The Town's Been Talkin'

Prefect Shade of Dark Blue

Sin City, what happens here, stays here… you guessed it we were in Las Vegas, where it seemed like the party never ended and drinking at 9 in the morning was just fine. It was 12 or possibly 1, we waited until tomorrow to get the instruments at the House Of Blues as of right now we were going get settled into the hotel they had to stay in. Whatever made the guys less whiney.

I was passed my bag along with a few others, I took a moment to realize that Kennedy was trying to make me carry his and John’s; I dropped them on the ground and headed for the hotel. I opened the door that brought cool air mixed with the smell of cigarettes; it was odd that it still smelt a bit clean. I started to head for the front desk when I was pulled aside.

“What are you trying to do?” John asked with a hand holding my upper arm.

“I was trying to get to the front desk,” I pointed with my finger and adjusted my bag on my shoulder.

“No, I mean what are you trying to do? You can’t forget that last night didn’t happen.” He said firmly.

I looked at him almost shocked, was he hurt that I didn’t want to remember being with him? Or it was the whole ‘I’m the best, you have to remember me.’ sort of thing. I watched as the rest of the group walked forward, pointing and smiling ignoring John and I, those bitches.

“Sure I can John; I can forget lots of things. So what if I happen to forget last night?” I stated with a meaningless shrug. In all honesty, I couldn’t forget last night or any night I was with John, but I couldn’t let him know that. I was trying to hide the hurt I felt and keep this bitch like face. I got out of his hold and rushed up to walk with my brother.

We were greeted by the awesome Palms’ staff and given our room keys, Kennedy handed mine over seeing that he didn’t want me sharing with the guys. I smiled in my way of saying thank you and followed the group to the tower we were staying in. The vibe that was flowing freely throughout the hotel and casino made me want to go out and just go crazy and have a good time, but then again I was tired.

Once in my room and settled I found it impossible for me to rest let alone stay in one spot for more than a few seconds. We all finally can to the agreement that tonight would be a fun night and would try to hang as a group, we all knew that it wasn’t going to last. Night approached and we were all ready I entered the club they had at the hotel with my arm linked to Garrett’s, we stayed as group as we entered even for the first drink and then we were all at our own corners of the club.

I stayed at the bar not wanting to dance alone or strike up a conversation with the two excited girls next to me. As if they were my entertainment I watched them walk off, at least with them next to me I didn’t look like such loner or loser.

I sighed slightly and then jumped at the sound of a happy drunken ‘Hello’ I turned my head to the side seeing a guy leaning up against the counter with a drink in hand. He wasn’t bad looking but he did give out that desperate vibe. I gave a small smile and turned forward again.

“Are you here alone?” He asked and moved closer, speaking loudly over the music.

“Nope,” I simply replied.

“It seems like you are to me babe.” He continued wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

“Actually my friends are around here, I just took a break from dancing.” I lied as my nerves got the best of me.

“Sure you did how about we move this two person party over there.” He pointed towards some booth.

“No, that’s okay. Thank you.” I laughed nervously and got off the stool. I looked around eagerly for any of the guys. There were none in sight, just my luck.

“What are you all shaken up for babe? I’m not going to hurt you.” He snorted and brought me close to his side.

“I’m not shaken up; I just don’t want to be with you.”

“Playing hard to get it, I like that in a woman.” He finished off his drink and put the empty glass on the counter. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as he felt his arm lower and grip onto my waist before heading for the booth he pointed out.

“I’m not a woman!” I tried and smiled weakly, it only got him laughing harder. I was cursing to myself as we got closer to those booths; he stood in front of me wrapping both arms around my waist as I tried to wiggle free.

“You’re a fidgety one, aren’t you?” He smirked bringing his head down; I felt his breath on my lips and his hands gripping tightly to my waist to hold me close to him.

“Please stop!” I begged and swallowed hard, I pushed him back the best I could. I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see his face anymore, my hands balled up into fists at his shoulders. Just as I was accepting this sudden faith, his body was removed.

I let out the breath I was holding and watched John pushed the guy up to the wall, giving him a few slams while he was at it. I noticed the few nods the guy give and looked over to me; John brought his face back towards him and finally let him go after a few more words.

“It’s too bad I couldn’t get a taste of that,” The guy smirked. I shook at the words and John turned back punching him square in the face. The roar of people around us started up and I quickly grabbed John not wanting to get kicked out or removed from the hotel.

I walked out of the club with John’s hand in my own holding onto it tightly. I headed back for the elevators to our tower; he didn’t put up a fight. I walked into our hallway when the doors open and took a shaky breath, I let go of his hand and leaned up against the wall near the elevators.

“Are you okay?” John asked after a while and stood in front me.

“Yeah,” I said with a weak smile.

“Are you sure?”

I shook my head a little and let out a small chuckle, I wiped my eyes as a few tears slipped. John brought me into a tight hug; I quickly wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face into his chest. I think this was the only time I felt really thankful for knowing him even to have him around. His fingers ran through my hair comfortingly and his chin rested on top of my head.

“I won’t let anything happen to you. I’m here.” He said.

Yeah, for the time being John.
♠ ♠ ♠
fair warning dont get comfortable thinking right now things will change for them,
because it might be a while maybe a few chapters.
but thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.