Sequel: Written in the Stars



My name is Camille Henderson, but most people call me Cam. I am an only child, and it’s just me and my dad, my mom died from some ‘freak accident’. I recently just turned 15, and it’s my first year of high school. Being just me and my dad I’m a tom boy, when I was little my dad told me I was very good at all the sports I tried, but something clicked with me and baseball. I don’t care that it is ‘supposed’ male sport, I like it, no love it. I can’t stand just playing a base or outfield; I’m a controlling person, so I was a natural pitcher, but how good I am today is not all by luck, it’s the exact opposite. While all the normal kids are running around playing with there friends, ridding bikes, and going to the movies, I’m at home working on my curve ball, I spend at least an hour a day pitching, almost everyday for the past 8 years. No one gave me a second glace when I told them I was a female pitcher, they laughed in my face and turned there backs to me. But now I’m in high school, and I’m damn sure going to make those people wished they never done that I, Camille Lea Henderson, am going to prove everyone wrong. I WILL be the best pitcher, even if it kills me.
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SO i came up with this story as im falling asleep, and i had to wake up at start typing. so sorry if it sounds a bit off, in some places, its like 1 in the morining, to late for my liking.....