‹ Prequel: Trouble With Pink Hair
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Still Causing Trouble


Zacky’s pov
I had never seen Tilly more broken, except for at her mother’s funeral. I understood that Snuffy was her best friend. The police came around after a while, and Jesse explained everything that happened. I didn’t mention that Tilly had left the scene, I just said she went to bury Snuffy which I bet she did.

“Is there a possibility that I can sue over the dog?” I asked one of the police officers.

He nodded, “Yes there is but you’ll have to fill out some paper work.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

“She’s not answering.” The guys all looked at their phones.

They were all trying to call Tilly, I knew she wouldn’t answer. She wanted to be alone. Maria told me that we needed to find her.

“Maria, stay here. I’m gonna go get her.” I whispered then got into M.B.’s black mini van.

They keys were in the ignition so I just started it up and drove off down the highway. I knew exactly where she was going, Tilly was after all my daughter. The radio played a series of sad songs that made me feel shittier than I already did.


It took hours to get to California, it probably would have taken longer if I wouldn’t have been speeding on the back roads. Pulling up to the cemetery I found Rocky sitting in the parking lot.

“Tilly.” I mumbled sadly and got out of the van.

I found her right next to her mothers grave, she was digging a hole right next to her mom. The box Snuffy was sitting close to the spot as she continued to dig. She had two shovels, one she was using and the other sat unused. She was silently crying as she dug, I grabbed the other shovel and began to help. It took a few minutes but she finally noticed that I was right next to her.

“Dad.” She croaked, calling me dad for the first time in a while.

“Shhhh.” I hushed her.

She pulled away after a few minutes and continued digging a hole. You weren’t supposed to dig on this area without consent but we both didn’t mind. When the hole was deep enough I headed for the box to drop it in but Tilly lightly pushed me away from it.

“No.” She snapped.

Tilly lifted the box up then jumped into the hole with it. She set the box that Snuffy was in down then I helped her out of the hole. We both began to fill the hole back in, then patted the dirt down when it was done.

Tilly cleared her throat and fat tears rolled down her cheeks as she spoke, “Snuffleupagus Baker. You weren’t just a dog to me, you were my best friend. You were there when everyone else had left. We had so many great times together and I can’t help but blame myself for your death.”

At the end she cracked and loudly sobbed. I picked up a rock that was near by and pulled a sharpie out of my pocket. Quickly I wrote Snuffleupagus (Snuffy) Baker, then set it on top of the grave. I hugged Tilly tightly, trying to stop her crying. She fell asleep from all the crying and I sighed.

“Your gonna be okay, Tilly.” I whispered, picking her up and carrying her into the van. I hooked Rocky up to the van and drove off down the high way. The guys were probably pissed that I had just gotten up and left but, I had a daughter to take care of. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she is my daughter and will always be. My main focus right now isn’t the band or my friends, it’s Tilly. Right now she’s heart broken and I need to be there for her. I’m the only one who understands her, and that’s something Matt can never do.