Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“It wouldn’t have, idiot,” Cole snapped, unable to control herself. I glared at her, which made her smile sheepishly in return. “I mean, you guys are to good of friends to let anything fuck you up, seriously.”

“To be honest with you, I thought you both were already together,” Joss shocked everyone by speaking, her cute little French accent made the room deathly silent.

“I did until he got with Trish, I thought you guys had been together since eighth grade though, so you had me fooled,” Rebecca spoke soon after Joss, concurring with the foreign exchange student.

“You really have seemed like a couple all along,” Matt muttered with an agreeable nod.

“Well shit,” Brian chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. “Guess I was clueless.”


“Do we expect to see Mr. Lively in there?” Cole asked walking beside me towards the school, Joss was with us because she got a ride to school with Cole. “And if so, what do we do?”

“We leave it alone, I was stupid enough to create the situation,” I sighed as we walked up the steps with three red mini boxes in my hands. “Plus Brian will keep me busy in there, keep me protected.”

“He’s so stuck up your ass,” Cole chuckled and Joss laughed. “I can’t believe he’s gotten so whipped in such a short time.”

“He’s been whipped,” I corrected her with a sly smile, she nodded and shrugged her shoulders.

“You are completely right, he’s been whipped,” she shook her head with a chuckle. Her attention soon pulled to my disturbed look. “What’s wrong?”

“My art project,” I grumbled lifting the red boxes in a tiny gesture. “it’s a collage of pictures from over the school year. Mr. Belafonte said if they were good enough, he’d have them put in the yearbook.”

“You better have amazing fucking pictures of me or I will murder you for sending them in,” Cole threatened, quickly turning to point her finger at my face.

“I took all the unflattering pictures out,” I promised her softly, taking her finger and pushing it away. “Your going to poke an eye out, jackass.”

“Rude,” she mumbled, trying to break into her locker. The lock didn’t like her, so it never opened for her.

“Morning,” I yawned into my hand as arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled to myself as lips pressed against the skin on my neck.

“Good morning, Brian,” I bent back and smiled up at him. He kissed me softly and ran his hand up and down my sides.

“Whoa, keep it PG guys,” Keran popped out of no where with a short little boy following her. I studied her behavior around the boy and finally, I gasped.

“You have a boyfriend!” I pointed accusingly at her, she grinned and shook her head.

“No, I have a guy friend. This is Travis, he’s my lab partner,” Keran waved her hand at the blond boy and then back at us. “This is my cousin Bliss, her boyfriend Brian, Joss and my other cousin Cole.”

“You should use him to your advantage, he’s cute,” Cole spoke without filtering again, I sighed and tilted my head, glancing over at her.

“Think, think before you speak. We talked about this, Cole. Think first,” I tapped her forehead and turned back to Keran and the boy, Travis. “I’m sorry about her. You are pretty cute though.”

“Hey,” Brian jabbed me in the spine with a finger, warning me. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

“I meant for Keran, moron,” I explained myself as I stared at Keran and Travis.

“Nah, I’m still in waiting for Zacky Baker,” she rolled her eyes reluctantly and glanced over at Travis. “Plus he’s gay.”

“Oh really?” I turned to Travis, who sheepishly nodded his head. “You are very cute, I really wished you weren’t so Keran could get her some but, whatever makes you happy.”

“Thanks?” Travis eyed me for a moment before he turned to Keran. “Yeah, you were right. They’re kind of freaking me out.”

“Its only eight, that must be a record timing of freaking someone out,” Brian chuckled into my ear, he was leaned back against the lockers with me up against his chest.

“I would say so,” I smiled and let him massage my shoulders. “I don’t want to be here.”

“I say we ditch and I’ll take you home, we’ll find someway to entertain ourselves,” Brian slyly kissed behind my ear, he tried to be quiet but Cole heard and reached over and smacked him hard on the head. “Oh, fuck. Cole what the hell?”

“Stop suggesting stuff of the sexual nature to Bliss, she’s the only virgin in our group and I’m proud of her!” Cole shouted and I could have died right then. Why did everyone have to broadcast that, all the time?

“Thank you, Nicole. I really do appreciate your concern but shut the hell up,” I snapped, eyeing people that were walking by, staring at us.

“Oh,” she chuckled nervously. “My bad.”

“I’m not going to pressure her,” Brian decided to throw out at Cole, right when it got quiet. I turned and glared at him, why’d he have to bring it back up?

“That’s not what I meant,” Cole leaned in so she could speak lowly. “If you were to ever suggest sex with our little Bliss, you really think she’d deny you? She’s been waiting on your pretty ass for what seems like ever, I doubt she’d really say no.”

“Good god,” I covered my face, completely embarrassed. Mainly because as much as I hated to admit it, she was completely right. “Cole, shut up!”

“Alright, I’m done,” she held her hands up defensively and walked away to meet Matt half way down the hallway to her locker.

“Was she right?” Brian chuckled, thankfully my back was to his front so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

“Yes,” I grumbled crossing my arms. “But now hell will freeze, you guys teased me.”

“I did not tease,” he defended quickly, turning me around to stare me in the eyes. “I wouldn’t tease you, Bliss. I know you, I wouldn’t suggest it anyways. I wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings by acting like a complete dick.”

“That’s always nice,” I muttered wrapping my arms around his waist, I leaned up and connected my lips against his. It was still surreal to kiss him, let alone touch him romantically. I felt like I was floating every time our lips met, when our tongues touched it was like heaven, when he ran his fingers through my hair it was like electric shocks through my body.
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