Status: a new story. stick with us!


It Must Be Magic

Taylor Vollmer - March 19th - Miami Florida.

A high pitched sound flew through the dead silence in the air. I blinked once and then again as a ray of penetrating sunlight blinded me. I shut them closed instantly and felt myself pick up one arm limply and slam it onto the alarm that buzzed next to me. I shot my eyes open once again, looking at the ceiling and to see the two delicate hands on my chest, leading to the most beautiful girl that lay beside me. I looked down at her, sound asleep, but not for long. I slowly slipped out from underneath the covers, nothing but my boxers on.

I stretched and yawned when I heard her stir. I turned around and saw her flop around to the other side and close the curtains as the sun peeked up beneath the horizon, teasing the sky. She rolled back, her eyes shut and underneath the covers I saw that she had only her bra on and maybe her booty shorts. I smiled at her, "It's 5:3O baby." I reminded her throwing on a shirt, "Mmm...five more minutes." She said throwing the covers over her head. I walked over to her and sat on the bed before crawling over her, slowly pulling the covers off her head as she blinked up at me. Those stunning electric, blue-green eyes stared up at me, a smile teasing at her lips.

"5 more minutes is what you said yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that." I said pressing my lips softly to hers as she giggled and kissed me back. I slowly slid my hands down her arms to her palms as she gripped mine. I pulled away and stroked her beautiful hair, "Your gorgeous Nikki." I said softly. She smirked up at me and ran her hand through my hair, "I love you Tay." She said kissing me again.


I put on my uniform and slid the cold pistol into it's holster before walking into the bathroom which was now open. Nikki was standing in front of it, throwing on an undershirt over her lacy pink, polka dotted bra and then her doctor's uniform. She fumbled with her hair as she put it one way, then another, up in a bun than down straight again. She was getting ready to grasp a hold of it once again but I wrapped my arms around her waist and whispered in her ear.

"You look fine darling." I said kissing her neck. She smiled at me from the reflection in the mirror, "You're going to be late babe." She said moving away from me and grabbing her car keys along with her purse. I walked out and idled near the bathroom doorway. She looked up at me and scoffed, "What?" She asked as I continued looking at her, "I don't get a kiss?" She rolled her eyes playfully and walked over, tiptoeing to kiss me. She turned and was getting ready to walk away when I grabbed her hand. She turned back to find me kissing it soothingly. I let go of her, "Get going or you'll be late again for your shift. I want you back home in one piece and please, don't be a hero." She begged as she opened the door.

"I live to be in this uniform, and I'll die in it babe." She pouted and stomped her foot, "I'm serious Taylor. I don't want you getting hurt." And she shut the door before I could argue. I laughed to myself. God she is a keeper.

The humming of the cruiser died down as I stopped at an intersection with a red light, Officer Ryan in the passenger seat helped me with a couple cheeks around a neighborhood that was filed with drug activity, "All units to downtown stat, we have a robbery at 1037 lemon street." I sighed, "Man what's up with all the robberies lately?" I asked, "Wish I knew Taylor." Spencer said as I made a sharp U-turn, turning on the sirens.

"How's Nikki?" He asked abruptly after a long period of silence, nothing but the roar of the engine and the blasting sirens, "She's great actually, what about you and Marie?" I responded looking at him, "We're getting there." I laughed, "You don't seem so enthusiastic." I added, "No way bro, it's my everyday 'i don't give a shit' tone, you've known me for years man! Hell enough about me, when's the wedding?" He asked me, "I didn't even propose man." He looked over at me and scowled, "Well you should. I mean come on dude! two years of dating? One year of living with each other and sleeping in the same bed?! Common sense man. I want to be an uncle too."

I chortled out laughing, "I don't wanna make it look like I'm desperate!" He scoffed, "But you are man!" I was about to argue when the road in front of us was packed with other units. People screaming and police officers pointing guns at one specific store that we couldn't really see. Than shrieks and screams filled the air as a man was ejected through a glass window, slamming into a cruiser before falling like a rag doll, limp. Spencer and I both jumped out of our seats before throwing the doors open. We drew our guns when shots were fired and people ducked and screamed bloody murder. Their was a pause and as I watched all the officers, or almost all of them, lined up fell dead.

"Call an ambulance!" I shouted as the back door kicked open into an alley and a hooded murdered raced faster than lighting down it's path. I broke out running after him as Spencer followed. The chase continued from one alley to the next until the man decided to hop over a fence. Spencer and I dove in after him as he dashed into an abandoned building. We paused outside for a moment before walking in, guns pointed and flashlights turning from left to right.

We heard the pitter patter of a broken pipe and the contents dropping out. Something clanged loudly against the concrete and we both flinched, "He went upstairs." I mouthed to Spencer as he nodded and was the first to go peek up. He motioned me to follow as well and he disappeared. As I took one last look around the first floor I heard gun shots ring and a body drop to the floor.

"Spencer!" I shouted racing up the steps to see him on the floor writing in pain as the hooded murderer held his gun. I raised my own pistol at him, "Drop the weapon!" I shouted. He cocked his head to the side before slowly shaking it, "Do it now!" I growled, but he didn't hear me out. He raised the gun he had in his hands towards me and I shot out a bullet straight towards his head. He raised his free hand and the bullet stopped. I blinked a couple times stunned, was I really seeing this right now? A demonic laugh fluttered through the air before he swiped his hand to the side and the bullet shot back towards me. I put my hands up in surrender but the bullet pierced my shoulder.

I cried out in pain as he turned and ran. I looked down to get a better grip on my gun and looked up but he was gone. I turned and looked at Spencer, "Spence? Bro you okay?!" I asked falling onto my knees nest to him, "He...I don't know what the hell he did, but he...did you-" I cut his shaky voice off, "Yes I saw what he did." I stated, "What is this? Some kind of magician murderer or something! That shit could've killed us!" He growled, his foot was broken, twisted the other way, and he had a gunshot wound to his stomach, "I'm gonna help you alright?" I said pulling him up as we both cried in pain. We heard sirens blaring from down the street and somehow, someway, we both managed to see the light of the day as we stumbled out of the building.

Spencer was taken into the operation room first, but I sat around demanding for Nikki, "Sir please, you've lost a lot of blood-" I cut off the blonde haired beauty looking down at me as I held gauge to my wound, "I want to see Nikki Hawkins right now okay." I growled, "It's okay! I'm here!" Nikki shouted running down the hallway, she looked at me stunned, furrowing her brows, "Doctor Hawkins, I told him to come with us but he-" She put up a hand to shush the nurse, "It's alright. You can go, I'll call you when we need you." Nikki responded as the nurse left, "Why didn't you go with those nurses?" Nikki asked towing me into a room and shutting the door, "Because I wanted to see you."

She ordered me to take off my uniform which I gladly did, sitting in nothing but my boxers on the treatment bed. Nikki pulled a chair closer to me and sat down with all sorts of doctor stuff on the side, silver and sharp as they glared into my eyes from the lights above, reflection off them, "Don't you need nurses here?" I asked as she uneasily grabbed a couple utensils, "Don't you trust me?" She asked, "No no I do I just- ow!" I winced as she stabbed me into the wound with something, "Okay yea are you sure your- OW - Really doing it right?" I asked as she pulled out the bullet, "Might I remind you, I have a PHD." She retorted.

"How did you get shot?" She asked, "I uh..." She looked at me as I looked back at her, she glared once again, "Well?" I fumbled with the words that were clinging to the back of my thoat, "You're going to think I'm crazy." I said seriously as her face went emotionless, "Bullshit Taylor, come on. Tell me." She pushed me on, "Spencer and I were in pursuit of the man who murdered around 5 officers downtown. I don't know how he did it, I don't know if it was a magic trick or what but I shot at him, and he raised his hand and stopped the bullet. Like it was some Harry Potter shit."

"Stopped the bullet?" She asked with wide-eyes looking at me, "Yea! He put his hand like this." I demonstrated, "And as the bullet came inches from his face, it stopped." Nikki's face went all red, I don't know if it was anger, or because she felt embarrassed cause I made a fool out of myself, but it just went red.

"Taylor." She said shaking her head, "No I'm serious Nikki! I'm not lying!" I refused to believe that I was just 'hallucinating' or anything of that matter, "Yea I'm pretty sure your not, but do you think that whoever is in charge of you is going to fall for that?" She asked, "Well you believe it right?" I growled. She shook her head again and I scoffed, "You don't do you..." She sighed as she continued stitching me up, I barely even felt the stinging pain of it because I was too busy taking my anger out on her...I know, I'm such a dick, but she should believe me! Why would I even lie for?

"Look I never said that-" I cut her off, "Have I ever lied to you Nik? Ever? In this whole 3 year little dating thing, have I ever been untruthful to you?" I spat at her glaring, "No I just-" I didn't let her finish, "Than why can't you just fucking believe me!" I shouted as people from outside looked in, "Because it's an outrageous story!" She retorted. I shook my head as she cut the excess needle string, "I love you Tay, but I think-" I cut her off, "No no! That's your problem Nik! You don't think!" I growled shooting up, "Taylor I-"

I put on my uniform in a rush, I felt it graze against my new stitches, "Forget it." I stormed out of the door without even turning back. I was too busy glaring at each soul.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i re-wrote this chapter.

more intense aha.

