Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


“Dodge has that taken care of,” Paige walked out of the kitchen smirking, she glanced at her wrist watch and sighed. “He’s late.”

“What’s he doing?” I asked as I followed her to the front door. She grabbed two of the four bags on the floor and hauled them on the front porch.

“He went to my step-mom’s church to beg them to rent out the church van to us for the weekend, since the church will be closed this Sunday due to renovations. He thinks its slightly ironic,” she shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the top step. “How are you feeling?”

“A lot better since you told me all that,” I chuckled and sat down beside her. “Man we’re going to burst into flames when we try to get in that van.”

“I don’t think they’ll let him-” Paige slowly drifted off as her eyes spotted the white, longer than two seated van rolling up the block. “I’ll be damned.”

“We all are,” I corrected her quickly and gave her a grin, she rolled her eyes and stood up.

“How in the hell did you manage that?” she called out as he opened the driver’s side door and stood up to lean on the roof of the van.

“I sweet talked her, it was like taking candy from a baby,” Dodge gave a wide grin and slapped the roof of the van. “Come on.”

“it’s in the eyes,” Paige quickly narrowed it down as she grabbed the bags, she slid the straps over her shoulders and leaned back down. “Because he couldn’t talk sex from a prostitute if he was in the dark.”

“You make a valid point but don’t bring that to his attention, you may deflate his ego,” I whispered walking towards the front door, I wanted to get Brian even though I would have much rathered leaving him there. “Brian, Dodge is back with the van. Its time to go.”

“Most of everyone is meeting at Matt’s, we have to pick up Keran and Vanessa on the way,” Brian told us once we were loaded up in the van. I took the seat in the far back, smiling at Paige from across the wide space.

“I feel as if I’m in a different continent,” I giggled and heard Dodge chuckle, Paige peaked her head from around the passenger seat headrest and giggled with me.

“We have to pick up my friend Kevin on the way,” Dodge informed everyone as he slowed the van down by Keran’s driveway, she was at the curb with her duffle bag sucking on a lollipop with her Ipod on blast. “Sup, Ker.”

“Hi Dodge!” she shouted loudly, laughed and pulled her ear buds out. “Sorry. Hi Dodge, hi Paige, hi Brian and hi best friend.”

“Come visit me in Russia,” I smiled widely and patted the seat beside me. I had claimed that the very back seat was Russia, because I felt so far off from everyone else.

“Oh, I’ve always wanted to visit Russia,” she threw her duffle bag at Brian and climbed over four rows of seats to fall into my lap. I laughed and helped her sit up straight. “Well that was my exercise of the day.”

“Camping,” I swayed back and forth in my seat, looking like a complete freak as I spoke like the creepy child from the Freddy Krueger movies.

“Freak,” she laughed and we talked some more, random stuff really because I didn’t want to tell her about my last night. Not yet at least, I wanted all of my girls together. Basically I needed to wait for Cole.

“Ker, Bliss?” Dodge called out our names and brought us out of our own world. We both looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to continue. “My friend Kevin is coming with us, I already told Bliss but I have to remind her along with you Keran. Kevin’s a fighter too but he still does it, so he’s pretty ripped-”

“Your pretty ripped, your point?” I asked looking from the back of his head to Paige, who rolled her eyes.

“He means he’s hot as hell, girls and he doesn’t want you both jumping his bones. Okay?” she elaborated, Dodge glanced over at her and tilted his head, looking at her like she had lost her mind. “What? I was just saying what you wouldn’t.”

“Okay,” he huffed out after a long minute. “Just don’t rape him, its his first time meeting you guys.”

“I feel offended that you think that little of me,” Keran put her open palm against her chest, feigning hurt. “I would never rape the man because he’s-”

“He’s what?” I turned to her, waiting for something to come out of her ajar jaw. I followed her eyes and groaned a little without even knowing it. “He’s so hot!”

“Bliss!” both Dodge and Brian got onto me, I gave them both evil looks and flipped them off quickly before the door opened.

“Hi,” Keran and I both greeted him. We turned to each other, smiled and turned back to him.

“Hi,” Kevin was huge, six foot one or taller but his whole body was muscle and not just a little of it. He was blondish with blue eyes, but that’s what I last caught. I was to busy staring at his raging muscles, wondering what he would look like shirtless.

“Please God tell me we’re going swimming?” I put my hands together quietly and prayed, Keran snorted at first and it soon broke into an all out hysterical laugh that had me laughing at her.

“I think they did some…drugs or…something?” Dodge sighed softly at his poor excuse, he did the whole man handshake thing as Kevin climbed into the van.

“Hey!” I called out to the fine piece of man that chose to sit far away from us. “Come back here. We need to get to know each other, I swear I’m not drugged up.”

“Me either, I’m giddy because I’m hung over,” Keran waved it off nonchalantly after she came up for air. She smiled at him and patted the back of the seat in front of us.

“I’m Bliss and this is Keran. I’m Dodge’s step-sister and this is my cousin,” I introduced us quickly, not wanting to seem rude or anything.

“I’m Kevin McDonald. I’ve heard a lot about you two,” he gave us polite smiles. I had to stifle a giggle, his smile was gorgeous and showed dimples.

“Hopefully good things,” I patted his arm, out of instinct and retracted it when I realized I was invading personal space. “Sorry. So, Dodge says that you’re a cage fighter like him?”

“I was when we were in the circuit together, I’m more of a WWE style these days,” he answered. I glanced over at Keran, who grinned.

“I think we’re going to be good friends,” I gave him a kind smile, trying to ignored the glare Brian was giving me from the front seat.
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