Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Break it up, this is school not your best friend’s basement,” I pulled away quickly, afraid we’d be in trouble but when I realized which teacher was getting on to us, I realized I just didn’t care. Mr. Lively glared at the both of us as he walked past to his classroom.

“Well that answered our question, he still works here,” Cole was back, which I hadn’t noticed and she was wrapped up in Matt’s arms, back again.

“Who gives a fuck,” I shrugged my shoulders and wrapped my arms around Brian’s neck again, I pulled him back down and pressed my lips against his once more. I just couldn’t get enough of him.

“Guys, you need to chill. I can’t get you out of sodomy with the cops, I only have pull around here,” Cole snapped and pulled us apart, Brian chuckled and licked his bottom lip. I blushed and glanced at Cole, then back at Brian. He winked and grabbed my hand, we all started walking towards our classes.

“After lunch, let’s go to my place,” Brian leaned in as we walked through the homeroom door, I smiled a little and nodded my head. Brian’s house was wildly favored over mine because his parents loved me and they bought me donuts constantly, my mother (the wicked witch) said that I didn’t need the calories so I was deprived. Brian’s step-mom, Suzy said that I needed more meat on my bones but she said that to everyone.

“I get donuts,” I happily clapped my hands together, the homeroom teacher, Mr. Stevens raised his eyebrows at me.

“Yes, you get donuts. Plus dad wants to talk to you,” he rolled his eyes and sat down roughly in his chair.

“Why does your father want to talk to me?” I asked softly, turning around quickly to catch his expression.

“I told him that we were dating,” Brian smiled nervously at me. “He wants to talk to you, that’s all he said.”

“You told your dad?” I grinned childishly and poked him in the cheek. “Aw, how cute.”

“I had too, he asked why I was so damn happy. I can’t lie to the man, he’s got a bullshit radar about a mile long,” he sighed and leaned his head on his forearm. “You didn’t tell your parents?”

“They were in bed when I got home and were at work when I got up,” I explained why I hadn’t boasted to my mother and step-father that I actually was capable of getting a boyfriend.

“Sucks for them,” he shrugged and reached out with his arm that his head was laying on. I grabbed it and he gave my fingers a squeeze. “They’ll be the last to know.”

“Their loss,” I grinned and turned back around in my seat, since the bell had rung.


“If I had my pick, my dream guy would be Johnny Depp, for sure,” Cole pointed at Vanessa, who had started the who is your dream guy conversation that got all us girl’s riled up and all the boys feeling emasculated.

“I think Brad Pitt in his younger years, when he did Interview with The Vampire,” Keran leaned on one palm as she thought it through. “Yeah, I’d never get out of bed…”

“Me either, girlfriend,” Rebecca reached across the table to high five Keran in agreement.

“I really like Robert Downey Jr,” I smiled to Cole, who made a ohh noise and nodded. “I’d never see you guys again.”

“Hey,” Brian jabbed me in the side, I chuckled and turned to him with a innocent smile. “Well, I’ve always been a fan of Jennifer Aniston.”

“Dude, Angelina Jolie,” Matt pointed at Brian, who shook his head.

“Nope, Aniston all the way. She’s gorgeous,” Brian disagreed.

“I was thinking more of Mila Kunis, she’s hot,” Zacky commented, making both guys agree with a chuckle and oh yeah.

“I think we should get off this subject,” Cole muttered, giving Matt a glare that would surely set him on fire if he was a lesser man.

After school, true to his word, Brian took me to his house. We barely got in the door when Suzy, Brian’s step mom had me in a full on Bear hug that I couldn’t get out of. “I’m so glad you two came to your senses and got together,” she greeted me in an unusual manner with her arms around my neck.

“Suzy, please,” I waved my arms like a flailing person drowning. Brian grabbed my sides and pulled me back, out of the hug. “You nearly killed me.”

“Sorry, Bliss,” she blushed and looked up at Brian, who looked exasperated and a little embarrassed by her overdramatic antics. “I’m sorry Brian. Your father is in the tool shed fixing the lawn mower.”

“Did you break it again?” I asked following him through the house, our destination set for his father who seemed to always be fixing the lawn mower.

“Purposely,” he mumbled and glanced down at me, he grinned when he noticed my silent laughter.

“Your unbelievable, your dad works so hard on that thing,” I shook my head and walked under his arm, out the back door.

“It gives him something to do besides nag at me for not doing my chores,” Brian’s logic made absolutely no sense but the way he explained it made me question my own sick and twisted logic.

“Papa B?” I called out, skipping ahead of Brian to his father who was under a lawn mower trying to fix whatever was wrong with it.

“Sugar plum,” he called out, climbing out from under the machine that Brian looked at with disgust. “I heard a little something about you.”

“What did you hear?” I grinned as he walked over wiping his hands on a grease rag.

“That you are dating my delinquent son,” he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we both turned to Brian. “Is that true?”

“I do believe so,” I crossed my arms over my chest and smirked at Brian. “What have you heard on the matter, Papa B?”

“That he’s in love, sugar plum,” his father looked down at me seriously. “I think he is telling the truth.”

“He’s not the only one, Papa B,” I glanced away from Brian senior to his son, Brian junior and gave him a loving smile. “I’m in love too.”

“Glad to head it, sugar plum,” he pecked the top of my head and turned to Brian. “Don’t screw this up, aright.”

“I love the faith you have in me, dad,” Brian gave his father a smile and a thumbs up before he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him to the house. “Well how’s it feel to be accepted as my girlfriend?”

“Like it did before I wasn’t,” I chuckled and wrapped my arm up in his. “I’m family, with or without us being a couple, always have and always will.”

“Damn straight, girlfriend,’ he said seriously, I couldn’t help it when the string of laughter bubbled out like contagious giggles.
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