Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“No, but some decency would be nice,” he sighed and laid back down. I waited five minutes before I pushed him off me and rolled over.

“Spare me the decency, hurt me so I can hate you and move on,” I whispered out loud, clutching myself as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

“Morning sunshine,” Matt woke me up with something he called a Hangover Cocktail, it was a hangover remedy that worked wonders. I felt amazing after an hour of drinking the stuff.

“I say we sleep in,” Paige was only awake for Zacky’s breakfast, everyone was. Zacky was a quiet little asshole but boy could he find his way around a kitchen.

“I say we go swimming,” Johnny looked around the room, surveying expressions. “Hands up if you vote for the lake.”

Matt, Cole, Keran, Dodge, Kevin, Jimmy and Rebecca all held their hands up, everyone else looked at them like they were completely insane. “Its nine in the morning, fuck swimming,” Zacky was the first to speak what we all were thinking. I nodded, scooping a piece of omelet into my mouth. I studied Brian from my spot at the bar, he sat at the six chair table with Matt and Cole, all of them eating, but something was off with Brian. He was just messing with his food, picking at it and he wasn’t participating in the usual morning banter.

“I’m going back to bed,” I copied Paige, handed Zacky my empty plate and climbed off the barstool. I waved to everyone as I ascended the stairs, I didn’t have the will power to deal with my friends and their girlfriends without a little more sleep. I was almost asleep again when the bed sunk beside me, I opened one eye and turned my head some. “What are you doing back here? I figured you’d be swimming with the guys.”

“I wanted more sleep,” he muttered curling up to the pillow with his eyes closed. I left it at that and closed my eyes again, ready to have some much needed sleep when Brian decided to wake me up again. “I’m sorry, Bliss.”

“For what, Brian?” I forced my eyes open with quite a bit of difficulty.

“That I’ve been stringing you along. I’m sorry that you wish that I’d hurt you so you’d get over me but I won’t hurt you ever,” he woke me up instantly, I turned over slowly.

“You heard me?” I asked just above a whisper, I had no intentions of him knowing I felt that way.

“I hear a lot of things you don’t know I do,” he answered, staring me in the eyes. I wanted to look away, embarrassed that I’d been so obvious and ridiculous with my feelings but I couldn’t, his brown eyes were locked on mine. “Brian,” I whispered his names, tears came to my eyes at all the feelings I was feeling came to the surface. “I’m in love with you. I’m sorry that I’ve made it hard for you to be my friend, I couldn’t help it. Your perfect to me.”

“I was afraid that if we got together and it didn’t work out that if we broke up, we would ruin everything we have but I’ve come to the realization that we wouldn’t let that happen. I’m in love with you to and it took me until last night to figure it out,” Brian spoke slowly, making sure his words made sense to me. I almost screamed when it sunk it but I settled myself to jut sob and laugh at the same time.

It was slow and hesitant as we leaned in and connected our lips for the very first time in our lives. It was strange at first, it was something I had wanted and dreamed of for so long that it seemed like a dream. “I love you,” I pulled away with my eyes closed and whispered the only thing on my mind.

“I love you,” Brian nuzzled into my neck, I smiled and curled up against him. “Is that your phone or do you normally vibrate when your happy?”

“I’m happy but that’s my phone,” I chuckled and fished my cell phone out of my bra, where I had stuck it before breakfast. “Hello?”

“Where the hell is my boyfriend, Bliss?” I glanced at Brian, pulled the phone from my ear, stared at it for a minute and stuck it back to my ear.

“Who is this and why would I know your boyfriend?” I asked dumbly, I knew who it was. I just wanted to piss her off.

“You know damn well who this is! Where is Zacky? He won't answer my text or calls, I’m beginning to get angry,” Marcy explained like I gave two shits about her and her anger issues towards Zacky.

“You ever thought that your angry because you diet so much? Go eat a cupcake or some donuts then all me back, okay sweetie? Hola,” I hung up the cell phone with a triumphant smile on my lips.

“You are evil,” Brian chuckled and touched his forehead to mine.

“Twisted,” I corrected him with a sinister smile. Brian chuckled and pecked my nose sweetly.

“Would you go on a date with me? Twisted Blister?” Brian whispered, his lips grazing my skin as he spoke.

“Cute,” I giggled and brought him into a short kiss, it was interrupted by someone opening the door.

“Ah!” Cole screamed and pointed her finger at us, she screamed again and jumped up and down, one more scream and she was running out of view.

“Um,” I muttered looking away from the open door to Brian, who wore the same matching shocked expression I wore. “Okay?”

“We should probably get up, half the house will be in here in a minute,” Brian chuckled and stood up, he walked over to my side of the bed and helped me up, right when we heard the stampede.

“No fucking way!” Keran was the first one in the room with Zacky hot on her heels.

“Dude, its about fucking time!” Zacky shouted and tackled Brian, Keran did the same to me and we all ended up on the bed in a pile of limbs.

“Congratulations!” Paige and Matt came running in with a few stragglers.

Cole was jumping up and down excitedly, Matt had to wrap his arm around her to keep her still. “This is like the best thing since Cole and Matt got together,” Jimmy announced happily as he walked in with two bottles of alcohol in each hand. “Cheers!”

Everybody stared at him like he had completely lost it. “Really? We just got over our hangovers?” Johnny snatched a bottle from Jimmy and rolled it out into the hallway. “Go drink alone, lurch.”

“Hate you,” Jimmy flipped him off easily and walked out of the room with his head held high.

“Hate you too,” he waved Jimmy on and turned back to Brian and I. “Congrats, figured you’d eventually see the chemistry.”

“Thanks,” I rolled my eyes and looked over at Brian. “See, everyone knew before you did.”

“I knew it,” he defended himself instantly, which made various people groan and me roll my eyes. “I just chose to ignore it because I didn’t want to fuck up a good thing.”
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I miss those days when people actually commented on stories that they read.