The Town's Been Talkin'

Don't Make A Scene

Hung over bodies moving to and from the tour van’s trailer unpacking the equipment for tonight’s show, it was slowly but surely getting done. If it weren’t for the hot Vegas weather chances are the pace would’ve been faster but then again, they were hung over. There was bit of talk of last night’s episode each guy from the band had their own story, not one close to the truth. Neither John nor I choose to fix their lies. I wanted it in the past and John didn’t want to have to explain it multiple times to my brother.

Sound check was just the ticket to get the guys into the spirit of music, each guitar sting played, every beat that the drummer would hit, and every singer that sang made them cringe just by the slightest. It was quite amusing to watch. I unfolded the table for the merchandizes and put the small makeshift wall in back and added the black sheet that would make the band’s shirts and what not really pop out at you.

I clipped one of their shirts to the board and noticed an extra pair of hands doing the same on the other side but with those booty shorts. I looked over and jumped slightly, I didn’t notice the guy standing there or even heard the ‘hello’ he could’ve said.

“Wow, I think that’s the first time I actually make a person jump under a minute.” He said almost sadly.

“No, I’m sorry I didn’t notice you…” I apologized.

“I know, I said hello about 5 times.”

“You did?” I asked sounding shock and embarrassed by my lack of awareness.

“No,” He laughed and took a shirt out of the box. “I sort of had this urge to help you.” He gave out a small smile.

“Oh… Well thank you…” I said and looked over this new face. I obviously haven’t met him before, so that could only mean he works here. “I’m Selene by the way.” I introduced myself while messing with the collar of a shirt.

“I know that. You’re Kennedy’s sister.” He said with a wrinkled nose. “Made the mistake of asking about you around him and the whole brotherly thing happened. Plus you have his eyes… now that I noticed.”

I looked at him and laughed lightly; it was unoriginal to me now to hear that I have my brother’s eyes or that I had his kind of laugh.

“I’m Chris by the way,” He added quickly before I could go to deep into thought about me and my brother.

With little more talk and a bit of work both Chris and I finished up the small stand, leaving us to set up some kind of system for tonight’s sales. As we started to arrange the boxes and set out a few things, I couldn’t help but notice John and the others preparing to get on stage for their sound check. I tried not to stare at the uncomfortable, glares sending, invisible middle finger throwing John, who was now getting on stage.

Sure his voice easily put me into a calm and happy state but if it weren’t for Chris to bring me back to reality every now and then, I’m sure I would’ve been just standing there, like I always did showing John that he made me weak by simply singing. Not today, oh no…. not today.
I didn’t know how I felt about this; I was able to actually make emotionless John O’Callaghan feel jealous probably a bit hurt. No, I did know, I loved it. It only encouraged me to do more, to get him to feel what I did. It was just a game. That’s all it was anyways right?

With every touch to the arm or small cuddle that was given to Chris I could only hear the small mistakes being made in John’s playing and singing. The smile was wide due to Chris and John’s suffering, I bet this is what he feels. Time went on like it did every day and it was now the beginning of the concert, my spot remained at the table along with Chris who was signed to help me. He honestly made selling merchandize that much more fun.

As always I put someone else in my spot to sell merch until The Maine’s set was over, I walked to the back where the band was doing their thing of preparing or using the restroom. I quickly and unwillingly spotted John’s pouted face off to the side, I mindlessly walked over to him and wished him a quick ‘good luck’ and heard a small mumble of something I’m sure I’ve turned around and made him repeat it. But not today instead I wondered on and looked for my nervous brother. Seeing him all wired up before the sets were always something to look forward too.

“What if I fall off the stage?” Was the first panic question Kennedy blurred out.

“I told you wink from afar and not up close, tease the fans.” I patted his shoulder.

“What if I get sucked into the mosh pit?”

“Then protect the jewels and booty.” I nodded.


“Shut up bro, you’ll be fine. You always are. Now go rock out.” I encouraged and pushed him towards the stage along with the other guys. My usual distraction wasn’t John tonight my eyes wouldn’t stick on him, they would slowly slip pass him and to Chris. Not that he was staring back but he was always doing something goofy.

After their set and after putting their instruments away, I rushed back to be with Chris. A few minutes of no talking lowered my mood but it was quickly brought up by the sudden invitation to hang out with him after the concert and whatever needed to do be done. I happily accepted.

When the show was over and everyone was out leaving just the staff and band mates, Chris and I didn’t have much to do besides a bit of cleaning. I was just in the middle of packing the left over merch when John appeared.

“What are you doing after this?” He asked casually. I knew it was more of nosy question then actually trying to make a night out for the both of us.

“Oh nothing,” I stated with a small sigh.

“Really?” He asked sounding a bit surprised.

“Yeah… what are you up to?”

“Nothing either, I’m actually not in a partying mood. Probably just go back to the hotel and finally relax.” He said with that charming smile of his.

“Sounds fun, I’ll probably see you at the hotel then?” I looked at him and smiled somewhat.

“Hmm, most likely Sel...” He said and walked back to the guys.

Chris made his own appearance and we were off to experience a Vegas night out on the strip or whatever we decided to do. The smallest bit of butterflies formed as his arm snaked around my waist in a protective manner I would like to think, my eyes couldn’t help but connect with John’s as we walked out. The hurt shined off of them, the mad expression pasted to his half tanned face, the balled up fists at his sides. Must be what I look like from his point of view.
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i didnt think i was going to get this done, but i did xD
if theres mistakes and errors, im sorry.
xbox and left 4 dead sort of rule my life. -___-
subscribe/comment make me wanna update faster!
i love those subscribed already, youre awesome.