Soldier for Hire

Archer Lozier has always been a killer: that is what he was raised to be. Cursed with the coal black eyes that mark him as the family business successor, Archer is trapped in the center of bloodshed. However, it is inevitable, for the Loziers exist as a long line of mercenaries. Soldiers for hire. They are plagued to spend their lives hiding from the government while working in the lucrative but dangerous business of killing or pretty much doing anything for money.

Archer is a prodigy among the Loziers, and doesn't care in the least. His job (employed by his father) has given him a cold and calculating personality, which has made him a black sheep of sorts among his nine siblings, half of which are not even aware that their family is famous to the darker side of the world for killing.

His missions get more dangerous every time he recieves them, and he often comes home covered in scars from crudely patched up wounds. It doesn't matter: Archer has been trained to feel no fear, and ignore his pain.

In short, he is bound to his family tradition by iron chains, and there's nothing he can do about it. Will he follow in the footsteps of his ancestors, or will he veer away from tradition to create his own path?