The Town's Been Talkin'


The stink eye, I never personally encounter one before. Or maybe I have and never noticed it. I’m pretty much making this face expression said like some kind of myth. But I know for a fact that Garnett was definitely giving me one. I really had to think about what I did to deserve the stink eye. I thought back to 5 minutes ago, I thought back to an hour ago and even this morning. What the hell could I’ve done to him?

“Don’t think too hard there,” I heard John say from a distance. I brought my attention to him and noticed that he wasn’t that far away.

“Original.” I laughed lightly and started to put shirts out from the box in front of me. I only wished that setting up the merch stand was easier, but then again it wouldn’t be a job if everything was already laid out for me.

“I’m just saying you look like you’re thinking really hard.” He said and grabbed a shirt from me. “What are you thinking of anyways?”

“Wondering what I could’ve done to Garnett in the last 24 hours.” I answered and started to set up the board behind the table.

“Can’t think of anything?”

I shook my head and sighed lightly, “He’s been giving me the stink eye, or what appears to be that.”

“At least I’m not the only one.” John said pinned one of the shirts onto the board.

“You know what you are right?!” A rather loud and mad sounding Garnett said along with a small slam.

“A girl trying not to pee in her pants, that’s what,” I unwillingly yelled and looked over to John who looked just as scared.

“I’m going to go; I’ll talk to you later if you’re still alive.” John said and quickly added a kiss to my cheek before rushing off.

“That’s right, run off!” Garrett continued to yell.

“Wha—hey, the hell is up your ass, Garrett?” I asked as I watched John run off and then looked over to the beast.

“You know what you are right?” He asked a lot calmer, sounding more like a concerned Garrett than the man eating one I just witnessed.

I looked at him oddly and then down to the object that he held in his hand, I frowned. “Really they’re making us using these now. It’s bad enough with the money and now there’s going to be credit cards and this thing.” I partly whined.

“Selene, come on focus please.” Garrett said and sighed deeply. I brought my eyes to his and noticed an entirely different look on him; no longer did he look concern but something more than that.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I am… well I am a girl if that’s what you were referring to.” I said and frowned lightly, “What are you getting at now?”

“Yes you are a girl, but that’s not all. You’re the last girl I want to see get hurt, you’re amazing and the very last thing I want to see is you being some empty girl.” Garrett said and walked around the table.

“I’m lost,” I half lied; I knew this was going to be about John, I knew it too well in fact. I was just hoping that maybe for once someone wasn’t going to look deep into this.

“You’re the tour girl,” He said and bit his bottom lip. His eyes shifted about as if he was trying to gather the right words to explain what was on his mind.

“What the hell is that suppose to mean?” I asked and stared up at him.

“Your John’s tour girl,” He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Really, can’t you just stand there and not analysis this relationship that’s going on between me and John?” I asked and crossed my arms.

“I’m just saying, what happens after tour Sel?” Garrett asked.

There I stood my mouth opening and closing trying to find the perfect words to defend the relationship I was in. With every stutter that came out it only made me that much more scared that Garrett was going to be right. I was either going to be stupid enough to believe Garrett or be stupid enough not to believe him.

“Thanks,” I said. “Fix the board your damn self.” I said and walked out of building. My hands covered my face and the tears that were threatening to show. I’m sure I didn’t make it obvious that I was in the verge of tears.

When I was far away from the House of Blues well more like at the entrance of the restaurant. I leaned against the wooden railing and looked out at the view of Los Angeles. I let the few tears slip finally, not having it in me to hold them back anymore. I hated that fact Garrett brought that up; I didn’t want to be around John with that on my mind. I didn’t want to think that every kiss was just meaningless. For once I want to admit I am scared and finding out that I’m nothing to John would most likely kill me.

I heard few foots after a while, knowing it could be one of the workers or band members. When I felt an arm around my shoulders, my head snapped to see my brother next to my side. I cuddled closer to his side and closed my eyes for a moment or longer.

“It’s not every day you’re crying, talk to me.” Kennedy said soothingly.

“How’s your head?” I asked.

“It hurts, but I’ll live and promised to not drink like a fool again. This promise would probably last until next month.” He chuckled and rubbed my arm. “That’s not why I’m here. Something more is bugging you and I know you wouldn’t shed tears for your bro’s hangover.”

I took a shaky breath and looked at him, “How much do you remember from yesterday?”

“Not much which should be good because I don’t want to know what I did.” He said with a small laugh.

“Do you remember what John told you?”


I frowned deeply and then sighed uneasily. “He told you that we’re together.”

“Is he lying?” Kennedy asked and looked at me finally.

“No,” I answered slowly.

“You and John are in a relationship? Like you’re his girlfriend and there’s no dating anymore else?”

“That is what a relationship is Kennedy,” I looked over his face trying to see if he was mad, happy or anything at all.

“When did he ask you to be his girlfriend?”

“Yesterday.” I stated with a nod.

“And he already hurt you?”


“Then why are you crying?” Kennedy laughed.

“It’s what Garrett said, I’m just his tour girl… What happens after tour? We just pretend nothing happened?” I asked and wiped my eyes.

“As much as I want to hate this and say you shouldn’t, I know you will and I rather have you happy. And don’t fucking listen to Garrett; he talks out of his ass at times. You two just started out as this couple, don’t look for problems already.” Kennedy said and brought me into a tight hug. “But all I want to say is don’t let him hurt you in any way.”

As I stayed in my brother’s arms I realized how much I missed being in them. I don’t even remember the last time we had a talk, I don’t really remember just hugging him because I wanted to. I had the urge to tell him more about this tour and how it was more than I was asking for. I wanted to say that I was the other girl for John when he couldn’t find a lay, that I let John do what he wanted because I blinded by how he made me feel.

I took the guess that the emotions were finally spilling because I didn’t know I was already sobbing into my brother’s hold. I didn’t know that I had to go through all of this just to realize I needed my brother there more than anyone else. There wasn’t anything he could’ve said to make the tears stop or the pain fade, and I was happy he wasn’t trying. I’m pretty sure to him I was just a worried girl crying over the beginning of a relationship. That’s all he needed to see anyways.

“I miss you Selene,” I heard my brother whisper into my hair and hugged me closer to his body.

“I miss you too.” I whispered back. I almost wish for this tour to be over already.
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update, yes. I know there isnt any john and selene because i thought there should be at least a few sister and brother moments as well.
and i dont have any good excuse to a late update, just it's been a hard few weeks. so thank you for those who stayed with me, i dont know how to thank you anymore. but thank you, really.
for further noticed there should be an update next week sometime, its a warning.