Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Oh she did not just fuc--” Cole closed her mouth when someone else walked out of the bathroom. “Oh, morning Keran.”

“I heard that Zacky’s dating the witch,” Keran was our cousin and had the biggest crush on Zacky but he wouldn’t give her the time of day because she was a freshman and he wouldn’t date freshmen. “I pray you guys don’t have to murder her within the week.”

“You and me both,” I grimaced as I watched the brunette walk away, swishing her hips like she was on a catwalk. “Is it just me or does she seem like a major hooker?”

“Hooker,” both Keran and Cole mimicked me. I smiled at them both and shook my head. It was to early in the morning to deal with all the drama our boys had.

“I want to meet Johnny’s now,” I murmured after I did my business and walked up to the sink to wash my hands. Keran was fixing her skirt and Cole was redoing her hair in the other mirror. “Have you guys met her?”

“Johnny has a girlfriend?” Keran’s eyes widened for a moment and then she shrugged. “Who is it?”

“Jocelyn de Luc,” Cole turned around and followed us out of the bathroom. We ended up waiting on Keran to grab her books before we started back towards the guys.

“Ah yes, I have history with her,” Keran nodded her head slowly. “She’s very shy. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her talk.”

“We’ll get her talking,” Cole nodded and glanced at me, I mimicked it and we touched knuckles. That was our plan, we’d get her talking and make her our best friend.

“Okay so, now everyone has a girlfriend?” Keran asked shifting her books into one arm so she could pull her shirt down over her hip.

“Brian doesn’t and Jimmy is sort of dating Rebecca Redbird,” I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and squeezed through the crowd by one of the lockers.

“Right,” Keran smirked and glanced over at Cole, who started laughing so loud that people were actually stopping what they were doing to stare at her.

“Why are you laughing? Stop,” I covered her mouth with my hand to quiet her. She giggled a little and pulled my hand off her mouth.

“it’s an inside joke, never mind,” she shook it off and gave me a cheesy smile that made me nervous. I decided to ignore it since she wouldn’t ever tell me what the inside joke was anyways, so instead I started talking about the weekend, which consisted of Brian nursing me back to health by annoying me half to death.

“I heard something,” Keran bit her lip, thinking over whether she needed to say anything. I looked at her expectantly, so did Cole but she was more impatient than me.

“What the fuck did you hear?” Cole asked after a silent twenty seconds or so.

“Jesus, Cole,” Keran gave her a disappointed look before she took a deep breath. “I don’t know if its true but I heard that Trish Hilton and Brian are a thing now.”

“No,” I shook my head, not believing it got a minute. That was until we walked up to our first class, homeroom and Brian was out in the hallway talking to Trish, very closely. “I will kill her.”

“Whoa, calm down kujo,” Cole chuckled and patted me on the back. “We don’t get angry, sis. We get even. Pay attention and learn something.”

I followed behind her and Keran was following behind me. I was curious to see what she was going to do, I figured she’d say something but she didn’t have too. She bumped into Trish on the way to the door and sent her flying into the lockers. Cole smiled smugly as Brian bent down to help her up. I couldn’t help but be completely jealous but I knew he was just a nice guy, he was just trying to help her up. I also knew he’d be bitching us out when he came in the classroom. “We’re going to get yelled at,” I murmured trying not to smile but when she turned around and shrugged, I couldn’t help but let my smile shine. “I love you, you twisted bitch.”

“Your welcome,” she winked and took her seat beside Matt, I took the seat on the other side of her. I dreaded when Brian came in because he was behind me and no doubt he’d be whispering in my ear about how that was rude the whole homeroom, which was about thirty minutes long.

As soon as Brian walked in, his glare went to Cole, who flipped him off because the teacher hadn’t arrived yet and then it settled on me. I flinched under his anger because I truly hated him mad at me. “Really?” he whispered when he got in his seat, he was leaned up so far he actually touched my ear with his lips. “I understand you guys hate every girl I talk to because they seem preppy but you do realize I need to be happy too, right?”

“Yes,” I whispered leaning down in my seat, he always made me feel guilty even when I did nothing.

“You girls have no room to say she seems slutty or snooty or even rich bitches because you all look like them. Every one of you wear designer clothes and bright ass clothes that leave nothing to the imagination. What makes you hate them, what makes you hate her?” he was really angry and I didn’t quite understand it. I understood it to an extent but he basically called us slutty, snooty rich bitches.

“Fuck you,” I snapped and stood up. I grabbed my books and walked out of class before the teacher had time to get in there. Forget picture day. I was going home.

“Bliss!” I heard him yelling my name when I opened the front door and walked out. I didn’t turn around or stop like my heart was begging me too. I kept walking, even though I didn’t have a vehicle to get anywhere with. “Bliss stop. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Bliss!”

“You called me a slutty, snooty rich bitch, Brian,” I turned around and let the tears flow. “You’ve never hurt my feelings before. I don’t know how to feel, I don’t even want to see you right now.”

“I’m so sorry, B. I was angry because Cole pushed Trish into the lockers. I mean, we were just talking about our art project that we have due next week,” he grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look him in the eyes. “I overreacted and took it out on you. I don’t think your any of those things, I think your gorgeous with good taste in clothes and your not rich, your parents are.”

“You can’t take back the words when they’re spoken. It still hurts because you thought them about me,” I whispered looking down at my arms that were folded across my chest.

“What can I do to make you forgive me? I said them but I didn’t mean it,” he spoke softly like it hurt him. I shook my head and turned to walk away. “Bliss, please don’t walk off.”

“I guess you can buy my lunch,” I looked up at him after I picked a flower from the small flowerbed at the end of the steps and placed it behind my ear.

“I think I can handle that,” he gave me a smile and held his hand out, which I took. We walked back into class and received a dirty look from our teacher but he didn’t say anything because of me being Cole’s sister.
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