Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Why? It’d be so much easier to just ditch now,” he grinned as he spoke. I bit my lip and shook my head.

“Brian, your about to get hit by one of the twisted sisters up in this place,” I warned him as I pulled away from him. I walked ahead of him into the classroom. I smiled at Mr. Lively, who politely smiled back.

“Good morning, Miss Cunningham, Mr. Haner,” he nodded to Brian, who only grunted in acknowledgement. I rolled my eyes and dragged Brian to the middle row seats, I took the first one and he sat behind me.

“Don’t drool to much, Bliss,” Brian leaned forward and warned me with a chuckle. I ignored the shivers that ran up and down my spine from his breath hitting my ear or his lips touching the top of my ear.

Mr. Lively’s class lesson wasn’t nearly as interesting as watching him talk about it. He had a lisp, sort of. It only affected some of his words and it was just adorable. Cole looked back from the middle first seat and pretended to swoon, she loved to watch him just as much as I did. When the bell rang, I nearly groaned. I stood up and grabbed my books, waiting on Brian to grab his. “Miss Cunningham, would you mind staying after class for a few minutes. I need to talk to you,” Mr. Lively walked past my desk and addressed me. I nodded my head and glanced at Brian weakly, he didn’t look happy.

“Want me to stay with you?” he asked when Mr. Lively walked back to his desk. I shook my head and waved him to go on.

“Miss Cunningham, I’ve noticed that your grades are dropping,” Mr. Lively started as soon as the last student left. I felt my stomach drop when he started talking. Shit, I knew I should have started listening to what he said instead of just listening to his voice. I had retained nothing he spoke about. “You’re going to have to bring them up a little bit to pass my class, I don’t want to hold you back. If you need tutoring or help, all you have to do is ask me to help you out, I wouldn’t mind.”

“Thank you, Mr. Lively,” I smiled softly and nodded my head. “If I ever need help, you wouldn’t mind helping me?”

“Not at all,” he gave me a reassuring smile. “That’s all, you can go to your next class.”

“Thanks again,” I nodded and walked out the door, right into Brian’s side. “Whoa, eavesdropper.”

“I had to make sure he wasn’t propositioning you for sex,” he told me truthfully and in all seriousness, he didn’t even smile. “And that you weren’t agreeing.”

“Brian,” I smacked him in the stomach and gave him a glare. “That’s just rude. You know I wouldn’t do that. I think he’s beyond sexy in all aspects but I wouldn’t sleep with my teacher, he’d get fired.”

“I love how that is your only reason,” he smiled and shook his head.

“It’s the truth,” I gave him a snooty look. “Since I’m a slut and all.”

“Now Bliss,” he frowned and grabbed my arm, I turned to him and stared at him, acting completely confused. “I thought we were going to forget about this. I said I was sorry.”

“I’m just messing with you,” I bounced on my heels and jumped to kiss his cheek. “Lighten up, dumbass.”

“Hey,” he frowned and followed me down the hallway. “So, I’m supposed to tell you that we’re having a party at Johnny’s tomorrow night, if you wanna come.”

“Hells yeah,” I gave him a bright smile. “Any chance to see you guys drunk? Of course I’ll be there, its like the highlight of my life.”

“I’m glad we continue to make you happy with our drunk adventures,” Brian fluttered his eyelashes and bent down. “It makes me so thrilled to please you, queenie.”

“Whoa, rephrase that or I will so take that the wrong way,” Cole walked up and held her hands out at both Brian and I. “Never mind, I already did.”

“Why is it called a check if it’s the bill for the food you just ate?” Jimmy was beyond plastered, he had more than a dozen Budweiser’s in his system and he was in serious contemplation at the world’s woes.

“I don’t have a clue,” I muttered patting his knee, I went to stand but he pulled me back down. “Yes Jimmy?”

“Don’t leave me,” he pouted his bottom lip and laid his head on top of my head. “You’re my only friend right now, everyone else is just trying to get me drunk.”

“Sweetheart, your so far past drunk,” I reminded him quietly as I continued to pet his head, until I heard him snoring. I sat there for nearly ten minutes contemplating on which way would be easiest to get out from under him and not wake him at the same time and then I noticed Johnny walk by. “Johnny!”

“Hm?” he turned around and looked at me and then Jimmy. “Oh that’s funny.”

“Help me,” I whispered holding Jimmy up with my left hand. “I can’t move him by myself.”

“Okay,” he leaned down and helped me slip out from under him and lay him down across the couch. We straightened up and smiled at each other. “So how’s the parting going?”

“I think its going well, your parents are going to be pissed,” I commented looking around his living room. It was trashed in more ways than one.

“Oh well,” he shrugged his shoulders and watched as a few people used his staircase to side down on a tray, screaming as they went.

“Do you know where Brian is?” I asked shaking my head at the idiots that crashed into the wall across from the stairs.

“Last time I seen him, he was in the kitchen,” Johnny muttered unable to look away from the pile of people in his floor. “Oh, I want you to come meet someone.”

“Your girlfriend that I heard about?” I teased as he grabbed my hand and led me through his house to the back porch area. He led me to one of his swings where three girls were seated. Rebecca Redbird was on one end, Vanessa Limbs on the other and Jocelyn de Luc in the middle.

“Bliss, you know Rebecca and Vanessa,” he politely acknowledged the others, Rebecca smiled and Vanessa waved meekly. “Well this is my girlfriend, Joss. Joss this is my best friend, Bliss Cunningham.”

“Its nice to meet you, Bliss,” Jocelyn had the cutest French accent I had ever heard, I giggled and held my hand out.

“Its nice to meet you. I’m glad Johnny found a girl that’s good enough for him,” I smiled and looked lovingly at Johnny. “Good job, dork.”

“Thanks,” he rolled his eyes and sat down in Jocelyn’s lap, she giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist. I had a short conversation with them before I decided to excuse myself and go find Brian, I needed to take him home with me so his parents would find out he had gotten drunk, again.

“You seen Brian?” I stopped at Cole on the staircase, she was pressed against the wall with Matt in a liplock. I pulled them apart long enough to question Brian’s whereabouts.
♠ ♠ ♠

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Mr. Lively has been added into the character's information. Check-check-check it out.