Status: a new story. stick with us!



So I'm Putting This Authors Note In The Beginning Just In case You Get Confused. So The Way Tijo And I Have Decided To Write Other p.o.v's Rather Than Nikki & Taylor's Is To Go Back In Time Or Fast Forward Into The Future. As For This New Character Katherine aka Kathy; Were starting Back To March 19th When Taylor Experienced His First Supernatural Enemy; Enjoy:)

Katherine Bear - March 19th - Miami Florida

"Now you make sure to put your seat belt on and stay off the phone. Do you know how many accidents happen because of that? Make sure to pay attention, don't get distracted by the hot guys in other cars and do not ever go on the freeway without-" I cut off the poor man as he ran out of breath, giggling of course, "Dad. I got it." He looked at me as he held the keys in his hand, clenched and not as ready to let them go as I predicted, "It's hard to believe that I'm letting you go on your own sweetheart." He said softly, "Oh come on daddy, everyone's gotta let someone go." I responded, waiting as patiently as I could.

He smiled brightly at me, "I love you." He said smiling at me, "Love you too daddy. And by the way? I'm 19! Not 16. This isn't my first time driving." He rolled his eyes at me, "I know I know, just be careful." I nodded, "Don't you worry about it." I said starting the engine. My phone rang and I reached back to pick it up while pulling out of the driveway. I ignored the caller idea as I placed the phone to my ear, "Hello?" A familiar, scolding, joking voice messed with my eardrums, "You promised you wouldn't pick up the phone while driving Katherine!" I laughed out loud, "Daddy...go inside before you get a heart attack." And I hung up to drive in peace.


I pulled up and parked my car in the parking lot of the school. I stepped out and saw a familiar face arguing with the jocks. It was graduation day in two weeks and no one would cut him any slack, "Hey gay boy, you got some makeup I can borrow?" Adam, the biggest football player said shoving Liam back. I rolled my eyes and stepped forward, "Leave him alone." I growled as I grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him away, "Aw, poor baby has to have his girlfriend come save him from the bad boy's." Adam commented. I turned around and went face to face with that bitch, "Listen here and listen good, if you're gonna try to throw out things to make people feel bad you're doing a horrible job at it. First you call him gay and now he's straight cause I'm his girlfriend?" Adam's smile vanished, "Yea, go get a dictionary pretty boy, oh! But have your gay slaves help you, you don't wanna break a nail right?" I said sarcastically before turning back. His friends hooted out laughing behind me as he ordered them to shut up, but I didn't care. I continued to hold hands with Liam and barrel down to the entrance.

I flattened out my skirt as he spoke, "I can take care of myself thank you." He growled, "Oh yea, like you were totally going to kill them with your eyeliner stare." I said looking at him. He looked back at me and a thin layer of eyeliner was coated to the bottom of his eye, barely noticeable...but obviously the jocks made fun of him for that, "Shut up Kathy, that's not funny." He snapped at me, "Oh no, I'm not insulting you. I can't be honest with my best friend or what?" I asked smiling. He smiled back a bit, "You know...sometimes I feel like you're the superhero...and sometimes I get real pissed cause that's supposed to be my job." I punched his shoulders playfully but my knuckles cracked, "Ouch!" He nodded looking at me, "You know what...maybe you should be the superhero in dissing people out and I'll just beat them up."

I laughed hesitantly, "Deal." And we shook on it.


I looked over at Liam as we both walked out at the end of the day, "'re dad's off your case about the car?" Liam wondered as he sat on the hood of my Cadillac. I nodded and looked up at him, "Yea, took years." I laughed. He nodded and jumped up, "Is it alright if you drop me off at home?" I looked at him curiously, "You're ride?" He pointed across the street, a messed up piece of junk, "Woah! What happened to it?" I asked, "Someone stole it the other night and now I just found it..." He shook his head and opened the passenger seat when I heard the jocks coming back.

"Like your new car Nelson?" Adam laughed, "So you did that huh?" Liam asked getting back out and going face to face with him. Adam shoved him back, "Yea I did, what? You're gonna cry?" He mocked as the posy behind him hooted out laughing, "Fuck you Gutierrez." I spat unknowingly as rage over came me, "I know you'd love to fuck me Bear, and hell I'd love to fuck you too." Liam shot his fist straight into Adam's face. The jocks reacted, coming towards him as Adam fell on his back. I stepped in front of Liam, "You touch him and my dad will fuck you in the ass!" I shouted out loud as they all fell back, "I can handle them." Liam growled behind me, "Get in the car or dad's going to kill you too!" He looked down at me, "You aren't gonna tell him are you?" He whispered, "Of course I'll tell him!" I shouted before getting in the drivers seat. Liam piled into the passenger and I revved the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, almost running over Adam's foot.


I was on the right path towards home, about 1O minutes away when I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a Hummer following us, "The hell? That car's been following us for 5 miles, something's up." Liam spoke and as he did the Hummer revved up towards us. I turned to look at it and saw Adam driving, "Tell your dad I said hi bitch." He said before plowing his hummer straight into the side of my Cadillac. I ran across four lanes of traffic and people on the side walk shrieked bloody murder. I tried to turn away when the Hummer's big front tires punctured my back tires and my Cadillac spun out into a wild turn, flipping over again and again. My head slamming into the steering, screaming and cries filled the air and I didn't know if they were mine or not...but the pain enveloped me.


"Doctor Hawkins! Doctor Hawkins quickly!" I heard a distant voice. I opened my eyes for a millisecond and saw extremely bright lights. I shut them in pain and heard the rest as my vision blurred once I opened the rest, "Goodness! What happened?" An angelic voice filled my head, "Car wreck. Bullies from her school. She's officer Bear's daughter." The nurse informed her, "Well you go Marie, go and tell them that Doctor Nikki Hawkins will be operating on her. It might take a while..."


I heard sobbing outside as I stirred awake once again. I looked from left to right to see myself in a white room and nurses coming in and out. IV's were planted in my arm and I instantly felt nauseated. I hated everything that dealt with blood, IV's and other doctor things, "How is she doctor?" I looked out the small window and saw my dad holding mom as she sobbed harder than ever. Dad was in his uniform and man was he pissed. The beautiful doctor turned back to look at me for a second. She turned back and continued talking. Hell she couldn't be a doctor, she looked like a model. So graceful and majestic, "We've just got done with the procedure, she's had a concussion and so she's been fading in and out lately. She had a gash on her arm which is now stitched up and ready to heal. We've concluded that the impact of the crash shattered the windows and it might have caused a lot of incidents with her body breaking, might I add, the force in which her head had plowed into that steering wheel..." She trailed off, "I do recommend that you give her some pain killers, but only if the body aches get real bad. I'll prescribe a bottle to you and in a week's top, I'd appreciate if you bring her back in. Just for me to check how her wound s are healing." She cracked a smile at the end.

"Thank you so much Dr. Hawkins." Dad said shaking her hand, "Anytime Officer Bear." Dr. Hawkins responded, "You may go in and see her if you'd like." She added as she threw open the door. I looked towards it and saw mom and dad walking it. I tried sitting up but Dr. Hawkins softly pushed me down, "I wouldn't if I were you. Body aches can hurt like hell sweetheart. I recommend you to stay in bed for a while." I sighed, "When can I go home?" I asked, "That doesn't matter right now. All that matters is that you and Liam are okay." Dad scolded, "Those boys are going to jail for a long time sweetheart don't worry." I sighed again, "How is Liam?" I asked Dr. Hawkins, "Hurt badly." She said nodding. My heart broke and she smiled a bit, "Don't worry. He just has a broken wrist and a sprained ankle. But your doing pretty good." I nodded, "Thank you Doctor." She smiled and patted my head, "Call me Nikki sweetheart. Doctor is too professional for me."

"I told your mom and dad about the medication and if your having any other body aches or pains, that you should come back. But it's mandatory for you to come back in a week. I need to check if everything is okay." She patted my back softly as a wheelchair came in. Dad helped me up and into the chair when a sudden frantic doctor rushed in, "Nikki! Your boyfriend is here! He's been shot and he doesn't want to go with anyone else but you!"

"What?!" She shrieked. Her face went pale and her hands shook in fear, "I'm sorry. I have to go." And without another word she raced out of the room. Mom shook her head, "I hope they will both be okay."

"I hope I'm okay." I muttered.
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