We're Not So Different After All

Chapter One

“Don’t forget to write to us as soon as you get settled in.” My mom hugged me.

“I won’t forget,” I promised.

“Remember to stick with Draco, darling.” My father gave me one last hug.

“I’ll try,”

“You best get on the train, you want to get a good seat.” My father suggested.

I couldn’t control my nerves. I was about to leave my parents for a boarding school when I only knew one other person who was going to be there. It wasn’t easy for me to make friends; I tended to push people away.

“Goodbye Renae,” My mother half smiled.

I waved goodbye to my parents and climbed onto the Hogwarts Express. There were people of different ages rushing to find seats, talking to friends, and I just stood there not sure what I should do. I had no idea if there were any rules about seats.

“First year?” Someone asked me.

I turned to see a boy not much older than me, “Um, yeah….”

He looked down at me, silently for a moment, as if he was trying to figure me out, “Don’t worry about it. I’m a second year so some things are still new to me. My sister is a first year. You should sit with her. That is unless you have someone else you were going to sit with.”

My parents told me to stay with Draco, but it wasn’t like I could find him with all these people. I figured one train ride with a stranger my age couldn’t be so bad, “No, I have no one else. Where is she?”

“Over there,” he pointed, “the girl with dark brown hair.”

I saw her, she was sitting alone. I walked over to the compartment, the door was open. I cleared my throat and she looked up at me, “C-could I sit with you?”

“Yeah,” She smiled brightly.

I sat down and looked out the window nervously, “My names Celina, Celina Ross.” She broke the silence.

I looked at her, “I’m Renae Quinn,” I half smiled.

I think her smile was permanently drawn on her face, “Are you excited about Hogwarts?” As soon as she asked the train started.

“Yeah I guess so; I think I’m more nervous though.” I admitted.

“Looks like we’re sitting alone,” She didn’t seem bothered and I’ll admit I was glad it was just the two of us, “I’m nervous too; I don’t know anyone who’s going. Aside from my know-it-all brother, Tyler.”

I laughed, “Know-it-all?” Remembering the boy who suggested I sit with his sister.

“Oh, he’s in the Ravenclaw house. That house favors intelligence; he thinks he’s so grand. It’s just because my dad was in Ravenclaw.”

“Oh,” I replied.

“So did your parents go to Hogwarts too? Do you have any siblings?” She asked.

“My parents were both in Slytherin and I’m an only child.”

“My mom was in Slytherin, maybe she knows your parents.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have siblings, I have another older brother who works for The Ministry of Magic in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. His name is Christian, he was in Gryffindor.” She explained.

“It gets kind of lonely being an only child though. What house do you think you’ll be in?” I asked curiously.

“Oh, I’m not sure! My whole family is mixed up. A lot of families stay in the same house, not mine. So I guess it’ll be a surprise. What about you?” She smiled.

“I expect I’ll be in Slytherin, my whole family has been.”

“Anything from the trolley, dears?” A plump elderly woman asked.

I saw Celina dig through her pockets for money, “I’ll have some of everything.” I said.

I handed the lady money and she took off down the row of compartments, “Are you going to help me eat all of this?” I asked.

“Really? I could have bought my own.” She smiled gratefully.

“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled.

We picked through Pumpkin Pasties, Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, and Liquorice wands. I personally liked the Chocolate Frogs the best. I wasn’t too sure about trying a Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Bean.

“I dare you to try a Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Bean!” Celina laughed.

“No way! You do it.”

“Hm, how about we both try one at the same time?”

“Fine,” I agreed.

We both grabbed one, “On the count of three, one, two, three.” Celina counted.

We both ate our beans at the same time. As soon as I could taste it I felt like throwing up. It tasted dirty and sweaty, “I think I got a dirty sock one.” I gagged.

Celina’s face puckered and she looked as though she was going to be sick too, “Rotten egg, I think I’m going to barf.”

“I’ve lost my appetite. We can save the rest for later.” I suggested.

I don’t think there was a point when we actually stopped talking to each other. This wasn’t like me, not at all. I always kept to myself, wanting friends, but unable to meet any that I got along with. We laughed continuously throughout the train ride. She told me more about her family and I told her about mine.

I told her how I already knew how to ride a broom and I knew some spells already. She as well knew how to ride a broom and was excited about Transfiguration.

“So do you know anyone going to Hogwarts besides me?” She asked.

“I know one, his name is Draco Malfoy. I’ve known him my whole life. Our parents knew each other in school and are “best friends”.” I said.

There was a lot of noise coming from the train, more than usual. Celina’s brother Tyler ran into our compartment, “Sis, did you know Harry Potter is on the train? He’s going to be in your year!” He yelled.

“Really?” She asked, shocked.

“Is that what everyone’s going on about?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’s just in the next compartment.” He looked excited.

I didn’t get what was so amazing about Harry. Sure he survived the killing curse from the Dark Lord himself, but it wasn’t from anything he did. He was only a baby when it happened.

When the train stopped we had to cross the lake to get to the school, it was tradition for all first years. The school was enormous. Celina and I stuck together the whole way there. When we were escorted into the Great Hall to be sorted, the ceiling was bewitched to look just like the night sky. Students stared at all the first years walking to the front of the Great Hall. First years were called alphabetically by last names to be sorted into their houses for the next seven years.

Celina and I hoped we’d be in the same house. Many students were sorted before it was Celina’s turn, “Ross, Celina.”

Celina sat on a stool and a woman put the sorting hat atop of her head, “This is an easy one, Gryffindor!”

Celina followed what the others did and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Quite a few students were called up before it was my turn, “Quinn, Renae,”

I did the same as all the others before me and sat on the stool waiting to be sorted. I knew my whole family was in Slytherin and now Draco was, but a part of me wanted to be with Celina in Gryffindor, “Slytherin is the house for you!”

All the Slytherins applauded. I turned to the Gryffindor table and saw a sad look on Celina’s face. I turned and walked to the Slytherin table and sat next to Draco.

It wasn’t long until Celina and I categorized ourselves as best friends. We never got sick of each other and always had loads to talk about. I even told her something I never told anyone before; that I was a Metamorphmagus. It meant that I could change my appearance to any living form I wanted to, the color of my hair, how tall I was, I could even change into an animal, etcetera.

Though I never told anyone didn’t mean no one else knew. Of course my parents knew, but they told the Malfoy’s and soon enough Draco found out. I never messed with transforming around him, so he probably forgot.

My parents didn’t know where I’d gotten it from, but it was something you had to be born with. I chose to keep my normal appearance for most of the time; dark brown hair, brown eyes, and pale complexion. I still didn’t have complete control over it. Sometimes when I’d get really angry my hair would change color. Celina thought it was the coolest thing in the world and had never met anyone who was a Metamorphmagus before.

Being sorted into different houses didn’t stop Celina and me from being friends. It seemed everyone looked down on us, because it wasn’t common for a Slytherin to befriend a Gryffindor. Slytherin was categorized as evil, so therefore everyone thought nasty things of the students in that house. They had the most rivalry with the Gryffindors so that was another reason everyone found it so strange.

I honestly didn’t care what anyone thought. Celina was my best friend and I could take anything anyone tried to insult me with if it meant being her friend. We were inseparable and no one understood our friendship but us.

Not even halfway through the year Celina had befriended some of her fellow Gryffindor first years. This included Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter. I on the other hand only talked to two of the Slytherins from my year, Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass. Draco had better friends apparently and didn’t need the likes of me anymore. He wouldn’t talk to me and barley looked at me.

When the school year came to an end Celina and I promised each other we would keep in touch by owl post. I spent most of the summer at Malfoy Manor and surprisingly Draco started talking to me again, like nothing had ever changed.
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First chapter is up. I hope people like it!