Dying Embers

Move Along

Don trudged his way out of the precinct, blood boiling. Sythe went and hired a woman as his partner. Sure, Brett Fox wasn't bad looking. That just made it worse. Ordinarily, he'd fall to his knees thanking Sythe for her as his partner, but she was replacing Jess. Thankfully, Brett wasn't a chatterbox.
"So the guys treating you okay?" Don asked. It was an awkward silence.
"So far, yeah", she replied quietly. Her accent was adorable, he had to admit. They pulled up to a warehouse, squad cars behind them, and got out. Brett walked up to someone there and started talking to them. She got right to work, he noticed. The victim was very well-dressed. He tried not to laugh as Brett wrinkled her nose with obvious disdain.

"I never got the whole designer thing. Gimme a pair of Levis or some Wranglers any day", she said. Don chuckled.
"Farmer's daughter?" he teased. She pointed to him.
"Hey, my daddy is very well-respected in Charleston", she replied.
"As a farmer?" he teased again.
"And as a name. Us Foxes come from a long line of military, thank you. Dating back to the Civil War", she replied. Don couldn't choke back a laugh any longer.
"Yeah, we got a name for y'all back home", Brett said, shaking her head.
"Lemme guess. Yankees?" Officer Ariel piped up. Brett snapped and pointed to him.
"You said it, not me", she replied. Don's animosity was rapidly fading towards her. She was spunky and the unis seemed to like her.
"So the vic's name is Jason Lemmings, 34 years old. President of this sugar plant", Brett said, flipping open her memo book.
"Who found him?" Don asked. Brett pointed to the young man over on the platform.
"Barrett Lemmings, the son", she replied. Sacks of sugar were scattered everywhere.
"This crime scene cleanup will be an adventure", Don commented. The black Avalanche pulled up and people filed out. Don recognized and nodded to Mac and Jo.

"Who's this?" Mac asked, nodding to Brett.
"That's my new partner, Brett Fox", Don replied. Jo set down her kit and looked at Brett.
"I thought for sure Sythe had hired a man", she commented.
"You and me both", Don responded. Jo walked over to her.
"Hey, can we get some assistance moving these bags?" Mac called. Brett raised her hand.
"I'll help", she offered.
"Those bags have to weigh about seventy-five pounds. You sure?" Mac said. Brett nodded.
"I'm a farm girl, Detective. One of those bags weighs about as much as a hay bale", she replied proudly.
"Here, glove up then", Mac said, handing her some gloves. Yes, his new partner was a very interesting person indeed.
♠ ♠ ♠
When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along
Like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along
Just to make it through
Move along

All-American Rejects- Move Along