers.

When Carson realized that Tyra had simply nodded to him he deduced irritatedly and then with dawning horror that she had read his memories. He cursed himself mentally for allowing himself to be taken surprise like this, he should have already expected this. Now wonder she was such a fast learner.

Carson paused for a moment, comprehending the information. She may know many of his secrets but she wasn’t a mind reader, still... He could twist this to his advantage.

Carson leaned in to Tyra and murmured to her with an icy calm, "Despite anything anyone might have said to dissuade you from this opinion, let me make this clear. We are partners now, now matter what I do or decide we need to stick together because if I'm taken down, your next.”

Tyra stared at him, not batting an eye, so Carson continued, “If I can know you'll have my back, nobody will be able to stop us..."

Carson began to lean back again but Tyra caught his shirt and pulled him even closer so she could whisper in his ear, "I knew that when I first met you. I’ll have your back, so your secrets are safe with me.”

Tyra let him go, the continued the conversation in a normal voice, “When you track down these people I’ll be with you and when you run from the organization. I’ll be with you too. I don’t care where this path leads; I’ve chosen to take it"

With that she strode down the hall, not looking back. When Carson managed to straighten out his suit, he was smiling a genuine smile. She’s interesting, he thought, then he chased after her.

When Carson rounded the corner he saw Tyra speaking with a man called Troy. By the time it took for Carson to walk down the hall to meet them, the man was already walking away.
Carson stopped beside Tyra and asked questioningly, "Who...?"

Tyra let the man walk a bit further away then turned to Carson and said simply, "He told me Kate moved out."

Carson processed the information for anything he missed, then said slowly, "We already knew that so why...?"

Tyra smiled, with a slight twitch of her lips, then said, "Yes, but what we didn't know and what he didn't say; was that the only reason she would have moved is because she was moving to another country. Apparently he had heard in one of his memories that she was building up money to fly out of here. He also unwittingly provided me with the time she left, thus we can approximate the flight times she could have taken and interview the ticket agents."

Carson smiled at the woman’s initiative, perhaps she will be a better ally than expected.
Then he said, "Let's get out of this hellhole and find that girl."

Carson turned and left, now confident that Tyra would follow him anywhere.


When Carson and Tyra arrived at the airport they set right themselves to work. They interviewed over a dozen flight attendants until finally Tyra was able to sort through ones memory and find that Kate had gone to Australia.

However by the time they had obtained this information, two days had already passed. Sorting through the memories of these people was a lot of work especially to find one person out of the thousands they saw every day.

Carson sighed as he walked out of the room they had interviewed the last flight attendant in. They had finally obtained where Kate was headed, but preparations would take a few days. He clenched his fists in frustration, he didn't blame Tyra for the slow progress he knew it was a harder job, memories are a fickle thing. But it still didn’t stop him from feeling frustrated, even angry, every minute they spent here meant their quarry was getting further and further away, the trail becoming even more difficult to pick up on. Carson sighed and made a few calls, then walked out so he could catch a taxi back to his hotel. This time, they weren’t going to let this girl get away.
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Sorry this chapters also short (I think their all going to wind up like this).
I'm still looking for names for chapters and whatnot.
Thanks for reading, and leave a comment if you want, i'm open to constructive criticism :)
(Though please remember that this was a story I made a few years ago. With some extra editing done to make it better)