Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Good morning sunshine,” I groaned hearing Brian chuckle. I dug my head into my pillow and pulled the sheets over my shoulder and his chuckle stopped. “Bliss. Bliss, we have school. Bliss wake up. Blister!”

“I’m not going,” I snapped leaning up to look at him through squinted eyes. I pointed at him accusingly and shook my head. “If you say my name one more time, I will castrate you in the most painful way possible.”

“Anyway is the most painful way,” he grimaced and shook my leg that was out from the sheets. “We have to go today, its yearbook pictures and you have to go look pretty for the rest of our ugly school.”

“Brian, you make me ditch more than I’ve actually been to my classes,” I grumbled and leaned up against my pillow, Brian pouted his bottom lip and fluttered his pretty thick eyelashes. “You’re an ass. Fine, I’ll go.”

“Thank you,” he smiled and jumped off my bed. I sighed and climbed off the bed in slow motion. I shouldn’t have let him keep me up all night watching gory movies but I did and I was going to pay for it during first and second period.

“I need coffee,” I managed to yell out the door since he decided to leave me to go eat breakfast. I went through my closet and collected what seemed nice for pictures. I went downstairs and held my hand out as I past Brian at the sink, he handed me a coffee cup and laughed at my grumpy figure.

“Everyone will be there including Cole,” he smiled at the mention of my overly dramatic half sister, Nicole Hunter. She was the laziest out of our friend’s, she hardly ever came to school. She was either to hung-over or just didn’t care enough because her mother was the principle, she could get away with anything. “Jimmy made sure to wake her up.”

“Oh she’s going to be grumpy,” I murmured sipping my coffee. I continued to sip it without speaking the whole time he finished his breakfast (toast) and the car ride to school. I only spoke when I was out of my energy booster and had no choice but to talk. “Remind me why I came today?”

“Because I dragged you?” Brian shrugged and grabbed my hand once we got out of the car. He pulled me, at his speed, to his locker where everyone was congregating before homeroom.

“Good morning beautiful,” Jimmy leaned forward and placed a kiss on the top of my head, since he was around a foot and a half taller than me.

“Morning, sugar plum,” I greeted him back, laying my forehead against his overly cologne ridden shirt. “You smell like a cheap hooker, James.”

“Perfect, that’s what I was going for,” he winked and did an air punch. I chuckled sleepily into his side before I pushed off him and turned to the tall blond beside him that looked asleep standing up.

“Cole?” I called out and reached out to poke her forehead. “Wake up.”

“Why do you people keep waking me up,” her voice was raspy regularly but it was more so since she just woke up and it had a hint of a whine to it. “I was up until three this morning at work, I shouldn’t have had to come in at all.”

“Don’t look at me like that,” Jimmy pushed her chin to force her to look elsewhere with her mean and evil stare. “Brian told me to make sure everyone came.”

“Its picture day!” Brian shouted and earned looks from bypassing students. He just gave them go to hell looks before he continued with us. “I want everyone here so when I look at my yearbook twenty years from now, I can show my children who my best friends were, so shut up and get over it.”

“He makes a good point,” I muttered rubbing my nose until it quit itching. “Its just one day anyways, we can always ditch tomorrow.”

“I say we ditch after lunch,” Matt walked up behind Cole and wrapped his arms around her waist. He laid his head on her shoulder and looked at everyone.

“Morning Matt,” I stared longingly at the cup of coffee that Zacky walked up holding. “Zacky, where did you get that?”

“I snuck in the teacher’s lounge,” he shrugged and took a sip from it. He glanced over at me and smirked. “You can’t have it. Its mine.”

“I’ll go get some,” Cole pushed Matt’s hands off her waist, reached for my hand and pulled me with her down the hallways. “Want to hear some gossip that I heard from Jimmy yesterday?”

“He doesn’t have herpes does he? I was just joking when I told him that Rebecca had them,” I glanced up at her wide eyed, afraid that it was an actual fact that Rebecca Redbird actually had herpes. He had been hanging out with her for a week, I told him his junk would fall off.

“No,” she stared at me for a long minute before she chuckled and shook her head, then continued. “I’ve heard that Johnny has a girlfriend. The exchange student from France, Jocelyn de Luc. Also, Zacky has a girlfriend.”

“When the hell did this all happen?” I was in complete shock. I hadn’t seen them for the past three days because I’d had the stomach bug and I come back and everyone has girlfriend’s. What the hell?

“Over the weekend, I knew about Johnny because he introduced her to me. She’s really nice but Zacky’s girlfriend, we may have a problem with,” Cole brushed stray hairs away from her face and took a deep breath, she stopped in the middle of the hallways and took both of my shoulder’s in her hands. “Prepare for what I’m about to tell you, Bliss. It won’t be pretty.”

“Who is it?” I took a deep breath and put on a brave face and prayed like hell it wasn’t to bad of news.

“Marceline Gregory,” she let out the name like it was smoke clouding her lungs. It caught me off guard, it felt like the air had been knocked out of my lungs.

“Ew,” I whined and stomped my foot childishly. I continued to whine and throw my head back for about five whole seconds before Cole slapped me in the face. “Ow.”

“Sorry but you needed it,” she apologized quickly and then gave me a half smile. “Its like saying your brother has married a working prostitute. Its devastating. I can’t believe he stooped so low.”

“Marcy Gregory,” I murmured shaking my head. “Why would he go out with her, he knows who her brother is. I mean, he was there at Homecoming with the asshole pulled a Carrie on me.”

“I believe he was one of them that beat Evan until snot shot out of his nose,” Cole stared at the ceiling for awhile, thoughtfully tilting her head. “Yeah, he was in it. Because he got blood on his shoes and freaked out.”

“I’ll kick her little scrawny ass if she hurts Zacky,” I threatened in all seriousness. Despite Zacky’s lack of common sense, I still wouldn’t let her snooty rich ass hurt my Zacky.

“Don’t worry, we’ll both kick her little ass,” Cole smiled brightly and started walking again towards the teacher’s lounge. We were innocently talking about Cole’s ex-boyfriend texting her last night when we walked straight into Marcy Gregory coming out of the bathroom. Cole and I both kept our mouths closed, only because we knew that Zacky would be pissed if we started anything.

“Ew,” Marcy rolled her dark brown eyes and walked by us, I scoffed and Cole opened her mouth as her eyes went wide.
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Its been so long since I've wrote a story for Mibba, let me know how it is.