Status: a new story. stick with us!



Katherine Bear's p.o.v

I sighed softly as I starred at the ceiling. The lights were off and the glow in the dark stars were flashing in my face calmly. It took the body aches away for now...or so I presumed. Laying in my bedroom with nothing and no one around to entertain me was just a bore, but yet I continued looking up and drowning in my own fantasy at the green stars high above. I heard a door open and mom run down the steps to my room, the lights flicked on and I groaned as they burned my eyes, "Are you hurting at all Kathy?" Mom asked looking at me from the side of the doorway curiously, "'s been three weeks since the accident and I feel fine." I responded as she handed me a bowl of ice cream and patting my head smiling, "Thanks." I muttered. I didn't enjoy all the attention she threw at me

She looked at me all over, trying to pin point a location where I was hurting, but I really wasn't. She sighed and stroked my hair, "Well...I'm off to work, you have your cell phone. If there is anything you need love, you call. Your dad has been out all night, a new case. He's not here so he won't be able to pick up the phone." I nodded, "Alright mom." I responded as she kissed my cheek and raced out the door.


It's been hours and I sat there too scared to move around in case of getting even more hurt than I already was. The remote was right next to me and yet I was still hesitate of reaching over to get it cause my arm was bandaged. My stomach growled and every bit of snack around me was eaten already. I hesitated as my heart thumped hard against my chest as my right foot stepped out of bed and hit the wooden floors. I closed my eyes shut and quickly shot up.

I smiled to myself reassuringly that I was ready and walking. I took a fast step and my foot caught with the post of my bed and I fell straight down towards the floor. I reacted by throwing out my hands but I gasped when my bandaged one was thrown out as well. I waited for the instant pain to come as I collided into the cold floors...but it never did. I just lay there on the floor for a couple minutes or so stunned. Why wasn't it hurting? Doctor Hawkins said it would take a long time to fully heal. I sat up quickly and crossed my legs before looking down at my arm. I slowly started unwrapping the gauge that was filled with blood. I tore at it and it shred to pieces as I gasped in shock. The gash was in the process of healing itself. Flesh that was torn and that limply idled on the side of both sides of the gash connected over the wound and soon there was not a mark left. My shaky hand lifted up and touched it carefully, no nothing. I stood up and ran to the vanity mirror next to my bed and took off the bandage on my forehead, that cut also dispersed from sight. I looked at it stunned, "Wh-what?" I thought for sure I was hallucinating, but I couldn't be. There was no pain. I would have felt the pain sooner or later.

None of this made sense...wh-what's going on?

A couple weeks later

The incident that happened after my car accident was something I put in the back of my head, or so I tried. I tried desperately to forget it but something held me back. I don't know why it happened and I can't really explain it at all. All I could say is that something weird was happening to me. I could feel it inside. I looked out the window as the distant voice of my teacher who was currently lecturing about graduation that was coming up in three days became a silent buzz. What really happened to me? I felt different and apparently I acted different. I couldn't even sleep anymore and at times I would have random blackouts. Not to mention this random sickness that occurred all the time.

"Miss Katherine Bear! Attention please!" Mrs. Mallard snapped her fingers in front of my face. I flinched as a couple people laughed at me as I followed her hand back to the front of the room, "Oh, I'm sorry." I responded as she shook her head walking back to the front, "Don't go dumb on me now Miss Bear. Three days and your off to college young lady." Liam sat next to me. He looked at me oddly but took my hand in reassurance, "You okay?" He whispered. I didn't say a word. I just nodded even though my stomach churned and that sickly feeling crept up again. I clutched it with all my might. Oh please...not now.

"Now...we will all be going to the library to return your books. So please-" I stood up in the middle of her lecture and I raced for the door, "Miss Bear!" Mrs. Mallard asked astonished. I ran straight towards the bathroom, throwing to girls to the ground as they made there way out the door. They cussed and yelled at me as I slid into the bathroom stall in the knick of time as I violently choked up the contents in my stomach.

"Katherine?" I heard Liam's voice as books thumped to the ground and cold hands holding my hair back. I choked up even more contents before wiping my mouth with toilet paper, "Shit are you okay?" He asked stunned. I shook constantly as I staggered to my feet. My head spun wildly and I bumped back into Liam as he wrapped his arms around me reassuringly, "Your okay. I got you." He said softly, "Why did you follow me into the bathroom?" I felt goosebumps run up my spine violently that made me convulse. He held me even tighter but I stumbled away from him as he followed, "Cause your my best friend...I want to know that your-" I fell lifeless. My eyes rolling into the back of my head as the back of it hit the sinks that lined up against the back of the bathroom walls. Blackness enveloped me and Liam shouted panicking.


"Katherine! Holy shit Katherine please wake up!" I looked up at his beautiful eyes. He was holding me in his arms and I was still in the bathroom with him, "What happened?" I asked, "You passed out...your eyes...they were all up in the back of your head, it was like the scariest thing I've ever seen! Are you okay? It's been like 5 minutes and your bleeding like hell! Holy shit what do I do?!" I stood up, staggering out of his arms as I held onto the edge of the sink, blood covered that to, that's where I hit my head I assumed. I looked in the mirror as a long wound on my forehead spilled blood out constantly. It stopped hurting, but it was numb. Liam's eyes went wide as bits of stinging flesh pulled itself back and carefully and slowly healed itself. The scar vanished in a second, "What...the...fuck!" Liam shouted as I rubbed the blood off my forehead, "How did you do that?! How did you-" He turned me around wildly and looked at me, "I don't know okay! Just don't tell anyone!" I said shoving him back, "Ever since last month, ever since that accident I've been feeling and looking sick. Been throwing up and having headaches and now some voodoo magic shit has been healing myself!" I gaped at him.

The look on Liam's face was first betrayal since I had never spoken of this to him at all. But then the serious look in his wild eyes said it all, "If this is a joke I swear." He growled at me, "You think I'd joke?! Your eyes don't deceive you! Trust me, mine didn't..." He walked past me, out the bathroom as some passing girls gave him the nasty look after I followed him out, "Were late to the library...come on." He ordered.

And he was off, barreling down the hallway as I tried desperately to catch up.


I handed in my book as the librarian checked it. I didn't really like Mrs. Shambeck as much as I used to. She was just too boring now a days, "Thank you." She said casually, not taking her eyes off the computer as always. Liam passed up his book, avoiding my eyes at all cost, "Can we please talk?" I whispered as he ditched me into the closest aisle of books he could find, "I'd rather not." He muttered back. I followed him, "Liam please don't tell anyone. I need to figure out what's going on with me first..." I whispered, "Oh right. You can't even trust me can you? You think I'm just gonna sell my words for a million bucks now don't you." He spat, "Where's this coming from? I asked you to simply not do something, so don't do it." I retorted. He glared at me from the corner of his eyes and I waited patiently for him to just relax.

"Just stay away from me to. You know, since I don't want to be a burden when you crack open your head again." And he walked faster away from me. I was about to shout when I saw the assistant, Miss Smith glaring at me. Now she didn't like me at all. I shut my mouth and growled looking at the left over books on the racks. I grabbed a certain book off the shelf and read the title carefully softly to myself, "" I shrugged and flipped the first page open. The minute I set my eyes on it was the minute I felt like I knew the answer to everything that happened to me.

"Evolution: is the change over time in one or more inherited traits." I read aloud to myself. I continued down the page, "We have known evolution since mankind has been born. Becoming just bits of organisms to modern day humans. My scientific studies have proved that evolution has not stopped, evolution will continue as long as mankind lives. In 2O1O..the population of the world hit more than a billion people, and with my research and my group we have tested how many of those people have evolved into the next generation. Half of those billion people..have already reached the next step of evolving. In a human body..each cell has a total of 46 chromosomes..but as we tested in the people who have already undergone their evolution..they have one more extra chromosome.. They have a second ability; they are not human; they are considered superhuman."

I shut the book and thought carefully. If my predictions about myself come true..than I might be part of that half billion of people..who have already become superhuman.
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sorry for the wait:)
i wrote this since kendra was a little wobbly on the next topics. so this may start it!