Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“I haven’t see him,” Cole was red lipped and wide eyed.

“I seen him in the kitchen,” Matt nodded his head towards the kitchen, I nodded and turned around from them and walked into the kitchen. All I found in there was a bunch of freshmen doing keg stands. I turned around with a sigh and decided to check the living room before I looked upstairs. After finding more passed out people then awake people in the living room, I walked up the stairs and started opening doors. The first bedroom was empty, the second had a couple making out on the bed and the third bedroom was locked. I knocked on it and stepped back, waiting for the door to open.

“Fuck,” I heard someone grunt and then a couple bumps before the door was opened. I opened my mouth in pure shock, looking at Brian’s disheveled and half naked body. “Oh fuck, Bliss.”

“I’m going home,” I swallowed the lump in my throat and glanced behind him in the darkness of the room. I couldn’t make out who the girl was but I could see her figure in the bed. “You can stay here tonight.”

“Bliss,” he called out as I walked away as quickly as I could. I know it was stupid being severely hurt seeing him having a regular one night stand at a party with some chick but it would be ridiculous to say I wasn’t hurt, when you love someone like I refuse to admit I love him, every time you see that person wasting days away that they could be happy with someone else instead of you, its like a little part of you dies. Seeing him like that, seeing him hot and flustered made me jealous that I wasn’t the one causing it, it make me angry that he couldn’t see that I was completely in love with him.

“Bliss?” Cole called out as I ran past her and Matt down the stairs. “What the fuck?”

I didn’t sleep all night, I cried and I cried and I cried some more. I knew it was stupid, I knew he wasn’t a virgin, hell he was far from it but I had never walked in on him before, during or after he had sex. Seeing it was different than hearing about it, I could pretend he was lying just hearing him recount all his rendezvous but seeing it was reality. I despised reality because it really did make me realize that I wasn’t anything more than a friend, I would never be that girl that he shared the intimate details of his sexual life with. I would never be anything more than the girl wishing she was. When six o’clock rolled around, I was already dressed and heading out the front door. I had two hours to get to school so I walked and passed the time by idly chit chatting with people I passed on my way to school. Half way there, a horn shocked me out of a daze. I turned around out of instinct and found my teacher rolling up beside me. “Morning Mr. Lively,” I leaned into his window and gave him a smile.

“You need a ride to school, Bliss?” he questioned returning the smile.

“You know, that doesn’t sound bad,” I laughed and opened his passenger side door. I slid into the seat and pulled my seat belt around me. “You live around here?”

“One block over,” he replied quietly. “Do you walk every morning?”

“Not normally, I just didn’t have a ride this morning,” I answered even though it wasn’t the complete truth. Brian would probably be driving by to pick me up but I didn’t feel like having that awkward ride to school with him.

“You and Brian have a fight or something?” he chuckled looking over at me, I smiled and shook my head.

“Kind of, nothing big though,” I shrugged my shoulders and looked out the window at the passing scenery.

“Well I hope you two work it out, you’re the best couple I’ve seen in that hellhole,” he laughed softly. That’s why I adored Mr. Lively, besides how hot and cute his voice was, because he acted like the rest of us teenagers.

“We’re not a couple, Mr. Lively,” I corrected him softly, a frown on my lips as I turned away from the window. “We’re just friends.”

“Oh, I get it,” he smiled to himself. “I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries but if he doesn’t see what he could have, he’s either blind or stupid.”

I forced myself to look away and blush, I couldn’t thank him or speak because he had me wanting to giggle. It took me all I could muster to not jump him. When he parked his car in the teacher’s parking lot, I opened my door and stepped out. I looked over the hood of his car and smiled at him. “Thank you Mr. Lively.”

“When I’m not on the clock, its Sam,” he winked and shut his door. “And your very welcome, Bliss.”

I walked into school feeling superior to all the little girls that googly eyed him in history class, I wanted to strut around smiling but my happy mood vanished when I found Brian leaning against my locker with his eyes closed. I tried to tip toe around him and not wake him up but when I opened my locker door, his eyes popped open. “I came by to pick you up this morning,” he muttered and then yawned. He stood up and stretched his arms out. “How’d you get to school?”

“I walked,” I answered quickly and then just as quickly, out of spite, I added. “And then Mr. Lively picked me up and drove me to school.”

“Mr. Lively gave you a ride?” he asked dully as he followed me down the hallway. “Why didn’t you just wait and let me pick you up like always.”

“I didn’t want too, I wanted to walk,” I answered dryly, I didn’t want to talk to him. He had hurt my feelings and didn’t even know it.

“What did I do, Bliss?” he grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around swiftly, he caught me off guard and I almost lost my balance. “Is it because of last night?”

“No,” I shook my head and pulled away from him. “Nothing is wrong.”

“Yes there is, you’ve never been this cold to me,” he tried to keep me from walking off by grabbing my hands but I shrugged away from him and started walking again. “Bliss, talk to me.”

“I have to go see Cole,” I called back to him as I kept walking. When I spotted the whole group leaning against Brian’s row of lockers, I grabbed the blondes’ forearm and pulled her with me, she tried to protest but I kept walking. “I need to talk to you.”

“Is it about last night? What happened?” she asked on our way to the bathroom, we walked in and spotted two girls and waited until they left before we started talking. “Bliss, what happened?”

“Brian slept with someone last night and I walked in on it,” I told her quickly. I could see the fire behind her eyes light up her blue eyes. “Don’t do anything, please, Cole. I don’t want him to know I’m jealous. I just, I needed to talk to you.”

“I’m going to castrate that son of a bitch,” she muttered as she pulled me into her arms. “He’s such an idiot. I don’t know how he can be so dumb. He’s got the perfect girl waiting on him hand and foot and he still can’t see it.”

“I really love him,” I gave up and decided to say it out loud, I had never told Cole that before even though she knew it, everyone did except for Brian.

“Oh sweetie,” she whined rubbing my back soothingly. “Now I’m going to kill him, painfully.”

“No your not,” I whispered into her shoulder, I turned my head and stared at the mirror. “I’ll get over it in a day or so and it’ll be the same again. I’ll be his best friend that does anything for him and he’ll be my best friend that I can’t help but love. Its destiny.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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