‹ Prequel: My Dirty Little Secret
Status: Active (:

My Dirty Little Lie

Chapter Four

“Okay class, your homework tonight is section 3, questions 4-40.”

I sighed and rested my head on Dimitri’s shoulder, I felt as if I were in school all over again.

That’s how they made it seem.

“Did you write that down?” I asked him. He nodded and showed me the paper:

Section 3 questions 4-40

“Great, I was sort of hoping you didn’t.” I closed my eyes.

He looked down at me, “Maybe you should stop working so you can catch up on your sleep.
When college starts it won’t be like this at all. It’ll be worse.”

“I can’t stop working,” I mumbled hoping he didn’t hear me.

“Why not?” Dang.

“I… I like working.”

“Is it because of Cris?” He asked shifting so I could lift my head up and look at him. It was.

“Not really. It just… It gives me something to do.”

“You already have a lot to do,”

“Like what?”

“Like prepare for college, pack for college, spend as much time with family and friends, and most importantly; spend time with me.”

I chewed on the inside of my cheek, “That’s the thing, Cris is my friend also.”

He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

The teacher dismissed us and I shot out of my chair before she could change her mind.

He was able to keep up though, “Elena, I’m sorry, I just… I want you to be ready.”

“You don’t need to worry about me,”

“Of course I’m gonna worry about you. You’re my girlfriend for Goodness sakes.”
I whipped around, about to say something I may regret, but I stopped myself and said, “I know,”

He slung his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him, “I don’t want to argue with you, and so, I have a surprise for you tonight.”

“You do?”

“I believe that’s what I said,”

“No need for the sarcasm.” I muttered as we approached the car.

He looked at me and we climbed in, “Can I have a hint on what it’s about?”

He shook his head, “Nope. But what you should do is bring a change of clothes.”

“Wait, I’m sleeping by your house?”

“Is that a problem? ‘Cause I can figure something else out.”

“No, no, no. It’s fine, really. It’s just shocking.”

“I hope you’re up for it.”

I furrowed my eye brows, “I should be. You sound pretty weird-“

“How about I just drop you home, you pack and I’ll pick you up around eight.”

“Sounds good.”


“Hey, dad.” I said while making my way into the kitchen after changing my clothes. I reached
into the fridge and pulled out the juice jug.

“Hey, sweetheart; how was you day?”


He looked up from his book, “You don’t sound too sure.”

I twisted around with the glass in my hand, “I’m sure. Dimitri and I almost got into an argument though. But, he’s taking me out tonight.”

“Really, where?”

“To his house.”

“That’s not really going out.”

I shrugged, “Hey, um, would it be forbidden for me to maybe sleep over?”

“By his house?”

I chewed on my lip and nodded, “Yes.”

He locked eyes with me for a moment before saying, “Sure, your 18, you’ll probably do whatever you want anyway.”

I grinned, “Thanks dad.”

“You still have to ask your mom.”

“Oh, come on-“

He shook his head, “If she says yes, then I’m fine with it.”


She was fine was it; well more than fine with it, she was ecstatic.

I packed an overnight bag, but I wore a simple, bright yellow shirt and a pair of black slacks.

I left my hair out in the rough curls but I calmed them down as much as I could. I slung my
bag over my shoulder when I heard the honk and ran out of the house. Mom and dad went out for dinner.

I hopped in the car with a grin on my face and kissed him on the cheek.

“Once again, you’re in a good mood.” He told me.

“I’m excited.”

“For what?”

“To spend the night with you.”

He pulled out of the house and we talked about nothing until we reached his house. I walked inside and noticed it was dark, but lit by candles.

I dropped my bag and placed a hand over my mouth.

A dinner was set on his table and there were candles all around the table. I swore I saw rose petals and when I turned around to ask him what this was about, he smashed his lips onto mine and I responded back quickly.

He pulled back though, “Not now, I’m saving that part for later.” He said while grinning and I grinned along with him.

“This is amazing, Dimitri. You always do things like this. I feel horrible-“

“You’re not supposed to do anything for me.”

I turned to look at him again, “It goes both ways.”

“I guess,” He said pulling out a chair from the table, I sat down and he pushed it in, “But if you did something for me, I wouldn’t feel right.”

He sat down and I said, “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard.”

He shrugged, “It may be.”

I inhaled all the food on the table, it looked great.

“You know, it’d be nice if you started eating my food. You’ve got me worried.” He said.

I smiled and reached over the table grabbing something and putting it on my plate. “More things imported from Italy?”

He gave me a cheeky smile, “Yes. But I actually manifested that. It was the hardest and longest thing to cook, and I didn’t have time.”

“Hm, manifesting. I can think of many situations when I should have manifested something, but I didn’t.”

“Name one.”

My eyebrows shot up involuntarily and I said, “An example would be… that night.”

He shifted in his seat and wore a blank expression until he finally clarified it. “Ah, right.” He muttered.

“It’s just… It was nice to feel normal.”

“Elena,” He sighed, “Not tonight. I want this to be perfect.”

“I’m just saying. Not manifesting is making me feel a bit better about the whole situation. It’s one less thing to worry about-“

“Are you excited for Italy?”

I stared at him before sighing and saying, “Definitely. I can’t wait to get on that plane at the end of summer.”

“Neither can I.”

I put my fork down after taking a bite of something and said, “Number one, what is this I just ate because it’s delicious. And number two, I have something to ask you.”

“It’s called Ciambotta. And, what’s the question?”

“Will I ever get to see that book you always refer to when I have a question?”

His face fell slightly and he wore a small frown. “I can’t show you, Elena.”

“Why not?”

“It’s just… It’s not my place to tell you what it is.”

“What the heck are you talking about Dimitri?”

“I told you before; it was my friend’s book, before he died.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“It was our little secret. He wouldn’t want me to show anyone.”

“Not even the girl you love?”


I held my hands up and shrugged, “Just stating the obvious.”

“I have other ways of proving my love to you, Elena.”

“Really? Like how?”

He put down his napkin and got up, making his way towards me.

“I think you know how this goes,” He said.

I smiled and kissed him. It was innocent at first, but not for long. It turned into a French kiss,
and next thing I know; I’m being carried up to his bedroom.

He put me down, but stayed positioned on top. The only time he shifted was to take his shirt off. I ran my fingers down his sculpted abs and his hands trailed up my shirt.
He left warm trails behind and it made me want him even more, so I yanked my shirt off without hesitation. He pulled back, eyes widened slightly, “Are you sure you want to do this again.”

I ignored him and kissed him again hoping that would answer his question. His fingers tugged on the waistband of my slacks before he took them off.
It wasn’t long until we were both naked; doing things our parents would have no business knowing about.
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Dang , Its been awhile . So sorry . Like I said, I'm just getting on track with things and I'm finally on the straight A list ! Yes ! I have officially defeating the ONE B that kept ruining my life . Lol . But yess , And I would promise & say "Oh I'll be updating WAY MUCH MORE CAUSE ITS SUMMER" but i'd be lying to you . I actually decided to take my classes for 9th grade this summer so next year i'll be taking AP classes : / So ummm , I will try my hardest to get as much writing as I could done , but it's not a promise. But dude , I have like chapter ten of this on WORD, lol . So, if I ever fall back I can easily just copy & paste . But seriously , I will finish these books, I'm just warning you now it may take a while , BUT PLEASE don't give on me . Please don't . I love each and every one of my readers/ fans . I appreciate every message , comment , and subscriber . Bye guys , i'll to you soon .