Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Its bullshit,” she snapped and pulled away from me. “I think you should kick the girl he screwed’s ass and you should tell him that its either you or nothing at all.”

“I don’t want to lose him,” I told her quietly. “I’d rather pretend than not have him at all.”

“I think I understand,” she sighed as she petted me like a puppy. If it wasn’t for my sullen mood, I would have slapped her silly. “Just don’t let him keep hurting you, B.”

“I won’t,” I sighed and turned to the mirror. I fixed my hair and make up and walked out of the bathroom. “So, Mr. Lively gave me a ride to school.”

“No flipping way,” she stared at me wide eyed. She glared at Marcy as we past her and Zacky, Zacky rolled his eyes at our glares. “Fuck man. I think you should go after the hot teacher.”

“If he wouldn’t lose his job,” I muttered with a disappointed sigh. Cole chuckled and pushed me playfully. I stumbled over my feet and laughed at her. “Asshole.”

“Okay anyway, Matt and I are ditching after your boyfriend’s class, you wanna come?” Cole asked slyly, I grinned and wrapped an arm around her thin waist.

“Why of course my dear sister,” I answered her with a smile, knowing we’d be going to the mall. “As long as you share Matt and you don’t disappear with him in Victoria’s Secret again.”

“That was once,” she defended herself and ended up making me giggle. We walked into homeroom five minutes before the bell rang. I sat down in front of Brian and tried to ignore him. “Bliss,” he kept calling my name, I was really getting annoyed with him.

“What Brian?” I snapped leaning back so he could hear me.

“Why are you ignoring me?” he asked innocently, like he really had no clue. He wasn’t that stupid.

“We’ll talk about it later, Brian,” I told him sternly, I had no real intentions of telling him anything. I just wanted him to leave me alone for awhile.

“No, tell me what I did,” Brian was always stubborn, now was no exception.

“We’re at school, Brian,” I refused to talk about our problems in homeroom. “Not now, okay?”

“No, I want to know why your ignoring me, why you won’t answer me and why you wouldn’t even ride to school with me this morning,” Brian just kept at it, I felt like crying my eyes out. Okay, he really was that stupid.

I turned in my seat, not caring what anyone said. “Maybe you should think about it, use your brain,” I snapped and turned back around.

Three hours after the homeroom fiasco, we ditched to go to the mall. It was me, Matt, Cole and Keran. “Yeah, our queen B ripped his throat out,” Cole got done giving Keran the lowdown on what all happened this morning.

“Ugh, what an idiot,” Keran rolled her eyes and climbed out of the backseat of Matt’s car.

“I’m not worried about it anymore, I’m going to get him back,” I smiled at the girls, Matt tried to ignore me but my comment caught his attention.

“How?” Cole asked, genuinely interested in what I was meaning.

“I’m going to seduce Mr. Lively,” I grinned and felt the butterflies in my stomach tickle my insides.

“What?” Matt and Keran asked at the same time, they had matching what the fuck looks too. They were having a twins day, apparently.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Cole muttered, staring at me like I had lost my mind.

“I think it’s a great idea. He can’t stand Mr. Lively and I’ll be getting something I want out of it,” I explained my logic. I watched as my friends came to grips with it slowly. I guess it was easier once they thought about it, I had never had sex before so I wasn’t exactly considered a slut, this would be an experiment.

“How are you going about it?” Keran asked slowly, she was the first to accept it.

“Vanessa Abercrombie is having a party this weekend, I’m going to ask him to show up. If he doesn’t, I’ll ask for tutoring lessons,” I began to ramble off my plans, what I had of them anyway.

That whole week went by fast, Thursday I invited Mr. Lively to the party, he just smiled and watched me walk away so I’m guessing that’s a good sign. The night of the party was a rough one, I panicked over what I was going to wear for three hours before Cole came over and picked something out for me. She kept telling me that sleeping with our teacher was a bad idea. I knew that but I wanted to be reckless, I wanted to act like a teenager and be irresponsible, just once. I arrived at the party with Cole and Keran at ten thirty and we met up with the boys in the kitchen. “Its fucking packed,” Jimmy complained after he bumped into his thirtieth person while he tried to drink his beer.

“Chill out, don’t kick anyone’s ass yet,” I patted his shoulder and decided to leave the group, I was tired of Brian staring at me from across the room. Plus I had to go scout for Mr. Lively.

“Bliss,” I sighed hearing Brian say my name. I turned around and stared at him. “I miss you.”

“How can you miss me, I haven’t gone anywhere?” I wanted to admit that I missed him so much that I cried at night but I had to stay angry with him to do what I intended to do.

“I haven’t talked to you in four days,” he muttered walking closer. “I’m sorry about everything. I don’t want us to fight anymore. Trish and I were just a one night stand, nothing else.”

“Trish,” I scoffed. Of course it had been Trish. I don’t know why that pissed me off more but it did. “its fine, Brian. Go back to Trish.”

“B, don’t be like this. Your acting jealous,” Brian tried to grab my arm but I walked off, I had spotted who I was looking for, Mr. Lively.

“Sam,” I smiled as I touched his shoulder, he turned and smiled at me.

“Bliss, I thought I’d never find you in this,” he laughed softly as he looked around the house full of people.

“I can’t hear you,” I laughed and gave an apologetic look before I grabbed his wrist and pulled him through the crowd to the staircase. We ended up in the first bedroom in complete silence. “I’m glad you came.”

“Really?” he sat down on the bed and patted the edge side him. “I really shouldn’t have. I’m your teacher.”

“I won’t tell,” I teased sitting close to him.

“How old are you, Bliss?” he turned to me, I couldn’t help but study his features. He was Italian, it was obvious from his complexion and facial structure. He had the perfect bone structure, high cheekbones. He had hazel eyes and dyed bright red hair (what he told the class was him reverting to his teenage years) and his thin body frame. He was extremely handsome and being in his presence alone was nerve-wracking.
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Here's one I made, its pissy but it works; ohlala