Status: Complete

Run on for a Long Time


Eliza and Eunice rode into town the next day. They had to pick up some groceries and Eliza needed clothes for her first non-Florida winter. They were also going to look at wedding dresses. They decided to get the groceries last, so nothing would spoil before they got home. The first stop was the tiny little boutique with wedding dresses in the window. Eliza was filled with excitement as they got out of Eunice's SUV and walked inside. Eliza immediately found the perfect dress.

It was a-line and the skirt was made out of tulle. The top was strapless and covered in sparkles. There was a ribbon that wrapped around the waist and tied on the side. The entire dress seemed to shimmer under the fluorescent lights. Eliza stood on the little pedestal in front of the mirror while the seamstress pinned the dress so she could make alterations to it.

"You look beautiful," Eunice told her, "Just like a princess."

Eliza smiled, "I used to fantasize about my wedding when I was a little girl. I always dreamed I'd have a big, sparkly ball gown, and there'd be a hundred people in a giant church waiting to see me."

"And that David Bowie would be groom?"

Eliza chuckled, "Yeah. But Murphy is better."

"I think David would be very jealous of Murphy if he seen you right now."

Eliza chuckled again, "I can't believe I'm going to get married."

"You're going to make a beautiful bride. And you and Murphy are going to be very happy together."

"Eunice...Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course. You can tell me anything, you know that."

"I....I'm late."

"Late? Later for wha-oh! Late for that."

"I'm probably just getting ahead of myself, it's only been a day, but I'm kind of freaking out."

"Calm down. It's probably nothing. And why didn't you tell me you and Murphy were-"

"It's private!" Eliza nearly shouted.

"It's not like I'm going to tell anybody. You do have to tell me though, how is he?"

Eliza's eyes widened, "Eunice!"

"What? I haven't been with a man since I came here, I have to live through you now."

Eliza tried to hide the blush in her cheeks as she held up two fingers, about eight inches apart, "And it's just like in the books."

"Books?" Eunice raised one eye brow.

Eliza felt her blush deepen as she said, "Romance novels."

They spent the next few minutes chatting about Murphy before Eunice helped Eliza out of the gown so that she wouldn't accidentally pull any pins out. Once Eliza had redressed they purchased the dress and were told they could pick it up in two weeks.

While they were shopping Eliza got the odd sensation that someone was watching her. "Eunice, I think someone is watching us," she whispered while glancing around.

"You're probably just being paranoid after what happened last time. We're fine."

Eliza nodded and glanced around again. Eunice was right. She was being paranoid after what had happened on her birthday. Besides, how could anyone else know where she was? At the grocery store Eliza's paranoia seemed to worsen. She was constantly watching everyone around her. While they were there they got a couple of pregnancy tests for Eliza to take when she got home.

When they were standing in line at check out Eliza seen a man she thought she had seen earlier. "Eunice, I think that guy is following us. I seen him earlier."

"You're being paranoid. It's okay. Don't worry about him. It's probably just a coincidence that he's here too."

Eliza smiled and nodded, but she couldn't stop staring at the man. There was something unusual about his demeanor. He didn't seem like everyone else around her. Eliza also didn't like how he wore his sunglasses inside. She pushed the thoughts out of her head and followed Eunice outside to the SUV. They put the groceries away and Eliza grabbed the pregnancy tests out of one of the plastic bags. She put it in her purse, that way no one would see it unless she was actually pregnant. And if she wasn't, she and Eunice would be the only people that knew they were bought in the first place.