Status: a new story. stick with us!


Doctor Nikki Hawkins


The one word that hadn't left my mind for the past 24 hours. The more time passed the more I thought about the book and the more that damn word rang in my head. Evolution. I tried to concentrate on the fact that graduation was in 2 days, but I couldn't bring myself to that subject no matter how hard I tried. It was impossible. How could this even happen? It was illogical. Preposterous! Absolutely beyond being a possibility! But my mind shook nonetheless, "Kathy!" Mom's voice rang down the stairs to my room, "Someone's here to see you." I snapped back to reality as I jumped up the steps, taking each one with a breath. As I got to the front a blonde headed person was all I could see from a far, white tufts of hair showed just barely in the front and just by that little piece of useful information I knew exactly who it was.

"Liam?" I asked as mom walked away on the phone now. I held the door open and leaned against it as he smiled down at me, forgetting about our incident yesterday, "Hey Kit Kat. You ready?" He asked as I looked on at him, "For?" I wondered. I wiped strands of hair behind my ear, "Remember...I was going to take you to lunch?" By the way my eyebrows moved and knitted together, you could tell I was totally confused, "You forgot didn't you. We made plans just yesterday morning." Like a bell, it chimed in my ears and everything clicked into place. I had been obsessing over that damn book!

"Oh! Right! Um." I stammered, "Yea let's uh...go." I jetted out, avoiding his eye contact as I darted into the passenger seat. By the time I was situated and had my seat belt on, I heard Liam's footsteps peck the sidewalk and then the driver side door opening, "Well than. Since I'm amused the girl is actually the one who forgot the date while I, a male, remembered. I'll let it slip." He winked at me. I gave Liam a big cheesy, hot dog still smile, "Right. Well...KFC then?" He inserted his seat belt into the buckle and put both hands on the wheel, "KFC it is!"


"So...Kat. You seem jittery today." Liam observed as I set my purse aside and picked up the menu, "Yea and?" I mumbled scanning the options. My hands were shaking and trembling for no reason and Liam noticed. His eyes were on my convulsive hands as he spoke, " there a reason or am I just seeing things?" I looked up from my menu, "Seeing things." I replied simply as he nodded, "I also noticed the day before yesterday...and the day before that. You know, before you puked and everything? And before I saw you joking and healing over your 'wound'." I bit my lip, "I think I'll have the steak, potatoes, green beans and bread with a medium Pepsi." I set the menu down and waited for him to reply, but instead he just stared hard at his menu, "That sounds good. We'll order two." I nodded and from that point on it was all silence.

"So how's your school life? Did you get your report done for science?" I asked awkwardly, sipping my ice cold water, "Yes." He said suspiciously. He was starring me in the eye, making me nervous, "Anything new?" I asked. He didn't answer for a while, just stared at me coldly, like a statue. Finally he lifted his gaze and looked down, "Nope. Same old same old." I shakily put my water down, "Alright..."

After pure silence I stood up, "I'm going to go see what's keeping them so long." Liam just nodded barely, just enough to show he heard me. I frowned and walked to the front office, "Hi, can my friend and I order now?" I asked politely. The lady looked up, "Oh sorry! Have you been waiting long? I'll send a waiter over as soon as given the opportunity, what's your table?" I pointed to it and the lady made a key note and stuffed it in her pocket, "Alright then." She said before looking down at her work again and leaving my stomach churning, knowing that I had to go back and sit awkwardly with Liam. I moved slowly and sat back in place, "Oh, Kathy the waiter just came by so I gave him our orders. Oops, "Okay." I said giving a fake smile. After another stressing minute of silence I noticed someone familiar and my heart sped like a humming bird. It was Miss Hawkins, coming in alone and checking in at the counter with a beautiful smile on her face. My mind darted a hundred directions! I hadn't seen her for a while, we never did come back to the hospital after the accident, but I wanted too so badly. She could answer my questions. I think she knew what was happening to me! My mind went crazed with questions as Doctor Hawkins started walking towards us when the clerk in front showed her her table. Without thinking, In early jumped out of my seat and walked firmly to her, completely not expecting a firm hand on my arm to stop me.

"Katherine?" Liam asked, wide eyed. I looked at Miss Hawkins to Liam, then back to her again, "I just need to go to the bathroom." I quickly made an excuse. He laughed, "well gee, you must really go considering you nearly jumped out of your-" I had to cut him off, "I really need to go!" I darted towards Miss Hawkins as she started disappearing from us. I rushed to her as she slipped into her seat, placing her bag on the side of her and taking out her Iphone. I steered straight into her table and slammed my fists straight onto them. Miss Hawkins flinched and looked at me bug eyed, "Doctor Hawkins!" I cried. She looked half scared to death, "I...sorry! I have questions for you!" I gasped. She smiled and chuckled nervously, "I'm kind of in the middle of getting lunch sweetheart, so if you'd please." She said shooing me away. I frowned, " it?" I asked slowly. She looked up with beautiful big eyes, but they weren't as patient as before, "Nikki. Nikki Hawkins." I sighed, "Oh...well Nikki...I was your patient at the hospital a month ago, remember?" She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. I waited nervously, "The young woman in the car accident isn't it?" She sighed. Damn she had a nice way of speaking. I nodded quickly, "Yes! That's me! I need to talk to you privately." She closed her eyes again as her phone buzzed in her hands. Her eyes didn't open but me being nosy...I looked down to see her get a text from a guy named Taylor, "Listen love, I'm off work...and I really don't have time to deal with this right now. Ask your parents." I wanted to rip her apart right now. Didn't she see how serious I was?

Without thinking I grabbed her arm and dragged her out of her seat, "Listen to me!" I shrieked. Nikki looked at everyone, who no doubt in turn was looking at me, but I continued. I was helpless...I need to know the answer, "I have...these things happening to me. Changes, my body is completely changing and I need your advice. Do you know what's happening? Have you ever...experienced this or had patients with this?" She gave me the oddest look a woman would ever give. Like I completely lost it, "It's called hormones, girls get them. I mean" I cut her off and started at her dumbly, "NO! I mean...when I got in that car stitches healed themselves." Her eyes bulged, "How fast?" I thought carefully as the vanity mirror scene played back in my head, "In a second, like nothing." She bit her lip, "I...we need to meet. Stat. Tomorrow at the hospital. Ask for Doctor Hawkins. We need to discuss go." She nudged me away, and of course I worked my way back to our table. My order was getting cold on the table and Liam had nearly scarfed down half his plate. I sat down, my mind running marathons.

"Jeez! There you are! What were you doing, giving birth in there?" He laughed. I tried to fake a smile but I couldn't manage one, " much ice water." I looked down at my plate. I took the little cup of gravy and made a dent into my mashed potatoes and I poured it all over, then took a bite. Liam starred at me and finally gave in, "Kat...I...I know you okay. You haven't been yourself. Please tell me. I can help you." My mind raced even faster and my heart broke out into a furious beat. I stuck my fork into the green beans and swallowed, "Nothing's wrong..." I whispered, but it was clear I was lying, "Why are you lying? We are best friends." He started, glaring at me harshly. I spooned a butter onto my bread and spread it through, "We are friends.'s just important-" He cut me off instantly, "More important that me?" I looked at him stunned, "No! It's just-" I couldn't finish my sentence. In return I got a long stare, "Just what?" He demanded. I swallowed a large bit of hot food, "Why do you have to meddle your way into my business Liam? If I can't tell you that's that." I grumbled.

Liam's tense muscles relaxed and I obviously avoided eye contact as I nibbled on my roll, "Fine then. So much for honesty in this relationship." He retorted turning to the exit as he stood up. I panicked as he walked quickly towards it, "No Liam! Wait!" I shouted. He turned and his death stare frightened me pretty damn good, "If it isn't the truth than I don't wanna hear another word." I tightened my hands into fists and felt tears fighting my eyes, "Fine me at the hospital tomorrow...I'll show you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long! I was deadlocked for this story, plus Summer is in less than ONE WEEK and i've been busy trying to score passing grades! Be happy i managed this one, plus it's been a really messed week... you wouldnt believe it. anyway, hope you like it :) S-R-C (Sub-Rate-Comment)