Status: A work in progress.

Song Inside of Me.

001. Aimee


"Good morning, what would you like?" A blonde haired guy gave her a tired look, he yawned a bit.

"Vanilla latte tall please." Aimee replied in a quiet tone, she defiantly needed her coffee.

The guy yawned and punched in some things before replying. "$3.10."

Aimee paid him and stepped off to the side.

Her phone buzzed and she took it out to see who it was.

Aimee where are you? .___.

Aimee chuckled slightly at Kelsey’s text and replied.

Starbucks, and chill I haven't died or anything.

Could've fooled me :P
Get me something?

That girl would be the death of her. Kelsey always did everything for the last minute. This also sucked because they shared a loft. Aimee drummed her fingers on the counter before sighing.

What do you want?

Two chocolate brownies! :D thank you Aimee!

No problem :P I hope you like your brownies, and you owe me!

"Your coffee ma'am." The dude behind the other counter slid it over to her.

Aimee muttered thanks and put her phone away. She grabbed the coffee and went to go mix it to her taste. After she was done she had to once again get in line. Even though there was only one person. Starbucks was pretty empty for this hour.

The guy in front of her had ordered a snack and some type of coffee. She wasn't really paying attention to what he was ordering. She was actually paying more attention to him. He seemed very familiar somehow.

"What would you like?" The same guy asked her, it was her turn now.

"Two brownies." Aim sighed and took out her money.

She paid and the guy gave her a small bag. She grabbed it and started to walk out the door. But someone came rushing in almost knocking Aimee over and her precious coffee.

"Ohemgee! Your Nick Jonas. It so nice to meet you!" The girl exclaimed as she stood next to the dude.

So that's who he was. Aimee smiled to herself.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." Nick smiled and shook the girls hand.

Aimee was slightly annoyed that the girl didn't even say sorry, and almost knocked her coffee over but she was too tired to care.

Her week was long and stressful, homework, tests, essays and her internship at Blue Line couture. She had no idea how she managed school and work. Let alone a social life.

"Hey, wait up a second!" A voice exclaimed, just as Aimee was getting into her car.

It was Nick jogging over to her car.

"Yeah? Something wrong?" Aimee gave him a confused look.

She hadn't even talked to him. Why would he talk to her?

"I just wanted to apologize for my fan's action. I saw how she almost knocked you and your coffee over. She didn't even apologize. It can be such a hassle at times." He replied placing his sunglasses on his head.

Aimee laughed slightly and shook her head. "No it's quite alright. Not everyday someone meets a celebrity. It's also not everyday a celebrity apologizes for a fan. It's nice to know there are a few decent people left out there in the world."

"Glad to know you consider me decent." He shot her the infamous Jonas smile.

"Good for your ego too." Aimee chuckled, and then checked the time. "It was really nice meeting you Nick, but I got to go. I promised to meet up with a few friends.”

“It was nice meeting you too. Um I never caught your name.” Nick scratched the back of his neck.

“It’s Aimee, Aimee Wellington. Maybe I’ll see you later sometime.” Aimee opened the door and he held it open as she sat down.

“Well I hope so.” Nick leaned on the window she had slid open after closing the car door. He gave her a smirk then said, “To make sure of that, can I have your number?”

Aimee raised an eyebrow at him. He was asking for her number in public where she was sure that paparazzi would be taking pictures. Fantastic.

“Give me your phone.” Aimee said simply.

Nick passed her his phone, the fancy iPhone, and she saved her number. Aimee handed the phone back to him.

“Call or text me sometime. See you around.” Aimee waved as she pulled out of the parking space.

Nick took a step back and gave her a small wave as she drove out of the parking lot.

“I’ll make sure of that.” Nick thought with a smile, then walked down the street to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wowww.. It's been a long time since I've posted anything on this!
Well it's better late then never :)
I hope you guys will like this story. I can't get it out of my head. So maybe there's a chance that i will update this maybe once a week or idk. We'll see.
Anyways leave some comments <3 They're very much appreciated! && also subscribee :)
thnxx .

Much love.
Aimee's outfit