Fate Is What We Make Of It

This is Halloween.

“So have you given any thought to what you want to be for Halloween?” Darren shrugs, flipping through the pages of a magazine leisurely.

“I have an idea but I don’t really know how to go about executing it. What were you thinking of babe?”

“I’ve been a zombie for like the last six years so I’m going to be something different this year. I’m going to be Freddy Krueger, well a girly version of him.”

“Seems interesting. I was thinking of dressing up as Bertuzzi but I don’t really know how to go about doing it without getting some shitty fake tattoo sleeves or a bunch of the rub on kind.” I giggle at the mental image of Darren covered in a bunch of small rub on tattoos flashes through my mind.

“Oh I have an idea! Let me make a phone call, I bet my tattoo artist would be able to hook you up,” I say while digging around in my purse for my phone.

“What do you mean? I don’t want to get any tattoos dear,” Darren says with a nervous chuckle.

“I know love, but this guy is a god with sharpies, if he’s not busy I’m sure he could draw you up some good fake tattoos.” Darren smiles and closes the magazine.

“You’re amazing, you know that right?”

“I do my best,” I say with a slight blush.

“No really, you’re the best. I’m the luckiest man in the world to have stumbled upon such an amazing, beautiful woman.”

“Well thank you sir, you’re not half bad yourself. Now let me give this guy a call and see what kind of magic I can work,” I smile while hitting the send button on my phone. I talk to the tattoo artist, Cal, for about twenty minutes before hanging up. “He says we can come in right now, if you’re interested.”

We drive to the tattoo shop and wait for Cal to finish the piece he’s working on, the familiar urge to get a tattoo slowly building within me.

“Hey Liz, haven’t seen you in a while,” Cal say while giving me a hug, “and you must be Darren. Nice to meet you, I’m Cal.” They shake hands and begin discussing the details of the job. I grab my book out of my purse and flip it open to the marked page, settling in for what is sure to be a long afternoon. I glance up and watch Darren pull his shirt over his head, sending a wink my way before sitting in the chair.

Three hours and what seems like a permanent stench of Sharpie stuck in my nose later, Darren stands in front of the mirror to admire the work.

“This is a good look for you babe, you should consider getting one for real,” I say with a smile while ogling Darren’s toned body.

“I just hope Todd doesn’t punch me in the face,” Darren says with a laugh, slipping his shirt back over his head. I pay Cal for his time and we begin the drive to Detroit.

Once we get to Darren’s apartment, which we had decorated about a week ago for the Halloween party, I begin the process of getting into my costume.

“Sooo, what do you think babe?” I ask before giving a little twirl.

“I’ve never seen a sexier Freddy Krueger,” Darren says, pulling me in for a kiss. The doorbell rings and Darren goes over to open the door revealing Patrick and Christina, who are dressed as Aladdin and Jasmine.

“Hey guys, welcome to the party,” Darren says while gesturing around the apartment.

“Are you dressed as yourself?” Patrick asks, eyeballing Darren curiously.

“Nope. Just wait til everyone shows up, I’ll reveal it then.”

“You look killer love,” Christina says.

“And you look gorgeous, that’s an awesome color for you.” The door opens again and the rest of the team pour in one after another.

When everyone’s inside Darren takes his shirt off and goes over to Todd Bertuzzi, making his “Bert face” in the process. Time seems to slow down as we wait for Todd’s reaction, the whole gang watching.

“You think this is funny kid?” Todd asks, gesturing to Darren solemnly. Everyone utters some form of yes and continues waiting for the reaction. “You got stones kid.” Todd smiles and continues on with his conversation with Franzen. Darren smiles triumphantly and the rest of the night goes off without a hitch.

“So I was thinking,” Darren begins, rubbing the back of his neck, “maybe you would want to stay the night with me?” I think about it for a few seconds before nodding.

“I would like nothing more than to wake up next to you in the morning.” Darren plants a kiss on my lips as the last person closes the door for the night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lizzie’s Outfit

