Ja mata

Summer vacation was over and Heechul like many of the others, he was returning to work on their new project. Leeteuk, the leader and the hardest working, came in extra early. Heechul knew that Leeteuk was in the building but he didn’t run off to find him. Instead he waited in the studio listening to the radio. Eagerly he waited for the others to arrive but especially Hankung. The last time he had seen him they had had an argument. Heechul had wanted Hankyung to take him with him when he left for China for a long time now so he wrapped his arms around Hankyung’s waist from behind and rested his head on Hankyung’s right shoulder. “Hankyung, take me with you to China.”

Hankyung replied, “No,” and continued packing the Last of his belongings. Heechul squeezed his arms tighter around Hankyung and asked him, “Why?” Hankyung took a grip on Heechul’s arms and pushed him away. Not being able to look at him Hankyung replied in a harsh voice, “I’ve already told you before. I’m not going to take you to my home.” Heechul knew that Hankyung’s parents frowned upon him for letting a guy (Heechul) kiss him onstage. Hankyung told him that because of that he would never tell his parents he actually had a relationship with another man.

“I didn’t ask you to take me to your family’s home and parade me around. All I asked was for you to take me to China!” Hankyung turned to look at Heechul realizing that he had miss interpreted Heechul’s intentions. Heechul sometimes become to angry and starts shouting whatever is on his mind. “You’re so stupid Hankyung! You think I’d actually want you to make you family ashamed of you?!”

Heechul had walked over to Heechul to calm him down, but Heechul went on, “Dam you! I don’t hate you. I like you.” Angry and irritated Heechul walked over to one of his suitcases, took out a sweater and left the apartment. Heechul and Hankyung had been together for almost two years. Their anniversary was going to be right after summer vacation.

During the summer Heechul didn’t call or try to contact Hankyung. He was mad at him because of the argument and because Hankyung hadn’t tried contacting him first. By the time summer vacation was over Heechul had forgotten that he had been mad at Hankyung and all he wanted to do was see him. Growing bored Heechul left the Studio and went looking for Leeteuk to see if he knew if Hankyungs return plane had already landed or to see how much longer he was going to have to wait.

Leeteuk, with so many problems on his mind, was trying to avoid running into Heechul. Two weeks after everyone had left to where they had intended to spend their summer, Leeteuk was called in by their manager.

Turned out Hankyung had sued the company and it he intended to not to come back to Korea any more. The manager thought it to much of a hassle to have all the members come back just to say goodbye to Hankyung and Hankyung had requested that only Leeteuk came anyways. As the manager was explaining to Leeteuk about the deal that the company and Hankyung had agreed on to make the lawsuit go away, Hankyung arrived.

Being the leader Leeteuk cared about all the band members especially Hankyung because he had been through a lot, but right now he was angry at him because he was ready to give up just like that. He was giving up on his dreams and on his friends and especially on Heechul.

“Please let the guys know about my decision when they come back please.” This was the only request Hankyung had for Leeteuk. Angry at Hankyung, Leeteuk stood up, crossed his arms and paced around the room. The manager realizing that his presence was a disturbance quietly got up and left the room closing the door behind him. “Leeteuk,” asked Hankyung, “Would you?”

Leeteuk exhaled and turned to look at Hankyung who was sitting in a chair across the room, “What am I supposed to tell Heechul, huh?” Leeteuk knew that there has been something going on between them but he never said anything about it because it worked for them. Leeteuk’s priority as the band leader was to get everything to work; go to practice, do well in practice, to know they have been fed, etc.

When Heechul and Hankyung were happy or having a good relationship, they were more active and helpful with the other members. For them to fight was really rare so Leeteuk quiet about it until now. It was devastating for him to see Hankyung leave and he knew that it was going to be even more devastating for Heechul.

“Heechul will get over it,” replied Hankyung. Leeteuk didn’t reply and just stared back at him. Hankyung knew that this had been for the best. “Look Leeteuk you don’t know how were-“

“Yes I do. I wasn’t born yesterday you know.” Leeteuk walked over to Hankyung. Hankyung stood up quickly in fear as he saw him coming. “Let me tell you something,” Leeteuk pocked at Hankyung’s left shoulder, “You’re a coward. You’re just going to leave without a word-”

Hankyung’s fear quickly turned into anger as he was called a coward by one of his friends. Without thinking he found himself taking a grip on Leeteuk’s shirt and pushed him backwards. “I know I am!” Hankyung shouted at Leeteuk. With wide eyes and still taken back from Hankyung’s actions, Leeteuk saw in front of him a Hankyung he had never seen before.

Hating to admit it, Hankyung knew he was a coward. He loved Heechul more than anyone. He and Heechul had never gone beyond only kissing each other. Heechul had tried but Hankyung having a guilty conscience, always resisted.

After they had argued before leaving for the summer, Hankyung had planned on sending a letter to Heechul from China. Heechul loves written letters, especially when Hankyung would draw hearts on the letter at the ending of every sentence.

After being together for two years neither one of them could admit to the other that they were in love. Every time Heechul would see the hearts, his own heart would skip a beat and make him come to the conclusion that maybe Hankyung did love him.

When Hankyung arrived at his parent’s home for vacations he was surprised to see so many relatives and neighbors there. As he walked further into the house each and everyone greeted him excitedly. He didn’t know why until he made it through into the living room. Sitting on the floor, drinking tea, next to his parents was Gi Youngjae, a beauty; silky brown hair, smooth pale complexion.

Hankyung hadn’t seen her in years. Youngjae had been his neighbor when they were kids. As he saw her sitting there he recalled what his parents used to call her and the words just slipped out of his mouth, “My future wife?”

“Oh sweetie you remember her so well!” Hankyung’s mother exclaimed as she stood up to welcome him back home with a tight hug.

“I just can’t tell him Leeteuk,” Hankyung pleaded letting go of him.

“Why?” asked Leeteuk sighing. Hankyung took a seat where he had been previously sitting. Holding back the tears that had been welling up at the corner of his eyes, Hankyung explained to Leeteuk how his parents thought it would be better for him to put his career on hold while he started a family, maybe three or four years.

Leeteuk didn’t know what to tell Hankyung. He felt bad for him though that was for sure. If getting married was making him that miserable then he shouldn’t get married but Leeteuk couldn’t tell him that. He knew that Hankyung respected his parents to much.

“When I was on my way home I regretted not making up with him and telling him that I loved him but …” Hankyung sighed and stood up to meet Leeteuk’s gaze. “I guess it was a good thing I didn’t.” Hankyung smiled, “Please do this for me Leeteuk.” Without waiting for a response Hankyung hugged his friend, smiled at him one last time before saying goodbye and walking out the door.