Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Are you okay?” Cole leaned over and whispered, I nodded my head and gave her a weak smile. “I’ll kick his ass if you want.”

“I’m okay, Cole,” I reassured her with a smile. I took a deep breath, glanced at the homeroom teacher and then back to her. I pointed forward and nodded my head, meaning for her to pay attention if I had too.

Two hours later we all stood in line in the gym, waiting for our turn to take our yearbook picture. I was helping Cole primp her hair just right and Keran was fixing mine. “What happened?” Cole asked after a few minutes, after she was done fluffing up her gorgeous golden mane.

“What do you mean?” I asked dumbly, turning to help Keran with her make up so she could hurry and run back to her freshman line.

“What happened?” Keran asked curiously, she looked at Cole and then back to me.

“Brian and Cole were arguing when we went into homeroom, she stormed off and they came back holding hands. You missed it,” Cole summed it up for Keran since she had different classes than us, being a freshman and all.

“Nothing much,” I muttered and received two very angry looks from both relatives standing in front of me. “Brian said some things that he didn’t mean because he was angry with you,” I looked at Cole. “And we talked it out. He’s going to buy my lunch as an apology.”

“What did he say?” Cole asked lowly, her eyes turned to stone and I knew not to say a word or Brian would probably have an accident and something would be broke.

“I can’t remember but I let him have a piece of my mind!” I turned to Cole and nodded my head frantically. She cracked a grin and shook her head, she found my immaturity to be extremely entertaining sometimes.

“If he says anything else that you so happen to have no memory of, let me know,” she gave me a pointed look before she stepped forward in the line. “We’re going to miss all of our classes because of this line.”

“I’m okay with that,” I muttered looking down the line, I seen a few people I knew, Jimmy seen me looking and jumped up and down waving his hand. Meekly I waved and stepped back in line, he always embarrassed me.

“I really can’t stand Marcy,” Cole muttered twenty minutes later, silence had kept us company as we impatiently waited for the line to move us closer to the beige backdrop, stool and camera set up in the middle of the basketball court.

“What is she doing now?” I asked looking around, curiously wanting to see if she was doing something I could embarrass her for.

“She’s not doing anything right now, I’m just saying, in general I can’t stand the bitch,” Cole sighed and shrugged her shoulders. She glanced down at me and grinned. “I have been thinking and it pisses me off the more I think about it that she’s taking Keran’s man.”

“To be fair to Zacky, he has made it clear that he doesn’t want to date her because she’s so young. He’s not leading her on,” I decided to stick up for Zacky, even though I didn’t want too. I wanted Keran and Zacky together, they made a perfect couple.

“I know that but between us girls, it just upsets me because I wouldn’t want to be in Keran’s place,” Cole rubbed the back of her neck as she took a glance across the gym at Keran, who was staring across from her. Cole and I both leaned forward and looked up the line and seen Zacky getting his picture taken. “She loves him. He completely ignores her. I feel bad for her.”

“I do too, I know how it feels to be completely ignored when you have feelings for someone,” I spoke without thinking. Cole glanced down and raised an eyebrow, I quickly realized what I had said and stammered over my words trying to get them out. “I mean, you know, I had the biggest crush on Evan before he turned into a total ass. You know that.”

“Right,” she smiled and nodded her head. Ten minutes later we had our picture taken and were exiting the gym with Keran beside us when we ran into the hot subject of the morning, Marcy Gregory. “Really?”

“Excuse me?” Marcy cocked her hip and leaned forward. “Did you say something to me?”

“Yes I was talking to you and no you don’t have an excuse,” Cole put her hands up, like she was defending herself from something attacking her. “I have to move, I feel like her slut is rubbing off on me.”

“Your just jealous,” Marcy smirked and tried to saunter away but unsuccessfully, she wasn’t able to because Keran tripped her.

“Oh I’m sorry,” Keran bent down and held a hand out. “Do you need help from falling off your pedestal, princess?”

“I knew there was a reason you were related to us,” Cole gave Keran the tightest hug I’d ever seen and Keran laughed until it turned into coughs. I smiled and shook my head, those two were just mean.

“I have to say, that was pretty good,” I held my hand up and high fived her.

“My picture is going to be shit,” Jimmy walked up from behind us and laid his arms over my shoulders and Cole’s. “I had to sneeze.”

“That’s perfect, Jimmy. You’ll look like an angry ogre, your children will absolutely love your yearbook picture,” I smiled up at Jimmy, who grimaced and laid his head on my head.

“Its okay. I’ll show them your picture and say at least daddy didn’t look like this little monster,” he commented and made me gasp. I playfully chased his lanky figure down the hallway but eventually I gave up since I was in heels.

“Loser,” I yelled out breathlessly. I was way out of shape. I couldn’t catch my breath. “Jesus, I need to run more.”

“Are you okay?” Brian walked up out of the crowd surrounding us. That crowd had been hell running through.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. I can’t say the same for Jimmy though, he may be severely injured by tomorrow morning,” I smirked a little as I pushed off the lockers I had leaned on and swung my arm around Brian’s shoulder.

“Your demented, all of you are. I seen what Keran did to Marcy,” Brian smirked as he slipped his arm around my waist and rested his hand on my hip.

“Twisted,” I corrected him with a wink. “Get it right.”

“I apologize. You all are twisted,” he laughed and leaned his head against mine. We walked half way around the school to get to our next class, history with the coolest teacher ever. Mr. Lively, he was hot too so it made it easier to listen to him. “Why don’t we ditch now?”

“Because I want to go to history,” I answered dryly. He always gave me hell about history, he liked embarrassing me about it.
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You guys should comment and give me ideas?