Save You

I'll Take You for Who You are

She could no longer remember what they had said to each other after her passionate show of affection. Something vaguely came to mind about Kenny knowing what to do with the stiffness in his pants, but the memory had faded into a sepia toned picture of a boy and girl on the precipice of something more. She had ruffled his hair before leaving him to put his shirt on, kissing his rosy cheek lightly with the intent of seeing him the next day, but she never got that chance; not really at least. Rebecca did see Kenneth the next day, laying in one of their hospital beds, connected to life-support machines, in a deep coma. They told her someone had found him laying on the sidewalk in front of the hospital, dropped there by someone who hadn’t wanted to get involved; that he had experienced a seizure and that he had a high level of alcohol and drugs in his system. Kenneth didn’t drink and Rebecca knew he had masked his internal pain in a way that did not include drugs, so for her none of it added up.

They had killed him, she knew it, and whether it was because he had kicked the shit out of Sean earlier in the day or if he’d caught them doing someone illegal Rebecca couldn’t be sure. She didn’t care why they had done it, but part of her felt as though they had done it to get at her, because as she had grown closer to Kenny, Rebecca had begun to change. She had stopped caring so much about what the other interns said about her, had regained some of her old confidence and had just done what made her happy. Kenny had made her happy, even if he hadn’t said much and now he was gone and there was nothing left for her here. Not one of them ever fessed up to any crime, but Rebecca knew the truth and she watched them for a month before being unable to bear it any longer. She finally had to leave the hospital, leaving the cell phone that Kenny had been dropped off with that night on the desk of the hospital’s director, with instructions to look at a particular video clip. They might have thought that Kenneth and she were ‘Freakdogs’ but they weren’t stupid, and like she had said one time to Kenny, sometimes people get what they deserve.